Author Topic: Game Crash on Startup, Does Not Create Error Message  (Read 2110 times)


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So, after a bit of struggling but avoiding messing with any of the game files or mod configuration, I believe I've gotten a step back from where I was previously.  Starting FF7 with 7th Heaven would always require launching the game from 7th Heaven, waiting a few seconds, then hitting Enter on my numpad, causing a quick beep and the game starting up shortly after.  However, now the game closes after the beep, usually with no crash error message.  I did get one once, though, so I do have the contents of APP.LOG to show for it.

Code: [Select]
[00000000] INFO: FF7/FF8 OpenGL driver version 0.8.1b
[00000000] INFO: Auto-detected version: FF7 1.02 US English
[00000000] INFO: Intel Intel(R) HD Graphics 4600 4.3.0 - Build
[00000000] INFO: OpenGL 2.0 support detected
[00000000] INFO: Found swap_control extension
[00000000] INFO: Max texture size: 16384x16384
[00000000] INFO: Original resolution 640x480, window size 1366x768, output resolution 1024x768, internal resolution 3840x2160
[00000000] INFO: Shader limits: varying 64, vert uniform 4096, frag uniform 4096
[00000000] INFO: postprocessing program link log:
Fragment shader contains a user varying, but is linked without a vertex shader.
Out of resource error.

[00000000] : init_postprocessing failed, postprocessing will be disabled
[00000000] INFO: FFMpeg movie player plugin loaded
[00000000] INFO: FFMpeg version SVN-r25886, Copyright (c) 2000-2010 Fabrice Bellard, et al.
[00000000] INFO: VGMStream music plugin loaded
[00000000] INFO: Loading external library Multi.dll
[00000001] initializing sound...

Profile Details
Code: [Select]
Miscellaneous - Dynamic Cloud Weapons
ID: 5d6a46f7-b0b0-43b1-88cb-f54de763c5b1
Version: 2.0
CloudSword = 0
Sword = 0
Dynamic = 0
HQW = 0
Miscellaneous - Jessie Mod
ID: 1e2e93b2-5e26-4364-9b00-d316c618813b
Version: 2.0
jessie = 0
Miscellaneous - Team Avalanche Fields
ID: 72152e09-7b5c-4942-8465-afa154e20b08
Version: 2.0
field_ta = 1
Battle Models - Weapons
ID: fe92e17c-f60d-4cf5-9c79-889f93d1edcb
Version: 2.0
weapons_aerith = 3
weapons_caitsith = 1
weapons_cloud = 2
weapons_sephiroth = 1
weapons_yuffie = 1
Field Models - Objects
ID: 7f1274cf-3bf8-4ae6-a722-d2f374c902fc
Version: 2.0
huge_materia = 1
materia = 2
potions = 2
save_point = 2
ID: 653bb2b6-3999-4bb0-bc21-2ae299bb7b87
Version: 2.1
f_animation = 1
w_animation = 1
60fps = 1
fba = 0
fbn = 0
fed = 0
fs = 0
Battle Models - Characters
ID: 1917178d-5ef1-42e2-9c5c-58045588b3f4
Version: 2.0
models_aerith = 1
models_barret = 2
models_caitsith = 1
models_cid = 2
models_cloud = 4
models_redxiii = 3
models_sephiroth = 1
models_tifa = 3
models_vincent = 2
models_yuffie = 1
Battle Models - Enemies
ID: 267ef1d2-599c-4f4d-860c-b838f402c587
Version: 2.1
models_diamond = 1
models_frogs = 2
models_scorpion = 1
models_jenova = 1
models_joker = 1
models_life_form = 1
models_motorball = 1
models_ruby = 2
models_soldiers = 1
models_sweeper = 1
Battle Textures
ID: ad83c8b5-249d-41f9-84a4-cd35200da6af
Version: 2.0
battle_bg = 1
Field Models - Main Characters
ID: efe1b0ec-6ce3-43f7-9659-f1bc9d36f60c
Version: 2.0
models_aerith = 4
models_barret = 8
models_caitsith = 2
models_cid = 3
models_cloud = 6
models_redxiii = 4
models_sephiroth = 2
models_tifa = 5
models_vincent = 3
models_yuffie = 2
Field Models - Non-Player Characters
ID: d329bc05-3dc0-4f35-94aa-632986f47194
Version: 2.3
models_base = 2
models_biggs = 3
models_jessie = 3
models_wedge = 3
Field Textures - Part 1
ID: 5ee78f47-6a2d-4981-8be5-c9afa763b965
Version: 2.0
field_bg = 1
Field Textures - Part 2
ID: 63c6df8c-971a-47f0-aac5-da4290f36058
Version: 2.0
field_bg = 0
Gameplay - Difficulty and Story
ID: af709876-588e-4865-84e3-0ac0bd662fb2
Version: 2.2
gameplay = 0
Gameplay - Tweaks and Cheats
ID: 3dbdfa3b-d97f-4cfc-9db8-223dbe0152bc
Version: 2.1
ar = 1
cf = 0
dm = 1
isl = 1
i = 0
li = 0
lcs = 0
lt = 0
nrb = 0
spa = 0
sc = 0
sbo = 1
Media - Movies
ID: 4f61f4cf-6733-4503-93f4-ed7fdfee21a6
Version: 2.0
movie = 2
Media - Music and Sound
ID: 2bdd4a94-4b06-46ca-af0a-37b9dfef25aa
Version: 2.0
music = 9
sound = 1
Menu - Avatars and Backdrops
ID: aec06415-0f12-410b-ac43-f4e89e363729
Version: 2.1
avatars_aerith = 3
avatars_barret = 3
avatars_cait_sith = 3
avatars_chocobo = 3
avatars_cid = 3
avatars_cloud = 3
avatars_cloud_young = 3
avatars_red_xiii = 3
avatars_sephiroth = 3
avatars_tifa = 3
avatars_vincent = 3
avatars_yuffie = 3
game_over = 1
prelude = 1
start_menu = 5
Minigames - Chocobo Race
ID: ee718ab3-0aa5-43b2-b7bc-82c69fcd19d0
Version: 2.0
avatars = 1
chocobo = 1
cid = 1
cloud = 2
jockey_1 = 1
jockey_2 = 1
textures = 1
tifa = 1
Minigames - Coaster
ID: 46efb6be-a9ab-4a24-b705-7603aca31519
Version: 2.0
coaster = 1
Minigames - Fort Condor
ID: 45b14862-3d58-41dc-a9d8-bd1f878ccf38
Version: 2.0
fort_condor = 1
Minigames - Motorbike Chase
ID: 0e17da17-403b-4c59-ba05-69985c432368
Version: 2.0
models = 1
textures = 1
Minigames - Wonder Square
ID: e3c2e300-ce83-4ca4-8806-f6df1963b07f
Version: 2.0
wonder = 1
Spell Textures
ID: b97373a2-aa9f-40e3-9a3d-aeaa846391d4
Version: 2.1
magic = 1
coin = 12
limit = 2
The Reunion - Beacause and Menu Overhaul
ID: 3ee8d570-ac8b-471e-ad3f-53de21248652
Version: 2.1
beacause = 1
menu = 1
break = 0
hand = 1
nbb = 0
ncb = 0
World Models - Characters
ID: a5b9a2f3-c9e3-4cbb-947a-1489ebeeb921
Version: 2.1
cid_world = 3
cloud_world = 6
tifa_world = 5
World Models - Enemies
ID: 0d0cc481-4cc3-4e7e-9529-fa7077b38615
Version: 2.0
diamond = 2
emerald = 1
ruby = 1
ultima = 1
World Models - Vehicles
ID: 0e056cf4-7b37-49e1-aa9e-c57bc73db954
Version: 2.0
buggy = 1
chocobo = 1
highwind = 1
submarine = 1
tiny_bronco = 1
World Textures
ID: 35e0906d-7da4-4da2-b10d-87149d291a38
Version: 2.0
world_bg = 2

EDIT: Re-patching the game using the Game Converter fixed this issue.  Now it's back to the problem of crashing at the startup of battles.  See here:
« Last Edit: 2016-09-07 03:47:02 by Ralleign »