Scripting and Reverse Engineering / [FF8] Angel wings
« on: 2016-12-04 20:10:06 »
Hi everyone!
Is there anyone who knows how to change the Angel wings status ? That's an horrible status for a hardcore mod. If you put Rinoa on this status with just Meteore in her magics spells, she can deal 9999 HPs damages on every hits with 255 on her magic stat. The best solution would be to decrease the multiplier, 5 in the vanilla, for 2 or 3.
Is there anyone who knows how to change the Angel wings status ? That's an horrible status for a hardcore mod. If you put Rinoa on this status with just Meteore in her magics spells, she can deal 9999 HPs damages on every hits with 255 on her magic stat. The best solution would be to decrease the multiplier, 5 in the vanilla, for 2 or 3.