I made an update to add footsteps sounds. Here is version 2.1
https://www.mediafire.com/file/bv90rfeylfbyofe/Garnet_is_main_character_v.2-35-2-1-1728333441.7z/fileThis mod allow you to change Zidane for Garnet as the field main character.
https://www.mediafire.com/file/10illq7tkuxixhb/p0data7.bin/fileInstallationMake a backup of the original p0data7.bin file from your game's StreamingAssets folder in case you want to revert back later. Copy the p0data7.bin in your folder.
Things to fixGarnet have no riding chocobo animation on world map. I don’t know if I can fix this.
Some animations needs to be fixed.
For now I can’t remove Zidane completely from party.
Plans for future releaseFixing animations for the Dagger, the pickaxe, flame at beginning etc…
Get better animations for the theatre battle scene.
Adding the others summons and some white magic (full-life and holy) for Garnet.
Modify prison cage-garnet ennemy.
Remove zidane completely from battle.
Modify the script, keeping it the most canon possible.