Here is a public build of Enhanced Stock UI by me and EQ2Alyza
The idea behind this mod is I wanted a high resolution mod based on the stock UI in the game, that had no other functionality attached to it other than modernising the UI, and also not needing a custom executable, so to have least complexity in using it.
Before I started on this Mod I knew very little about modifying the UI in the game, and having been able to look at Menu Overhaul I was able to figure out how to create something I liked.
Tools used for creating this mod were.
Cheat Engine for live hext editing to adjust alignments
makoureactor for extracting texture files from game, and
Omega for converting those texture files to images
Gimp for editing the UI asset files, and upressing them.
I also used some images from the older MO mod such as the menu font.
7th heaven for packaging the mod.
The mod makes the following changes to the stock game.
4x resolution for UI assets.
Adjustable high res materia and inventory items.
New icons for the battle arena reel.
New UI assets for boxes and battle headers.
Additional rows in inventory screen and command menu's.
Many alignment improvements over stock game.
Choice between R03 menu overhaul dialog box style and stock dialog.
Full screen rendering for battle UI
999 hour support on game timer display.
New in 2.0
Additional Battle Themes optimised to be able to view the barrier bars without hiding the menu.
Additional Minimalist Battle Theme for fans of the old Menu Overhaul project.
Better support for transparent avatars, and further alignment improvements.
Thanks to the following people.
EQ2Alyza for helping develop the mod, her beta testing of a MO build kick started this.
Beta testers LordUrQuan, unab0mb, Strife98 and Tsunamix
DLPB and Kramner for the Menu Overhaul project. As said above MO font assets are been used in this mod and a small part of the hext code is taken directly from MO.
Fewtch for the new logo and his Remake theme
To install, download the User Interface mod from the qhimm catalog and activate it.
It is also available as standalone in the MOTR catalog, this build has newer less tested code/features.
Or download the iro, and then import the iro into 7th heaven.
Use "ff7.exe", dont use ff7_mo or ff7_bc exe files, this is very important.
download link
Enhanced Stock UI-rel2download link legacy version - 28112019 update, no longer supported.
Old ESUIIn addition Fewtch has made a new theme for ESUI, based on the FF7 REMAKE. This should be placed "above" ESUI in 7h load order. Options are still to be configured in ESUI, but font, borders, and icons can be specified in the remake theme to override ESUI UI elements.
ESUI Remake ThemeAlso I have now released a controller addon for ESUI, works with the theme as well, this is designed with modularity in mind, and I am hoping gameplay authors adopt this and add controller icons in their mod's. I will assist if asked. This is based on the vanilla game text/scripts. Also is available in the MOTR catalog, and will very soon be an option in the qhimm catalog "User Interface" as well.
ESUI Controller AddonFAQ - in progress
1 - How do I add the buttons to my gameplay (flevel) mod.
See this file here, open it in a unicode editor to see the symbols, they canbe injected into makou reactor. I will post another method later.
Controller Characters2 - I have seen a few posters on discord which seem to have took issue on a design decision regarding the barriers. I will explain the decision made.
The UI I wanted was not to remove elements I considered important, people testing the mod prior to release agreed with me on this principle, the barriers especially on difficulty mods may be a tool that a player utilises, and been able to see the duration left on the barrier can be useful.
On the nbb theme where the barriers were moved to the far right, they have not increased UI pixel usage, as prior to moving them there the atb and time bars utilised that space, in addition the amount of space as a whole taken up by them is a tiny part of the UI, for a practical benefit, an older UI mod which was popular actually used up "more" room for its UI in that area. The bar background boxes were kept as the bars didnt look right without a background to them, they had poor visibility.
Any donations are appreciated, donate link below.
DonateImages below comparing stock to the mod so the difference can be seen.

Couple of images from the remake theme below