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Messages - Kimsiudog

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Releases / Re: FF7 Sephiroth mod and Zack mod with extras
« on: 2025-02-09 00:01:16 »
ah ok. nicoc i tested your sephiroth mod for pc, seems there are some animations are missing for sephiroth such as double cut, deathblow...etc. not sure slash all/flash or others have missing animation fix. could u fix all the missing animations for your sephiroth mod? thanks a lot and have a nice day ;)

Gameplay / Re: FF7 PSX MOD Sephirot Exp and other things
« on: 2025-01-31 08:46:19 »
is there a vincent replace sephiroth mod available, especially on pc? been looking for years but nothing

Releases / Re: FF7 PC Sephiroth replaced vincent mod
« on: 2025-01-30 08:29:18 »
up till now no one has done a full sephiroth, vincent swap mod yet? i dont understand why replaced cloud with sephiroth? better with vincent since both of them shares many things such as char slot, even their bone structures seems compatible and maybe sephiroth can use many of sephiroth animations, who knows?

its been more than 10 years already, but no one has done a sephiroth replaced vincent mod :cry:

hellow guys, wanna ask, if sephiroth make playable in this mod?

WIP / Re: Final Fantasy VII: Lifestream Edition
« on: 2025-01-18 13:19:32 »
hey greetings, such an amazing mod to play. enjoying so much, how good if we can have a fully playable sephiroth included in your mod, either replace vincent or cloud and can be used with hd model mod :D

keep up the great job axel ;) good luck

hi nico, can u share your fully completed sephiroth mod here? how i wish this can used with ninostyle model xD

sadly PierreJsn's sephiroth mod is incomplete, his field+battle model animation is lacking and no limit break to be a full functional char, how good if u or someone else willing to finished it so we can have full complete sephiroth mod to play lol :D

Releases / Re: FF7 Sephiroth mod and Zack mod with extras
« on: 2025-01-18 10:31:35 »
hello :) the sephiroth replace cloud mod by pierJsan, field + battle model animations are not complete, do u think u can make it fully functional and usable and have Jeet's sephiroth limit break to make a final and complete sephiroth mod for pc?

ohh i see, too bad then. i think if right now u are modding pc, it wont have this file size problem. i always felt that the final boss was too easy to kill, he hits quite hard but his hp is really low to be final boss, very easy kill, so everytime i faced him, i need to hold back, not using multi hits limit break such as cloud's omnislash, otherwise one limit break k.o. him right away lol :D

its really cool now to see sephiroth limit break lvl 4 as supernova, his true limit break. sadly he doesnt have octaslash limit break to be used as i really like octaslash because of its multi hits.

have a nice day ;)

your welcome, mate :) ohh nice sephiroth having more animations on field is soo good to see :D i was wondering if its possible to have sephiroth walking/running while wield his masamune on his hand? saw it in certain scenes(i think it was in kalm flashback), or maybe in some scenes, we can have sephiroth wielding his masamune on field ;D

i kinda like sephiroth's evil laugh lol, so charming and cool haha xD hope to see a lot of that in your last update :D

jeet, do u plan to change some text in game to fit sephiroth in game? like for example: in the train scene at beginning when barret called out cloud "get your spiky head over here" or something? or u plan to just ignore it? just asking xD

forgot to ask u, the weapons boss in game, is it more harder than vanilla or stay the same? what i know is final boss safer sephiroth is more easier to deal than weapon boss, did u give final boss more hp to deal with? before when playing the vanilla version, he is too easy to beat, low hp, just one omnislash, he is either k.o. or almost dead, so feel boring about this final boss

ohh i see, u name sephiroth and vincent, both sefiros and vinsent on purpose, i thought at first its because of size limit, my bad xD never played before japanese version of the game so did not know, but i kinda liked their new name ;D will get used to it soon hehe.

have a nice day ;)

hii again :) thats nice to have all real katana sword for sephiroth xD if cloud's ultima weapon is changed to masamune, what about sephiroth original masamune? too long time i did not played your older version of sephiroth mod already since i completed it few times long ago haha ;D

yeah mate, i know modding psx takes super long time because especially for field model unlike on pc, thats the difference between them. its ok i already waited long time for your this new version so the final one, no problem waiting at all. for the meantime, i just enjoy truly your this new version first ;)

hope your next version is the final and most complete sephiroth mod. sadly is that only the field text and the character behaviour on field can't be adjusted to fit sephiroth, because it will be very tedious work right? this part only still will be cloud but nvm since other part is fully sephiroth already on field and battle.

i wonder how come sephiroth name in game is sefiros and not sephiroth? is it because of the size limit or? also vincent is vinsent

i am very satisfy with your adjustment for the game difficulty, in some battle, when i am not careful, i actually game over few times lol haha, not from boss fight but normal fight ??? before game was too easy but now is really challenging, nice revamp :)

have a nice day :)

ohh nicee, finally gameplay of your masterpiece mod is finally out ;D, now left is to enjoy your mod ;)

i see, no wonder i could not find any of your ported sephiroth mod anywhere for pc, because not available public yet, nvm i could wait until your final version complete and finally ported to pc, then i can enjoy fully playing as the best and real sephiroth mod, not only on my android but also on pc together with hd mod :D

at first i thought the pictures here is the portrait u use for your new update sephiroth mod, but i were wrong , my bad xD its quite beautiful the portrait here. excited to see the new hd portrait u use in game lol

tbh, sephiroth by having his own stats and stats growth, own set of full initial equipment and materia is really good, since he is no more cloud already xD sephiroth ultimate weapon is his masamune right? or cloud ultima weapon but with different name and model?
the original sephiroth initial equips are masamune, gold armor and tough ring right? if just give your sephiroth start out with gold armor and tough ring without masamune, i wonder if its just fine not so op? his weapon will be the initial one like cloud's buster sword but different name and model.

also wish that sephiroth can have some nice initial materia like double cut, deathblow and counter materia. on pc we have yellow materia such as double cut/slash all, usable with the blue counter materia through mod, do u think on psx, we can have the same result too?

thanks again and have a great day mate ;)

did he ported many things of your mod already? weird..i could not find any of your ported mod here, or maybe i missed out anywhere? ;D ;D

the portrait pic u upload here, is the one u used right for your sephiroth mod? looks very beautiful and cool portrait, love them so much :)
yeah i am certainly sure everything is possible and donable in the future, just takes time, i will patiently wait for that time to come when i am able to play your masterpiece mod on pc along with the hd mod :)

jeet, mind i ask and request a bit for your sephiroth mod for the next update? since right now we are playing as the real sephiroth and no more cloud right? do u think u can give sephiroth better and higher base stat for hp, mp and other stats, maybe also for his stat growth that fits sephiroth? so it wont be sephiroth using cloud stats and such, also maybe can give sephiroth some good materia at start like counter and deathblow or just double cut materia?

thanks again and have a good day mate :) will enjoy your new update sephiroth mod when its out later ;)

yeah mate, i can fully understand that u only mod psx game, not for pc, but its better than none tbh, before in the past, i thought we could have a full playable final sephiroth mod exclusive for pc version by GF-San, but who knows he either abandoned the project or something else, if not already years passed by, by now we have both the best sephiroth mod for psx and pc already to enjoy ;Dsadly xD

hopefully maybe someone will help u port your entire sephiroth mod to pc someday and made it compatible with ninostyle field+battle mod later on, so u dont have to be tiring doing the job, right?

i saw one ninostyle sephiroth mod for pc on nexus mod, but sadly the author said the model is too much work like giving and fixing all the animation for sephiroth and sephiroth limit break, breaks the model i guess, so that sephiroth model is kinda incomplete, too bad xD

have a nice day mate ;)

can't wait for your this masterpiece comes out lol :D very awesome mod, i can say. how good in future we can have sephiroth, dyane and zack together in party, my dream team and only request for your sephiroth mod.

is it possible to have better and higher quality character model for field and battle? was hoping this mod will come for pc version too one day so i am able to play your masterpiece mod together with ninostyle field + battle model and hd field texture together ;D

hope your mod will eventually available for pc too, so we can have a hd model for sephiroth on field, world map and in battle too. i really love ever crisis model, sadly no one make the ever crisis model, at least for sephiroth lol

good luck on the testing and wish u all the best, mate ;)

very awesome mod, graz jeet :)

WIP / Re: Final Fantasy VII Play as the Shinra Project.
« on: 2024-12-30 11:29:10 »
is sephiroth in there too?

Team Avalanche / Re: Project Edge (Jusete's field scenes)
« on: 2024-12-27 15:45:20 »
how is this project going on? i dont think this field texture mod is fully complete right?

hey cosmo, such an amazing job u have done, thanks a lot ;)  can u add optional fmv for ninostyle chibi/non chibi zack and sephiroth mod by pierreJsn?

Releases / FF7 PC Sephiroth replaced vincent mod
« on: 2023-07-22 09:30:59 »
hi there guys. i have been looking for a full sephiroth replaces vincent mod, is there one out there? sephiroth with vincents all animation full playable

ohh i see...thanks a lot guys :) finally im able to load the game with my ff7.exe changes now.

hello guys, does anyone having an issue when you modified the ff7.exe app and when run the game with mods on 7th heaven and anything you modified does not take effect in game, it backs to original unmodified state. so i wonder how to get the modified data works with other mods running on 7th heaven? any help would be appriciate, thanks.

but how to? it always create a ff7.exe of the old pc game

hi. can i ask a bit of ff7 nx driver?

i downloaded the lastest ffnx driver to use because im not planning to use 7thheaven. 7th heaven only reconigze the old pc ff7.exe app as im playing with 2012 steam of the game.

i downloaded it and throw into my ff7 game folder, adjust my window size and it works but weirdly is the mod is not working at all. i create a folder 'mods/textures' and download the iro file, then unpack it and throw into the textures folder, i even create subfolder name follow like the name in the data folder such as char, battle and so on, but none seems working. im unsure how to make it work so hope u could help me.

i know now the latest 7th heaven also include ffnx in it but still prefer only ffnx use with my ff7 steam only. lazy to mount and unmount the ff7 disk and also i cant use the ff7 editor to modify cait sith/vincent initial data since it only supports ff7 steam not the old pc one

this is really excited, can't wait till you released this all in one mod pack :)

FF7 Tools / Re: [PC] Text editor - touphScript (v1.4.0)
« on: 2021-02-07 00:36:06 »
thanks a lot, ori for the link :) well i have v1.83 makou reactor and loveless 2.5 to do the text box resizing as certain text box can't be resize on makou reactor v1.83 not sure about the newest one as i did not use the latest vers. i wanted to download BoxFF7 and try it but the download link is already down, but thanks a lot to you for the new link, i am able to use BoxFF7 tool now. i will make sure to follow your advice on that, so thanks again ;)

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