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Messages - Bonkers

Pages: [1]
Just a shot in the dark, would it be possible with this engine for example to replace the standard exploration scenes that are Pre-rendered 2D backdrops (With a 3D walk mesh) with an entirely real time rendered scene? With the direction FFVIIR is taking, the lack of a modern looking version of the original game has bothered me.

Think of what Diablo 2's recent re-release did by replacing the pre rendered graphics with real time ones.  We'd perhaps simply use the walkmesh as the basis for rebuilding the scene in 3D and match the original camera coordinates to keep the final look 1:1.
I don't know if this would end up speeding up or making it easier to try and match the original pre-rendered look in real time rather than having to try and recreate all of the images and then have to render them offline and cut them up to match the original engine.

WIP / Re: FF7 PSX HD Remake in Unity
« on: 2021-07-05 02:34:35 »
Best of luck to you on this! This is only what I wish SE had done with a true "Classic Mode" in FFVII R instead of the joke that it was in that game.

Team Avalanche / Re: Project Edge (Jusete's field scenes)
« on: 2021-07-05 00:16:54 »

Team Avalanche / Re: Project Edge (Jusete's field scenes)
« on: 2020-05-29 06:59:15 »
The lights coming from the Mako being pumped in are missing the shadows from the original as well. (Not just below, but above by the catwalk as well. Shadow cast on the piping)The lights themselves are more volumetric/fog like in the original too.

Still looks great!

Team Avalanche / Re: Project Edge (Jusete's field scenes)
« on: 2020-04-08 04:56:51 »
bonkers the driver has limits on size of textures can reliably load

I wasn't aware of the resolution limitations. Which suck on it's own. But i'm talking about the quality of the compression used in the game ready images. The packs are PNG images but some backgrounds like the recently shown ones above seem to baked into the game ready PNGs with heavy JPG compression before that happens, ex  Is this being compressed before it's baked into the tiled PNG used for the game? Or is the visible compression from the sources used for the textures when the BG was made?
Compared to Field Scene 526: nrthmk by Faulked which has basically no visible jpg compression artifacts in the final game ready PNGs.

Hence why I asked if maybe this was due to how the final image was rendered before it was converted to the final tiled format?

Excuse my ignorance if you may, the work done here is fantastic. Just hate to see it diminished by poor compression when it seems clearly it doesn't need to have it reducing the quality of the final work(If resolution is the only important limiting factor of the game driver).

Team Avalanche / Re: Project Edge (Jusete's field scenes)
« on: 2020-03-16 00:46:18 »
Just to know, to me looks like this, I play on 2k resolution. BTW thanks for last releases, always a joy to test your works in game ;)

Some pretty nasty looking JPG compression artifacts in the background image here in game.
Is there a reason why the backgrounds inserted into the game aren't based off lossless images? (Or at least level 12 JPG compression?) Seems pretty counter intuitive to make these backgrounds so high quality and then toss it in game with what seems like a lot of compression. (And lower resolution too?)

Looking back at the posted image (Which is a PNG)
Seems the compression artifacts visible are present here as well.
Are these being rendered by an online service for you once you complete them or something and it's coming from that?

Team Avalanche / Re: Project Edge (Jusete's field scenes)
« on: 2020-01-27 07:20:45 »
That looks fantastic. :)

Team Avalanche / Re: Project Edge (Jusete's field scenes)
« on: 2019-12-05 23:22:52 »
I realize that I said a huge bullshit...

The images contained in the files are not complete images, they are tiled images generated by the Palmer software to make them playable...
So I don't have a bigger resolution online. Did someone know a website where I can download big images ? has a 10MB limit has a 5MB limit

But also, in photoshop if you use level 12 quality JPGs usually it is almost indistinguishable from lossless and ends up saving quite a bit of space. Level 11 and 10 add a bit of visible compression but save more space.

This is a level 12 JPG, which was 10.7MB before compression
With level 12 compression it's cut in half to about 5.xMB
Here's a difference map between lossless and level 12 JPG basically none
VS Level 5 JPG

Team Avalanche / Re: Project Edge (Jusete's field scenes)
« on: 2019-12-04 06:58:18 »
Erm actually downloading the packs from the first image in the folder isn't a complete image. It's just a series of tiled images. (Which are in PNG format but obviously a lot of compression is still visible though.)

Team Avalanche / Re: Project Edge (Jusete's field scenes)
« on: 2019-12-04 06:43:34 »
Ah I see. Fantastic work. Keep it up :)

Team Avalanche / Re: Project Edge (Jusete's field scenes)
« on: 2019-12-03 07:51:00 »
Hello friends !

Kalm is totally finished !!

elmpb :

Download here :

elm :

Download here :

Sorry for the wait, but I didn't have much time and the elmpb screen had several bugs ! But now all is ok !

Enjoy !
Got a download to a PNG of one of these? The JPG compression is pretty harsh.

Team Avalanche / Re: Project Edge (Jusete's field scenes)
« on: 2019-11-01 23:14:16 »
Absolutely my thoughts. The details with the written text is something that I noticed first at viewing the picture of satsuki. I did not notice any of the anti aliasing problems. Better a readable text, than an anti aliasing problems solved. Just my two cents. hehe :D

For what it's worth the final scenes can be easily Anti Aliased if they are rendered in sufficiently high resolution and then downsample it to the desired final resolution.
Plus this is a JPEG upload of the render so there will be some compression.(Almost always a problem with flat shades of red, especially if there is subsampling. DXT compression murders solid shades of color as well. Making them look awful)

This specific example looks like the server rendering the image isn't actually rendering the image or the lights specifically in 4k x 4k. But rather slightly under and then upsampling (Which is where the aliasing more than likely comes from based on how the image looks and how those edges look with slight haloing). That or there's an issue with the rendering settings.

No one should have an issue with it as is anyway because no one is going to be playing the game at a resolution fully capable of displaying a 4096x4096 image for it to be that apparent.. And if they were, at that point it's more than good enough that the backgrounds have just been remade at all in a higher resolution than a portion of a 512 pixel height image in a 240 pixel view port.

Keeping the tile system used in the original game for this port. Just shows the continued utter incompetence and lack of care in Square Enix's treatment of the FF brand in re-releases of these great games.

I mean,FFS. This was ported and designed primarily for phones first. And there a billion different handsets with different display resolutions out there.  How do you not figure out, that scaling at non-integer factors with images entirely designed to be aligned tile by tile are going to have seams and other crap? Why would you not spend the time and effort to do it proper and convert all the images to a correct format with layers that will scale arbitrarily without much issue? Especially when it's a new port from the ground up.

If you guys can figure out a way to make this work, (And a way to mod the terrible mobile phone UI to one closer the original game) with the Steam version.
The flood gates could be opened to producing, like FFVII, the high quality backgrounds it deserves.

I found this comparison tonight that someone uploaded to Screenshotcomparison
Not a bad start at all.

Graphical / Re: At it again...
« on: 2016-10-13 08:42:51 »
I think this is an amazing idea.

I was actually thinking of doing something similar myself. But one step further.

Using the Waifu2x upscale as a basis, and then going over each image by hand (In Photoshop or another program with a tablet) to refine it to try and create the higher res backgrounds this game deserves.

Square Enix couldn't be bothered with the PS4 port (Which I could've been happy with, if they did. Instead of being stuck with the same old blurry shit with a bilinear upscale and the same translation) and they clearly don't care about those of us who wanted FFVII:R to be the same game.

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