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Messages - CyggdrasilGaming

Pages: [1]
7th Heaven / Re: download issue
« on: 2022-02-21 22:04:47 »
its a bandwith issue at the moment. ever since the 60fps mod went viral download speeds have went down drastically or became non-existent due to this. this happened before when Echo-S went viral and even more so years ago after ign posted a video on the ff7 pc mods right after we figured out how to convert the ff7 pc re-release to function like the 1998 ff7 pc so mods could work. we're not nexus but at least we have ways around the 7thheaven not allowing downloads to alt links.

Team Avalanche / Re: Team Avalanche Materia Addon
« on: 2022-02-19 02:21:01 »
thank you i was waiting for this for a long time :D ^^

edit: it must have a problem because in kimera, no materia is displayed with the materiat.tex texture. the byib.hrc displayed with materiag.tex texture, it should be materiat.tex i think. not tested in game yet.

if I'm not mistaken

ateb = yellow materia
aude = purple materia
awbe = red meteria
byib = keystone
ctbe = blue materia
dabf = green materia
gwib = seto tears
hjdc = black materia

byib is blue materia gwib is a alt green materia like ctbe is for a alt blue materia

i'm glad square remedied this issue in ff7 remake by not having two sets of green and blue materia

Team Avalanche / Team Avalanche Materia Addon
« on: 2022-02-18 19:29:09 »
This mod adds the missing materia files CTBE, HJDC, & GWIB





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