ohh nicee, finally gameplay of your masterpiece mod is finally out

, now left is to enjoy your mod

i see, no wonder i could not find any of your ported sephiroth mod anywhere for pc, because not available public yet, nvm i could wait until your final version complete and finally ported to pc, then i can enjoy fully playing as the best and real sephiroth mod, not only on my android but also on pc together with hd mod

at first i thought the pictures here is the portrait u use for your new update sephiroth mod, but i were wrong , my bad xD its quite beautiful the portrait here. excited to see the new hd portrait u use in game lol
tbh, sephiroth by having his own stats and stats growth, own set of full initial equipment and materia is really good, since he is no more cloud already xD sephiroth ultimate weapon is his masamune right? or cloud ultima weapon but with different name and model?
the original sephiroth initial equips are masamune, gold armor and tough ring right? if just give your sephiroth start out with gold armor and tough ring without masamune, i wonder if its just fine not so op? his weapon will be the initial one like cloud's buster sword but different name and model.
also wish that sephiroth can have some nice initial materia like double cut, deathblow and counter materia. on pc we have yellow materia such as double cut/slash all, usable with the blue counter materia through mod, do u think on psx, we can have the same result too?
thanks again and have a great day mate