Final Fantasy 8 > FF8 Tools

[PSX/PC] Field editor - Deling (0.12.0b)

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--- Quote from: myst6re on 2024-06-01 15:24:52 ---Here:

--- End quote ---

Thank you ;)


--- Quote from: myst6re on 2024-06-01 15:24:52 ---Here:

--- End quote ---

I found a bug in your deling.

opcode CAL DIV actually is MOD, and MOD actually is DIV.

I compared several times to sure about that.

You're right, I'll push a fix


back then I used your Tool to heavily edit my game script for a few friends and now I'd like to revitalize it for a Remaster Run.
Is there a way for me to export my editded OG 2013 FF8 Script to the Remaster's Field.fs without doing it all by hand with your tool?

Hello, I'm trying to translate the game into Turkish, but I can't start because some characters are not available. Can someone write in detail how to add the Turkish letters ı, İ, ş, Ş, ğ, Ğ to the font file and which tools to use?
I changed some letters to Turkish letters in the Font manager section of the Deling programme. Then as sysfnt.tdw I exported it, but when I import it again, Turkish characters do not appear, I do not understand what to do. Do I need to edit the .tdw file with another programme?


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