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Messages - Sebanisu

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FF8 Tools / Re: [PSX/PC] Field editor - Deling (0.12.0b)
« on: 2025-02-10 01:59:13 »
Do I need to edit the .tdw file with another programme?

I think depending on the version of the game. The .tdw doesn't do as much. I believe it's mostly storing the font character widths that are like scaled up to what ever texture your using. And there is another texture at higher resolution a .tex file that is what is drawn to the screen. I'm not sure the remaster uses the .tdw at all anymore.

This video kinda gives you some tips.

Easiest way is to extract all the main.zz into a folder change the file you want then put that folder into a new main.zzz file.

Also the fields with 3d overlap have camera info for each frame. Though there is also the cam file.

Sent from my Pixel XL using Tapatalk

FF8 Tools / Re: [PC] Enemy editor - IFRIT (0.11)
« on: 2020-01-08 13:23:03 »
Sorry about the delay. I posted that when I was at work and kinda slipped my mind. This will be the first project I do this morning.


I can add more columns if you need. What ever data we've already parsed in openviii can be dumped.

Update 2:
added double quotes around the name of attacks for 1,000 needles and 10,000 needles. They were making their own column for 000 heh.

I just dumped the walkmesh into OpenVIII last night. Today I will try the camera. I'll let ya know if I learn something new.

FF8 Tools / Re: [PC] Enemy editor - IFRIT (0.11)
« on: 2020-01-03 20:22:56 »
I might be able to when I get time. To generate one.

Sent from my Pixel XL using Tapatalk

The zzz limits us. It's one of the reasons Maki started the project. People wanted to go over the size limit. And it slowed down testing mods to have to jump through another hoop. Though I coulda improved my tool. Maki was working on this so it's be kinda like wasted effort.

FF8 Tools / Re: [PC] Enemy editor - IFRIT (0.11)
« on: 2019-12-29 11:55:58 »
Someone can upload the IfritAIbeta version again please?
I asked for it on Discord and Leyhalknight posted it.

I'm wondering if someone could post to github so we can colab on bug fixes. I was looking at the code in dotPeak. Wanted to try to fix the AI bug when I got time. Sega Chief said you'd need to use a hex editor to correct the opcodes to 4 bytes.(or something like that, I'm new to looking into this part) Though I wasn't sure if, I used the disassembly to make code, I can compile in visual studio. I could post that or put it on github. As the dev might not want that. :P Though it's C# and you can get pretty good code from decompilers.

draw is possible if your score is the same. I think you actually have to take over a curtain number of cards. like when you start you start at a score of 5 v 5. when you flip one you go up to 6 and they go down to 4. something like that.

1) i'm unsure from what i gather from MCINDUS the game only loads 2 columns of card faces at a time. So it'll cycle through things till everything needed drawn is drawn I guess.
2) All I need to do is find the different EXE data offsets for the 2000 version. The data should be similar so i could load both the exe's up and search for the same data and note the offsets.
I wonder if the 1.2 patch will change the offsets too as the 2000 version without a patch might be different enough to move stuff. My code does a pretty good job a detecting if data is not a TIM file. So if unsure of I could test a few offsets to confirm which set is valid. I need to copy my files off my cd again. As I lost my hard drive I had that on.

Atleast in the remaster I don't need to do this as the files are already dumped by dotEmu.

At location 0x7A9B10 in FF8_EN.exe 2013 steam version. Is the TIM file for Card Faces.

I was confused about the TIM data for the Card Faces. As I seemed to be missing half the cards. Turns out the CLUT is a bit unique. The CLUT Width is 256 and Height is 56. Usually this means there are 256 colors and 56 palettes. But turns out there are 110 palettes of 128 colors and 1 palette of 256 colors. So the game is taking the left half and right half of the cult and swapping between them for all the cards. The card image data has like 4 rows by 28 columns of cards. The odd columns would use the left side of the CLUT and the even columns would use the right side of the CLUT. The card back uses the most colors so it uses both sides.

Just wanted to share. Trying to prep OpenVIII for some card game coding.
CLUT data:

After writing some code to combine all the card faces with the correct palettes into one image:

At location 0x796A90 in FF8_EN.exe 2013 steam version. Is the TIM file for Symbols & Numbers.
This one had it's CLUT divided into 16 rows x 3 cols of 16 color palettes. Total of 48 palettes. Though a majority of them were empty. I did a break down:       
Code: [Select]
            3 pages, 256x256; inside () is palette id +1.
            page 1 = 5 rows. first 3 rows are 16x16 grid, last 2 rows are a 24x24 grid
                      row 1 has 11 hex numbers: 0-A (1)
                      row 2 4 of 4 frame animations: fire(4), ice(7), lightning(10), earth(13)
                      row 3 4 of 4 frame animations: poison(16), wind(19), water(22), holy(25)
                     row 4 has 9 numbers: 0-9 (28)
                      row 5 has 2 items: +1, -1 (31 or 34)
            page 2 = 3 rows of 256x48: You Win!(2), You Lose...(5), Draw(8)
            page 3 = 3 rows of 256x64: Same!(9), Plus!(6), Combo!(9)
Seems CLUT column 1 was for everything on the left page. CLUT column 2 was for the center page and CLUT  column 3 was for the right. Every subgroup has its own palette.

After writing some code to combine all the pieces with the correct palettes into one image:

Update: I noticed timviewer was overriding the color's per clut to 16 for 4 bpp tims. So I added some code to do that. So I no longer need to force it for the Symbols and Numbers. This guy figured it out a while ago :P

On discord Maki has been posting progress reports on his mod that enables mods on remaster. Hopefully early 2020 he'll have a release ready. MCINDUS has been getting some of his filenames reorganized/renamed. So they will hopefully be ready to go in the remaster, when Maki is done. :D

any value less than animation count is queued up and it plays one at a time and what ever is last is looped. Till i support the other codes. I might need to make an editor to help speed up testing values in real game.

Sent from my Pixel XL using Tapatalk

I had rigged up a player of the sequences in openviii. Though it's very basic rn. It just attempts to filter out the values that cannot be animations and queues up the rest. Though it looks kinda messed up as some of those values aren't animations either. :P

I wrote a small app to dump the sequences to xml and csv. I left hex for the xml dump but had values in integer format for csv because excel isn't the best with hex values.

I uploaded them to google drive because it was too large for pastebin.

You could edit the first topic to change the title from section 6 to section 5 :P

I know the sequences are linked to enemy abilities right per ifrit. But, how are the player's actions linked to the sequences? I poked about the battle commands in the kernel. But nothing was sticking out.

I wonder if there are more custom sequences somewhere else. Considering for curtain bosses squall does custom attacks for them And the characters each only have 30 sequences. Maybe the custom animations are in another section of the boss's dat file.

I've found that the code used for animation repeating:
Code: [Select]
C1 1E E5 7F 28 C3 7F C5 FF E5 7F E7 F9

Where the second byte (1E) stands for how many times the corresponding animation being replayed and the (28) stands for the animation number from section 3 in Hex. The 8 byte used after the animation stops the sequence code until the animation repeated for the given times.
I'll add that to the list. I'm gonna try to make a Queue of Actions. To do whatever is in the sequence in the correct order.
For sounds effect:
Code: [Select]
B5 00 00
always 3 byte where the second byte stands for the linked sound (number)? for the enemy files (for example if you replace 2 dat files their attacking sound effects remain the same)
Probably referring to section 9. From what i've read on AKAO tells what sound and how they want it played. Though the only documation I saw was from ff7 Unsure how similar ff8 is.

Code: [Select]
BS_DEBUG: Loading stage a0stg006.x
BS_DEBUG/ENC: Encounter: 0 cEnemies: 128 Enemies: 71
DEBUG: Creating new BattleDat with 1,Character,4
0 0: 0
DEBUG: Creating new BattleDat with 1,Weapon,7

 d1w007 - 38 animations, 30 segments
0(782) - {Special}c3 0b e5 7f c1 02 cb 7f ea 05 0f e6 10 {Special}c3 0b e5 7f c1 03 cb 7f ea 06 0e 0f e6 02 {End}a3 {Anim}00 e6 ff    (31 length)
1(7a1) - {Special}c3 0b e5 7f c1 02 cb 7f ea 04 e6 10 {Special}c3 0b e5 7f c1 03 cb 7f ea 05 0e e6 03 0c {End}a3 {Anim}01 e6 ff    (30 length)
2(7bf) - {Special}c3 0b e5 7f c1 02 cb 7f ea 05 0d e6 10 {Special}c3 0b e5 7f c1 03 cb 7f ea 04 e6 04 0c 0d {End}a3 {Anim}be 00 bd 00 01 02 e6 ff    (36 length)
19(7e3) - {Visibility}a8 {Hide}02 09 c1 00 e5 0f {Return}a2    (8 length)
14(7eb) - {Effect}bb 08 c0 aa fd e5 0f 17 18 {Loop}a0 {Anim}18 {Special}c3 08 d5 10 e5 7f c1 00 cb 7f e9 0c {Special}c3 08 dd 10 e5 08 e6 07 e6 02 a1 e6 e7 {Loop}a0 {Anim}19 b9 0a b8 1a 00 {Special}c3 08 d9 20 e5 08 {Special}c3 08 d9 08 e5 08 a1 {Loop}a0 {Anim}1a {Special}c3 08 d4 00 02 e5 7f c1 00 cb 7f e9 0d {Special}c3 08 dc 00 02 e5 08 e6 07 e6 02 a1 e6 e5 1b 09 c1 00 e5 0f {Return}a2    (92 length)
29(847) - {Effect}bb 10 {Aura}a5 {Magic}00 {Loop}a0 {Anim}04 {Special}c3 08 d5 10 e5 7f c1 00 cb 7f e9 0c {Special}c3 08 dd 10 e5 08 e6 07 e6 02 a1 e6 e7 {Special}c3 08 d9 20 e5 08 {Loop}a0 {Anim}04 {Special}c3 08 d4 00 02 e5 7f c1 00 cb 7f e9 0d {Special}c3 08 dc 00 02 e5 08 e6 07 e6 02 a1 e6 e5 11 {Return}a2    (68 length)
9(88b) - {Effect}bb 08 c0 aa fd e5 0f 09 c1 00 e5 0f {Return}a2    (13 length)
18(898) - {Special}c3 08 d8 00 01 e5 08 {Special}c3 0b e5 7f c1 02 cb 7f ea 05 0b e6 11 {Special}c3 0b e5 7f c1 1d cb 7f ea 06 11 0a e6 03 0a {End}a3 {Anim}03 e6 ff    (39 length)
15(8bf) - {End}a3 {Anim}1f e6 ff    (4 length)
16(8c3) - {Visibility}a8 {Show}03 c1 0f e5 7f {Loop}a0 {Anim}1f {Special}c3 0f c4 2c 01 e5 0f a1 {Special}c3 7f c5 ff e5 7f e7 f0 a9 e6 ff    (27 length)
21(8de) - c1 0f e5 7f {Loop}a0 {Anim}04 a1 {Special}c3 7f c5 ff e5 7f e7 f7 95 {Return}a2    (17 length)
26(8ef) - {Loop}a0 {Anim}04 {Special}c3 08 d4 00 02 e5 7f c1 00 cb 7f e9 0d {Special}c3 08 dc 00 02 e5 08 e6 07 e6 02 a1 e6 e5 {Return}a2    (30 length)
22(90d) - {Effect}bb 10 {Loop}a0 {Anim}04 {Special}c3 08 d5 10 e5 7f c1 00 cb 7f e9 0c {Special}c3 08 dd 10 e5 08 e6 07 e6 02 a1 e6 e7 {Special}c3 08 d9 20 e5 08 {Special}c3 08 d9 08 e5 08 a1 a7 1d    (44 length)
28(939) - {End}a3 {Anim}04 e6 ff    (4 length)
25(93d) - 1f e6 ff    (3 length)
8(940) - c0 f4 01 e5 0f c1 0f e5 7f {Loop}a0 {Anim}03 a1 {Special}c3 7f c5 ff e5 7f e7 f7 c1 00 e5 0f {Return}a2    (25 length)
7(959) - {Visibility}a8 01 be 01 {Special}c3 22 e5 7f c1 01 cb 7f ea 06 ac 00 e6 02 {Special}c3 1f d5 1c e5 7f c1 00 cb 7f ea 11 {Special}c3 0b e5 7f c1 01 cb 7f ea 05 00 e6 02 e6 02 ac 00    (47 length)
3(988) - {Special}c3 08 d8 00 01 e5 08 05 {Return}a2    (9 length)
4(991) - {Special}c3 08 d8 00 01 e5 08 06 {Return}a2    (9 length)
5(99a) - 07 {Return}a2    (2 length)
23(99c) - {Special}c3 11 c4 90 01 e5 ff c1 00 cb ff e5 02 {Effect}bb {Aura}a5 {Magic}00 1c 1d {Loop}a0 {Anim}1d {Special}c3 08 d5 10 e5 7f c1 00 cb 7f e9 0c {Special}c3 08 dd 10 e5 08 e6 07 e6 02 a1 e6 e7 {Special}c3 08 d9 20 e5 08 {Special}c3 17 c4 00 08 e5 17 c1 0f e5 7f {Loop}a0 {Anim}1f c1 00 cb 02 e5 ff c1 10 cb 7f e5 fe {Special}c3 ff cf fe e5 fd {Special}c3 fd d1 0f e5 0f a1 {Special}c3 7f c5 ff e5 7f e7 df c1 00 cb 0f e5 0f {Special}c3 17 c8 00 08 e5 17 c1 05 e5 7f {Loop}a0 {Anim}04 a1 {Special}c3 7f c5 ff e5 7f e7 f7 c1 00 e5 0f {Return}a2    (130 length)
17(a1e) - 9f 07 0c 1d 1f ff {TextREF}1e e6 ff    (9 length)
10(a27) - 9f 11 29 ff {Effect}bb 08 c0 aa fd e5 0f {Aura}a5 {Magic}00 12 13 {Loop}a0 {Anim}13 {Special}c3 08 d5 10 e5 7f c1 00 cb 7f e9 0c {Special}c3 08 dd 10 e5 08 e6 07 e6 02 a1 e6 e7 {Loop}a0 {Anim}14 b9 0c {Special}c3 08 d9 20 e5 08 b9 01 {Loop}a0 {Anim}15 {Special}c3 08 d4 00 02 e5 7f c1 00 cb 7f e9 0d {Special}c3 08 dc 00 02 e5 08 e6 07 e6 02 a1 e6 e5 16 09 c1 00 e5 0f {Return}a2    (90 length)
13(a81) - 9f 11 29 ff {Effect}bb 08 c0 aa fd e5 0f {Aura}a5 {GF}01 12 13 {Loop}a0 {Anim}13 {Special}c3 08 d5 10 e5 7f c1 00 cb 7f e9 0c {Special}c3 08 dd 10 e5 08 e6 07 e6 02 a1 e6 e7 {Visibility}a8 {Show}03 {Loop}a0 {Anim}14 b9 05 b8 18 00 b8 19 00 {Special}c3 08 d9 08 e5 08 a1 15 e6 ff    (64 length)
20(ac1) - 9f 12 1a ff {Effect}bb {Aura}a5 {Limit}02 1c 1d {Loop}a0 {Anim}1d {Special}c3 08 d5 10 e5 7f c1 00 cb 7f e9 0c {Special}c3 08 dd 10 e5 08 e6 07 e6 02 a1 e6 e7 {Special}c3 08 d9 20 e5 08 {Loop}a0 {Anim}1d a1 e6 fd    (47 length)
27(af0) - {Effect}bb {Aura}a5 {Finisher}03 1c 1d {Loop}a0 {Anim}1d {Special}c3 08 d5 10 e5 7f c1 00 cb 7f e9 0c {Special}c3 08 dd 10 e5 08 e6 07 e6 02 a1 e6 e7 {Special}c3 08 d9 20 e5 08 a9 e6 ff    (41 length)
12(b19) - {Special}c3 17 e5 00 {Special}c3 1c e5 01 {Special}c3 11 c8 f4 01 e5 ff c1 00 cb ff e5 02 {Special}c3 11 e5 03 {Effect}bb b1 14 85 ff 99 13 86 ff {Loop}a0 {Anim}20 c1 02 e5 7f {Special}c3 00 cb 01 e5 ff c1 02 cb 7f e5 fe {Special}c3 fe c5 01 e5 fd {Special}c3 ff cf fd e5 fc {Special}c3 fc d1 02 e5 fb {Special}c3 01 c7 fb e5 17 a1 {Special}c3 7f c5 ff e5 7f e7 d5 b9 04 {Special}c3 03 e5 7f c0 d0 07 cb 7f eb 37 b1 14 05 a1 ff 99 13 05 {Loop}a0 {Anim}ff {Loop}a0 {Anim}22 {Special}c3 0a e5 7f {Special}c3 02 c8 {Special}c3 fd e5 ff {Special}c3 ff cf 09 e5 fe {Special}c3 fe d3 0a e5 fd c0 {Special}c3 fd c7 fd e5 0f a1 {Special}c3 7f c5 ff e5 7f e7 df e6 36 b1 14 42 08 a4 ff 99 13 08 {End}a3 {Anim}ff {Loop}a0 {Anim}21 {Special}c3 0a e5 7f {Special}c3 02 c8 {Special}c3 fd e5 ff {Special}c3 ff cf 09 e5 fe {Special}c3 fe d3 0a e5 fd c0 {Special}c3 fd c7 fd e5 0f a1 {Special}c3 7f c5 ff e5 7f e7 df {Loop}a0 {Anim}25 b9 07 97 00 00 b4 18 00 bf 04 b9 05 {Special}c3 19 e5 7f c1 00 cb 7f ea 0a 97 00 00 b4 18 00 e6 0c b5 00 00 b5 02 00 b4 18 02 20 aa {Special}c3 08 da 80 e5 08 {Special}c3 08 d9 08 e5 08 a1 {Loop}a0 {Anim}23 {Special}c3 0a e5 7f c0 38 ff cb 02 e5 ff {Special}c3 ff cf 09 e5 fe {Special}c3 fe d3 0a e5 fd {Special}c3 02 c7 fd e5 0f a1 {Special}c3 7f c5 ff e5 7f e7 e0 {Loop}a0 {Anim}24 b9 02 c1 02 e5 7f {Special}c3 01 cb 00 e5 ff c1 02 cb 7f e5 fe {Special}c3 fe c5 01 e5 fd {Special}c3 ff cf fd e5 fc {Special}c3 fc d1 02 e5 fb {Special}c3 00 c7 fb e5 17 a1 {Special}c3 7f c5 ff e5 7f e7 d5 c1 00 e5 0f {Return}a2    (357 length)
24(c7e) - {Special}c3 17 e5 00 {Special}c3 1c e5 01 {Special}c3 11 c8 f4 01 e5 ff c1 00 cb ff e5 02 {Special}c3 11 e5 03 {Effect}bb b1 14 85 ff 99 13 86 ff {Loop}a0 {Anim}20 c1 02 e5 7f {Special}c3 00 cb 01 e5 ff c1 02 cb 7f e5 fe {Special}c3 fe c5 01 e5 fd {Special}c3 ff cf fd e5 fc {Special}c3 fc d1 02 e5 fb {Special}c3 01 c7 fb e5 17 a1 {Special}c3 7f c5 ff e5 7f e7 d5 b9 04 {Special}c3 03 e5 7f c0 d0 07 cb 7f eb 37 b1 14 05 a1 ff 99 13 05 {Loop}a0 {Anim}ff {Loop}a0 {Anim}22 {Special}c3 0a e5 7f {Special}c3 02 c8 {Special}c3 fd e5 ff {Special}c3 ff cf 09 e5 fe {Special}c3 fe d3 0a e5 fd c0 {Special}c3 fd c7 fd e5 0f a1 {Special}c3 7f c5 ff e5 7f e7 df e6 36 b1 14 42 08 a4 ff 99 13 08 {End}a3 {Anim}ff {Loop}a0 {Anim}21 {Special}c3 0a e5 7f {Special}c3 02 c8 {Special}c3 fd e5 ff {Special}c3 ff cf 09 e5 fe {Special}c3 fe d3 0a e5 fd c0 {Special}c3 fd c7 fd e5 0f a1 {Special}c3 7f c5 ff e5 7f e7 df {Loop}a0 {Anim}25 b9 07 97 00 00 b4 18 00 84 {TextREF}1e bf 04 b9 05 {Special}c3 19 e5 7f c1 00 cb 7f ea 0a 97 00 00 b4 18 00 e6 0c b5 00 00 b5 02 00 b4 18 02 20 aa {Special}c3 08 d9 08 e5 08 a1 {Loop}a0 {Anim}23 {Special}c3 0a e5 7f c0 38 ff cb 02 e5 ff {Special}c3 ff cf 09 e5 fe {Special}c3 fe d3 0a e5 fd {Special}c3 02 c7 fd e5 0f a1 {Special}c3 7f c5 ff e5 7f e7 e0 {Loop}a0 {Anim}24 b9 02 c1 02 e5 7f {Special}c3 01 cb 00 e5 ff c1 02 cb 7f e5 fe {Special}c3 fe c5 01 e5 fd {Special}c3 ff cf fd e5 fc {Special}c3 fc d1 02 e5 fb {Special}c3 00 c7 fb e5 17 a1 {Special}c3 7f c5 ff e5 7f e7 d5 c1 00 e5 0f {Return}a2    (353 length)
DEBUG: Creating new BattleDat with 0,Character,1
0 0: 0
DEBUG: Creating new BattleDat with 0,Weapon,0
0 0: 0

 d0w000 - 42 animations, 30 segments
0(18fe) - {Special}c3 0b e5 7f c1 02 cb 7f ea 05 0f e6 10 {Special}c3 0b e5 7f c1 03 cb 7f ea 06 0e 0f e6 02 {End}a3 {Anim}00 e6 ff    (31 length)
1(191d) - {Special}c3 0b e5 7f c1 02 cb 7f ea 04 e6 10 {Special}c3 0b e5 7f c1 03 cb 7f ea 05 0e e6 03 0c {End}a3 {Anim}01 e6 ff    (30 length)
2(193b) - {Special}c3 0b e5 7f c1 02 cb 7f ea 05 0d e6 10 {Special}c3 0b e5 7f c1 03 cb 7f ea 04 e6 04 0c 0d {End}a3 {Anim}be 00 bd 00 01 02 e6 ff    (36 length)
19(195f) - {Visibility}a8 {Hide}02 09 c1 00 e5 0f {Return}a2    (8 length)
14(1967) - {Effect}bb 08 c0 e8 fc e5 0f 17 18 {Loop}a0 {Anim}18 {Special}c3 08 d5 10 e5 7f c1 00 cb 7f e9 0c {Special}c3 08 dd 10 e5 08 e6 07 e6 02 a1 e6 e7 {Loop}a0 {Anim}19 b9 09 b8 1a 00 {Special}c3 08 d9 20 e5 08 {Special}c3 08 d9 08 e5 08 a1 {Loop}a0 {Anim}1a {Special}c3 08 d4 00 02 e5 7f c1 00 cb 7f e9 0d {Special}c3 08 dc 00 02 e5 08 e6 07 e6 02 a1 e6 e5 1b 09 c1 00 e5 0f {Return}a2    (92 length)
29(19c3) - {Effect}bb 10 {Aura}a5 {Magic}00 {Loop}a0 {Anim}04 {Special}c3 08 d5 10 e5 7f c1 00 cb 7f e9 0c {Special}c3 08 dd 10 e5 08 e6 07 e6 02 a1 e6 e7 {Special}c3 08 d9 20 e5 08 {Loop}a0 {Anim}04 {Special}c3 08 d4 00 02 e5 7f c1 00 cb 7f e9 0d {Special}c3 08 dc 00 02 e5 08 e6 07 e6 02 a1 e6 e5 11 {Return}a2    (68 length)
9(1a07) - {Effect}bb 08 c0 e8 fc e5 0f 09 c1 00 e5 0f {Return}a2    (13 length)
18(1a14) - {Special}c3 08 d8 00 01 e5 08 {Special}c3 0b e5 7f c1 02 cb 7f ea 05 0b e6 11 {Special}c3 0b e5 7f c1 1d cb 7f ea 06 11 0a e6 03 0a {End}a3 {Anim}03 e6 ff    (39 length)
15(1a3b) - {End}a3 {Anim}1f e6 ff    (4 length)
16(1a3f) - {Visibility}a8 {Show}03 c1 0f e5 7f {Loop}a0 {Anim}1f {Special}c3 0f c4 2c 01 e5 0f a1 {Special}c3 7f c5 ff e5 7f e7 f0 a9 e6 ff    (27 length)
21(1a5a) - c1 0f e5 7f {Loop}a0 {Anim}04 a1 {Special}c3 7f c5 ff e5 7f e7 f7 95 {Return}a2    (17 length)
26(1a6b) - {Loop}a0 {Anim}04 {Special}c3 08 d4 00 02 e5 7f c1 00 cb 7f e9 0d {Special}c3 08 dc 00 02 e5 08 e6 07 e6 02 a1 e6 e5 {Return}a2    (30 length)
22(1a89) - {Effect}bb 10 {Loop}a0 {Anim}04 {Special}c3 08 d5 10 e5 7f c1 00 cb 7f e9 0c {Special}c3 08 dd 10 e5 08 e6 07 e6 02 a1 e6 e7 {Special}c3 08 d9 20 e5 08 {Special}c3 08 d9 08 e5 08 a1 a7 1d    (44 length)
28(1ab5) - {End}a3 {Anim}04 e6 ff    (4 length)
25(1ab9) - 1f e6 ff    (3 length)
8(1abc) - c0 f4 01 e5 0f c1 0f e5 7f {Loop}a0 {Anim}03 a1 {Special}c3 7f c5 ff e5 7f e7 f7 c1 00 e5 0f {Return}a2    (25 length)
3(1ad5) - {Special}c3 08 d8 00 01 e5 08 05 {Return}a2    (9 length)
4(1ade) - {Special}c3 08 d8 00 01 e5 08 06 {Return}a2    (9 length)
5(1ae7) - 07 {Return}a2    (2 length)
23(1ae9) - {Special}c3 11 c4 90 01 e5 ff c1 00 cb ff e5 02 {Effect}bb {Aura}a5 {Magic}00 1c 1d {Loop}a0 {Anim}1d {Special}c3 08 d5 10 e5 7f c1 00 cb 7f e9 0c {Special}c3 08 dd 10 e5 08 e6 07 e6 02 a1 e6 e7 {Special}c3 08 d9 20 e5 08 {Special}c3 17 c4 00 08 e5 17 c1 0f e5 7f {Loop}a0 {Anim}1f c1 00 cb 02 e5 ff c1 10 cb 7f e5 fe {Special}c3 ff cf fe e5 fd {Special}c3 fd d1 0f e5 0f a1 {Special}c3 7f c5 ff e5 7f e7 df c1 00 cb 0f e5 0f {Special}c3 17 c8 00 08 e5 17 c1 05 e5 7f {Loop}a0 {Anim}04 a1 {Special}c3 7f c5 ff e5 7f e7 f7 c1 00 e5 0f {Return}a2    (130 length)
7(1b6b) - {Visibility}a8 01 be 01 {Special}c3 22 e5 7f c1 01 cb 7f ea 06 ac 00 e6 02 {Special}c3 1f d5 1c e5 7f c1 00 cb 7f ea {TextREF}1e {Special}c3 0b e5 7f c1 01 cb 7f ea 12 {Loop}a0 {Anim}00 b9 15 b8 04 00 {Special}c3 08 d9 08 e5 08 a1 e6 02 e6 02 ac 00    (60 length)
17(1ba7) - 9f 2b 36 ff {TextREF}1e a9 e6 ff    (8 length)
10(1baf) - 9f 14 1b ff {Effect}bb 08 c0 e8 fc e5 0f {Aura}a5 {Magic}00 12 13 {Loop}a0 {Anim}13 {Special}c3 08 d5 10 e5 7f c1 00 cb 7f e9 0c {Special}c3 08 dd 10 e5 08 e6 07 e6 02 a1 e6 e7 {Loop}a0 {Anim}14 b9 0d {Special}c3 08 d9 20 e5 08 b9 03 {Loop}a0 {Anim}15 {Special}c3 08 d4 00 02 e5 7f c1 00 cb 7f e9 0d {Special}c3 08 dc 00 02 e5 08 e6 07 e6 02 a1 e6 e5 16 09 c1 00 e5 0f {Return}a2    (90 length)
13(1c09) - 9f 14 1b ff {Effect}bb 08 c0 e8 fc e5 0f {Aura}a5 {GF}01 12 13 {Loop}a0 {Anim}13 {Special}c3 08 d5 10 e5 7f c1 00 cb 7f e9 0c {Special}c3 08 dd 10 e5 08 e6 07 e6 02 a1 e6 e7 {Visibility}a8 {Show}03 {Loop}a0 {Anim}14 b9 05 b8 18 00 b8 19 00 {Special}c3 08 d9 08 e5 08 a1 15 e6 ff    (64 length)
20(1c49) - 9f 01 19 ff {Effect}bb {Aura}a5 {Limit}02 1c 1d {Loop}a0 {Anim}1d {Special}c3 08 d5 10 e5 7f c1 00 cb 7f e9 0c {Special}c3 08 dd 10 e5 08 e6 07 e6 02 a1 e6 e7 {Special}c3 08 d9 20 e5 08 {Loop}a0 {Anim}1d a1 e6 fd    (47 length)
12(1c78) - {Special}c3 17 e5 00 {Special}c3 1c e5 01 {Special}c3 11 c8 e8 03 e5 ff c1 00 cb ff e5 02 {Special}c3 11 e5 03 {Effect}bb {Special}c3 03 e5 7f c0 d0 07 cb 7f eb 10 ab 00 21 23 27 28 {Loop}a0 {Anim}29 24 25 26 a1 e6 0e ab 00 20 22 27 28 {Loop}a0 {Anim}29 24 25 26 a1 {Special}c3 03 e5 7f c0 d0 07 cb 7f eb 40 b1 14 04 09 8b 8c 8d 97 9e ff 99 13 06 0a 8b 8c 8d 98 9e ff 21 {Loop}a0 {Anim}23 {Special}c3 0a e5 7f {Special}c3 02 c9 02 e5 ff {Special}c3 ff cf 09 e5 fe {Special}c3 fe d3 0a e5 fd c1 02 c7 fd e5 0f a1 {Special}c3 7f c5 ff e5 7f e7 e1 e6 41 b1 14 85 08 13 94 95 96 97 {Visibility}a8 ff 99 13 88 0b 14 95 96 97 {Visibility}a8 ff 20 {Loop}a0 {Anim}22 {Special}c3 0a e5 7f {Special}c3 02 c8 24 f9 e5 ff {Special}c3 ff cf 09 e5 fe {Special}c3 fe d3 0a e5 fd c0 24 f9 c7 fd e5 0f a1 {Special}c3 7f c5 ff e5 7f e7 df {Loop}a0 {Anim}27 b9 03 b8 04 00 {Special}c3 08 d9 08 e5 08 a1 28 {Loop}a0 {Anim}29 b5 00 00 b9 05 aa {Special}c3 08 da 80 e5 08 {Special}c3 19 e5 7f c1 00 cb 7f ea 08 b4 0c 01 e0 e6 06 b4 0d 01 e0 {Special}c3 08 d9 08 e5 08 a1 24 {Loop}a0 {Anim}25 {Special}c3 0a e5 7f c0 65 fe cb 02 e5 ff {Special}c3 ff cf 09 e5 fe {Special}c3 fe d3 0a e5 fd {Special}c3 02 c7 fd e5 0f a1 {Special}c3 7f c5 ff e5 7f e7 e0 c1 00 e5 0f 26 {Return}a2    (302 length)
24(1da6) - {Special}c3 17 e5 00 {Special}c3 1c e5 01 {Special}c3 11 c8 e8 03 e5 ff c1 00 cb ff e5 02 {Special}c3 11 e5 03 {Effect}bb {Special}c3 03 e5 7f c0 d0 07 cb 7f eb 10 ab 00 21 23 27 28 {Loop}a0 {Anim}29 24 25 26 a1 e6 0e ab 00 20 22 27 28 {Loop}a0 {Anim}29 24 25 26 a1 {Special}c3 03 e5 7f c0 d0 07 cb 7f eb 40 b1 14 04 09 8b 8c 8d 97 9e ff 99 13 06 0a 8b 8c 8d 98 9e ff 21 {Loop}a0 {Anim}23 {Special}c3 0a e5 7f {Special}c3 02 c9 02 e5 ff {Special}c3 ff cf 09 e5 fe {Special}c3 fe d3 0a e5 fd c1 02 c7 fd e5 0f a1 {Special}c3 7f c5 ff e5 7f e7 e1 e6 41 b1 14 85 08 13 94 95 96 97 {Visibility}a8 ff 99 13 88 0b 14 95 96 97 {Visibility}a8 ff 20 {Loop}a0 {Anim}22 {Special}c3 0a e5 7f {Special}c3 02 c8 24 f9 e5 ff {Special}c3 ff cf 09 e5 fe {Special}c3 fe d3 0a e5 fd c0 24 f9 c7 fd e5 0f a1 {Special}c3 7f c5 ff e5 7f e7 df {Loop}a0 {Anim}27 b9 03 b8 04 00 {Special}c3 08 d9 08 e5 08 a1 28 {Loop}a0 {Anim}29 b5 00 00 84 0a b9 05 aa {Special}c3 19 e5 7f c1 00 cb 7f ea 08 b4 0c 01 e0 e6 06 b4 0d 01 e0 {Special}c3 08 d9 08 e5 08 a1 24 {Loop}a0 {Anim}25 {Special}c3 0a e5 7f c0 65 fe cb 02 e5 ff {Special}c3 ff cf 09 e5 fe {Special}c3 fe d3 0a e5 fd {Special}c3 02 c7 fd e5 0f a1 {Special}c3 7f c5 ff e5 7f e7 e0 c1 00 e5 0f 26 {Return}a2    (298 length)
DEBUG: Creating new BattleDat with 6,Character,14
0 0: 0
DEBUG: Creating new BattleDat with 6,Weapon,31
0 0: 0

 d6w031 - 36 animations, 30 segments
0(167a) - {Special}c3 0b e5 7f c1 02 cb 7f ea 05 0d e6 10 {Special}c3 0b e5 7f c1 03 cb 7f ea 06 0c 0d e6 02 {End}a3 {Anim}00 e6 ff    (31 length)
1(1699) - {Special}c3 0b e5 7f c1 02 cb 7f ea 04 e6 10 {Special}c3 0b e5 7f c1 03 cb 7f ea 05 0c e6 03 0a {End}a3 {Anim}01 e6 ff    (30 length)
2(16b7) - {Special}c3 0b e5 7f c1 02 cb 7f ea 05 0b e6 10 {Special}c3 0b e5 7f c1 03 cb 7f ea 04 e6 04 0a 0b {End}a3 {Anim}be 00 bd 00 01 02 e6 ff    (36 length)
19(16db) - {Visibility}a8 {Hide}02 07 c1 00 e5 0f {Return}a2    (8 length)
14(16e3) - {Effect}bb 06 c0 cb fd e5 0f 15 16 {Loop}a0 {Anim}16 {Special}c3 08 d5 10 e5 7f c1 00 cb 7f e9 0c {Special}c3 08 dd 10 e5 08 e6 07 e6 02 a1 e6 e7 {Loop}a0 {Anim}17 b9 07 b8 1a 00 {Special}c3 08 d9 20 e5 08 {Special}c3 08 d9 08 e5 08 a1 {Loop}a0 {Anim}18 {Special}c3 08 d4 00 02 e5 7f c1 00 cb 7f e9 0d {Special}c3 08 dc 00 02 e5 08 e6 07 e6 02 a1 e6 e5 19 07 c1 00 e5 0f {Return}a2    (92 length)
29(173f) - {Effect}bb 0e {Aura}a5 {Magic}00 {Loop}a0 {Anim}04 {Special}c3 08 d5 10 e5 7f c1 00 cb 7f e9 0c {Special}c3 08 dd 10 e5 08 e6 07 e6 02 a1 e6 e7 {Special}c3 08 d9 20 e5 08 {Loop}a0 {Anim}04 {Special}c3 08 d4 00 02 e5 7f c1 00 cb 7f e9 0d {Special}c3 08 dc 00 02 e5 08 e6 07 e6 02 a1 e6 e5 0f {Return}a2    (68 length)
9(1783) - {Effect}bb 06 c0 cb fd e5 0f 07 c1 00 e5 0f {Return}a2    (13 length)
18(1790) - {Special}c3 08 d8 00 01 e5 08 {Special}c3 0b e5 7f c1 02 cb 7f ea 05 09 e6 11 {Special}c3 0b e5 7f c1 1d cb 7f ea 06 0f 08 e6 03 08 {End}a3 {Anim}03 e6 ff    (39 length)
15(17b7) - {End}a3 {Anim}1b e6 ff    (4 length)
16(17bb) - {Visibility}a8 {Show}03 c1 0f e5 7f {Loop}a0 {Anim}1b {Special}c3 0f c4 2c 01 e5 0f a1 {Special}c3 7f c5 ff e5 7f e7 f0 a9 e6 ff    (27 length)
21(17d6) - c1 0f e5 7f {Loop}a0 {Anim}04 a1 {Special}c3 7f c5 ff e5 7f e7 f7 95 {Return}a2    (17 length)
26(17e7) - {Loop}a0 {Anim}04 {Special}c3 08 d4 00 02 e5 7f c1 00 cb 7f e9 0d {Special}c3 08 dc 00 02 e5 08 e6 07 e6 02 a1 e6 e5 {Return}a2    (30 length)
22(1805) - {Effect}bb 0e {Loop}a0 {Anim}04 {Special}c3 08 d5 10 e5 7f c1 00 cb 7f e9 0c {Special}c3 08 dd 10 e5 08 e6 07 e6 02 a1 e6 e7 {Special}c3 08 d9 20 e5 08 {Special}c3 08 d9 08 e5 08 a1 a7 1d    (44 length)
28(1831) - {End}a3 {Anim}04 e6 ff    (4 length)
25(1835) - 1b e6 ff    (3 length)
8(1838) - c0 f4 01 e5 0f c1 0f e5 7f {Loop}a0 {Anim}03 a1 {Special}c3 7f c5 ff e5 7f e7 f7 c1 00 e5 0f {Return}a2    (25 length)
3(1851) - {Special}c3 08 d8 00 01 e5 08 05 {Return}a2    (9 length)
4(185a) - a7 04    (2 length)
5(185c) - a7 04    (2 length)
23(185e) - {Special}c3 11 c4 90 01 e5 ff c1 00 cb ff e5 02 {Effect}bb {Aura}a5 {Magic}00 10 11 {Loop}a0 {Anim}11 {Special}c3 08 d5 10 e5 7f c1 00 cb 7f e9 0c {Special}c3 08 dd 10 e5 08 e6 07 e6 02 a1 e6 e7 {Special}c3 08 d9 20 e5 08 {Special}c3 17 c4 00 08 e5 17 c1 0f e5 7f {Loop}a0 {Anim}1b c1 00 cb 02 e5 ff c1 10 cb 7f e5 fe {Special}c3 ff cf fe e5 fd {Special}c3 fd d1 0f e5 0f a1 {Special}c3 7f c5 ff e5 7f e7 df c1 00 cb 0f e5 0f {Special}c3 17 c8 00 08 e5 17 c1 05 e5 7f {Loop}a0 {Anim}04 a1 {Special}c3 7f c5 ff e5 7f e7 f7 c1 00 e5 0f {Return}a2    (130 length)
7(18e0) - {Visibility}a8 01 be 01 {Special}c3 22 e5 7f c1 01 cb 7f ea 06 ac 00 e6 02 {Special}c3 1f d5 1c e5 7f c1 00 cb 7f ea 11 {Special}c3 0b e5 7f c1 01 cb 7f ea 05 00 e6 02 e6 02 ac 00    (47 length)
17(190f) - 1a a9 e6 ff    (4 length)
10(1913) - 9f 2b 2c ff {Effect}bb 06 c0 cb fd e5 0f {Aura}a5 {Magic}00 10 11 {Loop}a0 {Anim}11 {Special}c3 08 d5 10 e5 7f c1 00 cb 7f e9 0c {Special}c3 08 dd 10 e5 08 e6 07 e6 02 a1 e6 e7 {Loop}a0 {Anim}12 b9 01 {Special}c3 08 d9 20 e5 08 b9 05 {Loop}a0 {Anim}13 {Special}c3 08 d4 00 02 e5 7f c1 00 cb 7f e9 0d {Special}c3 08 dc 00 02 e5 08 e6 07 e6 02 a1 e6 e5 14 07 c1 00 e5 0f {Return}a2    (90 length)
13(196d) - 9f 2b 2c ff {Effect}bb 06 c0 cb fd e5 0f {Aura}a5 {GF}01 10 11 {Loop}a0 {Anim}11 {Special}c3 08 d5 10 e5 7f c1 00 cb 7f e9 0c {Special}c3 08 dd 10 e5 08 e6 07 e6 02 a1 e6 e7 {Visibility}a8 {Show}03 {Loop}a0 {Anim}12 b9 05 b8 18 00 b8 19 00 {Special}c3 08 d9 08 e5 08 a1 13 e6 ff    (64 length)
20(19ad) - 9f 01 06 ff {Effect}bb {Aura}a5 {Limit}02 10 11 {Loop}a0 {Anim}11 {Special}c3 08 d5 10 e5 7f c1 00 cb 7f e9 0c {Special}c3 08 dd 10 e5 08 e6 07 e6 02 a1 e6 e7 {Special}c3 08 d9 20 e5 08 {Loop}a0 {Anim}11 a1 e6 fd    (47 length)
12(19dc) - {Special}c3 11 c8 e8 03 e5 ff c1 00 cb ff e5 02 {Effect}bb ab 00 1c 1d 21 22 {Loop}a0 {Anim}23 {TextREF}1e 1f 20 a1 b1 26 06 0b 99 9d ff 99 25 04 0a 97 9d ff 1c {Loop}a0 {Anim}1d {Special}c3 0a e5 7f {Special}c3 02 c9 00 e5 ff {Special}c3 ff cf 09 e5 fe {Special}c3 fe d3 0a e5 fd c1 00 c7 fd e5 0f a1 {Special}c3 7f c5 ff e5 7f e7 e1 21 22 {Loop}a0 {Anim}23 b5 01 00 b9 05 aa {Special}c3 08 da 80 e5 08 {Special}c3 19 e5 7f c1 00 cb 7f ea 08 b4 0f 01 6a e6 09 b4 10 01 6a b4 01 00 {Special}c3 08 d9 08 e5 08 a1 {TextREF}1e {Loop}a0 {Anim}1f {Special}c3 0a e5 7f c1 00 cb 02 e5 ff {Special}c3 ff cf 09 e5 fe {Special}c3 fe d3 0a e5 fd {Special}c3 02 c7 fd e5 0f a1 {Special}c3 7f c5 ff e5 7f e7 e1 20 {Return}a2    (168 length)
24(1a84) - {Special}c3 11 c8 e8 03 e5 ff c1 00 cb ff e5 02 {Effect}bb ab 00 1c 1d 21 22 {Loop}a0 {Anim}23 {TextREF}1e 1f 20 a1 b1 26 06 0b 99 9d ff 99 25 04 0a 97 9d ff 1c {Loop}a0 {Anim}1d {Special}c3 0a e5 7f {Special}c3 02 c9 00 e5 ff {Special}c3 ff cf 09 e5 fe {Special}c3 fe d3 0a e5 fd c1 00 c7 fd e5 0f a1 {Special}c3 7f c5 ff e5 7f e7 e1 21 22 {Loop}a0 {Anim}23 b5 01 00 84 0a b9 05 aa {Special}c3 19 e5 7f c1 00 cb 7f ea 08 b4 0f 01 6a e6 09 b4 10 01 6a b4 01 00 {Special}c3 08 d9 08 e5 08 a1 {TextREF}1e {Loop}a0 {Anim}1f {Special}c3 0a e5 7f c1 00 cb 02 e5 ff {Special}c3 ff cf 09 e5 fe {Special}c3 fe d3 0a e5 fd {Special}c3 02 c7 fd e5 0f a1 {Special}c3 7f c5 ff e5 7f e7 e1 20 {Return}a2    (164 length)
DEBUG: Creating new BattleDat with 71,Monster,-1
0 0: 0

 c0m071 - 20 animations, 13 segments
0(7c4c) - {End}a3 {Anim}00 e6 ff    (4 length)
8(7c50) - 01 {Return}a2    (2 length)
3(7c52) - {Special}c3 08 d8 00 01 e5 08 04 {Return}a2    (9 length)
4(7c5b) - {Special}c3 08 d8 00 01 e5 08 05 {Return}a2    (9 length)
5(7c64) - 06 {Return}a2    (2 length)
10(7c66) - {Effect}bb {Aura}a5 {Enemy Magic}04 08 09 0a {Loop}a0 {Anim}0a {Special}c3 08 d5 10 e5 7f c1 00 cb 7f e9 0c {Special}c3 08 dd 10 e5 08 e6 07 e6 02 a1 e6 e7 0b {Special}c3 08 d9 20 e5 08 0c {Return}a2    (42 length)
9(7c90) - {Effect}bb 08 09 0a 0b 0c {Return}a2    (7 length)
7(7c97) - {Visibility}a8 01 {Loop}a0 {Anim}00 {Special}c3 0c e1 23 e5 7f ba {Special}c3 7f c5 ff e5 7f e7 f9 {Special}c3 08 d9 08 e5 08 a1 {Return}a2    (27 length)
2(7cb2) - 07 b8 0d 02 08 b8 0e 02 10 {Visibility}a8 06 a9 e6 ff    (14 length)
11(7cc0) - {Special}c3 11 c8 20 03 e5 ff c1 00 cb ff e5 02 {Effect}bb b1 14 0b 0e 13 25 ff 99 13 0b 11 26 ff 0d {Loop}a0 {Anim}0e {Special}c3 0a e5 7f {Special}c3 02 c9 00 e5 ff {Special}c3 ff cf 09 e5 fe {Special}c3 fe d3 0a e5 fd c1 00 c7 fd e5 0f a1 {Special}c3 7f c5 ff e5 7f e7 e1 0f b4 0b 01 {Loop}a0 {Loop}{Anim}a0 {Anim}13 b9 02 97 00 00 aa {Special}c3 08 da 80 e5 08 {Special}c3 08 d9 08 e5 08 a1 10 {Loop}a0 {Anim}11 {Special}c3 0a e5 7f c1 00 cb 02 e5 ff {Special}c3 ff cf 09 e5 fe {Special}c3 fe d3 0a e5 fd {Special}c3 02 c7 fd e5 0f a1 {Special}c3 7f c5 ff e5 7f e7 e1 12 {Return}a2    (135 length)
12(7d47) - 0e e6 ff 00 00    (5 length)

I found where in the weapons dat you were talking about. I need to make a save with edna so i can see if I'm detecting her data. Right now I'm just dumping the data to the console. Unsure if i'm truncating anything important. I excluded the 0 offsets, assuming the entries are invalid. I truncated the values to the A2 value or the before the start of the next sequence. I also am sorting them by the location in the file. I'm trying to tag things that I can detect based on what you've posted. Though not 100% sure how best to parse this.

Found Edna's section.
Code: [Select]
d7c016 - 30 animations, 30 segments
0(f2ce) - {Special}c3 0b e5 7f c1 02 cb 7f ea 05 0f e6 10 {Special}c3 0b e5 7f c1 03 cb 7f ea 06 0e 0f e6 02 {End}a3 {Anim}00 e6 ff    (31 length)
1(f2ed) - {Special}c3 0b e5 7f c1 02 cb 7f ea 04 e6 10 {Special}c3 0b e5 7f c1 03 cb 7f ea 05 0e e6 03 0c {End}a3 {Anim}01 e6 ff    (30 length)
2(f30b) - {Special}c3 0b e5 7f c1 02 cb 7f ea 05 0d e6 10 {Special}c3 0b e5 7f c1 03 cb 7f ea 04 e6 04 0c 0d {End}a3 {Anim}be 00 bd 00 01 02 e6 ff    (36 length)
19(f32f) - {Visibility}a8 {Hide}02 09 c1 00 e5 0f {Return}a2    (8 length)
14(f337) - {Effect}bb 08 c0 c7 fd e5 0f 17 18 {Loop}a0 {Anim}18 {Special}c3 08 d5 10 e5 7f c1 00 cb 7f e9 0c {Special}c3 08 dd 10 e5 08 e6 07 e6 02 a1 e6 e7 {Loop}a0 {Anim}19 b9 {TextREF}1e b8 1a 00 {Special}c3 08 d9 20 e5 08 {Special}c3 08 d9 08 e5 08 a1 {Loop}a0 {Anim}1a {Special}c3 08 d4 00 02 e5 7f c1 00 cb 7f e9 0d {Special}c3 08 dc 00 02 e5 08 e6 07 e6 02 a1 e6 e5 1b 09 c1 00 e5 0f {Return}a2    (92 length)
29(f393) - {Effect}bb 10 {Aura}a5 {Magic}00 {Loop}a0 {Anim}04 {Special}c3 08 d5 10 e5 7f c1 00 cb 7f e9 0c {Special}c3 08 dd 10 e5 08 e6 07 e6 02 a1 e6 e7 {Special}c3 08 d9 20 e5 08 {Loop}a0 {Anim}04 {Special}c3 08 d4 00 02 e5 7f c1 00 cb 7f e9 0d {Special}c3 08 dc 00 02 e5 08 e6 07 e6 02 a1 e6 e5 11 {Return}a2    (68 length)
9(f3d7) - {Effect}bb 08 c0 c7 fd e5 0f 09 c1 00 e5 0f {Return}a2    (13 length)
18(f3e4) - {Special}c3 08 d8 00 01 e5 08 {Special}c3 0b e5 7f c1 02 cb 7f ea 05 0b e6 11 {Special}c3 0b e5 7f c1 1d cb 7f ea 06 11 0a e6 03 0a {End}a3 {Anim}03 e6 ff    (39 length)
15(f40b) - {End}a3 {Anim}1c e6 ff    (4 length)
16(f40f) - {Visibility}a8 {Show}03 c1 0f e5 7f {Loop}a0 {Anim}1c {Special}c3 0f c4 2c 01 e5 0f a1 {Special}c3 7f c5 ff e5 7f e7 f0 a9 e6 ff    (27 length)
21(f42a) - c1 0f e5 7f {Loop}a0 {Anim}04 a1 {Special}c3 7f c5 ff e5 7f e7 f7 95 {Return}a2    (17 length)
26(f43b) - {Loop}a0 {Anim}04 {Special}c3 08 d4 00 02 e5 7f c1 00 cb 7f e9 0d {Special}c3 08 dc 00 02 e5 08 e6 07 e6 02 a1 e6 e5 {Return}a2    (30 length)
22(f459) - {Effect}bb 10 {Loop}a0 {Anim}04 {Special}c3 08 d5 10 e5 7f c1 00 cb 7f e9 0c {Special}c3 08 dd 10 e5 08 e6 07 e6 02 a1 e6 e7 {Special}c3 08 d9 20 e5 08 {Special}c3 08 d9 08 e5 08 a1 a7 1d    (44 length)
28(f485) - {End}a3 {Anim}04 e6 ff    (4 length)
25(f489) - 1c e6 ff    (3 length)
8(f48c) - c0 f4 01 e5 0f c1 0f e5 7f {Loop}a0 {Anim}03 a1 {Special}c3 7f c5 ff e5 7f e7 f7 c1 00 e5 0f {Return}a2    (25 length)
3(f4a5) - {Special}c3 08 d8 00 01 e5 08 05 {Return}a2    (9 length)
4(f4ae) - {Special}c3 08 d8 00 01 e5 08 06 {Return}a2    (9 length)
5(f4b7) - 07 {Return}a2    (2 length)
23(f4b9) - {Special}c3 11 c4 90 01 e5 ff c1 00 cb ff e5 02 {Effect}bb {Aura}a5 {Magic}00 12 13 {Loop}a0 {Anim}13 {Special}c3 08 d5 10 e5 7f c1 00 cb 7f e9 0c {Special}c3 08 dd 10 e5 08 e6 07 e6 02 a1 e6 e7 {Special}c3 08 d9 20 e5 08 {Special}c3 17 c4 00 08 e5 17 c1 0f e5 7f {Loop}a0 {Anim}1c c1 00 cb 02 e5 ff c1 10 cb 7f e5 fe {Special}c3 ff cf fe e5 fd {Special}c3 fd d1 0f e5 0f a1 {Special}c3 7f c5 ff e5 7f e7 df c1 00 cb 0f e5 0f {Special}c3 17 c8 00 08 e5 17 c1 05 e5 7f {Loop}a0 {Anim}04 a1 {Special}c3 7f c5 ff e5 7f e7 f7 c1 00 e5 0f {Return}a2    (130 length)
7(f53b) - {Visibility}a8 01 be 01 {Special}c3 22 e5 7f c1 01 cb 7f ea 06 ac 00 e6 02 {Special}c3 1f d5 1c e5 7f c1 00 cb 7f ea 14 {Special}c3 0b e5 7f c1 01 cb 7f ea 08 b5 01 00 00 e6 02 e6 02 ac 00    (50 length)
10(f56d) - 9f 19 26 ff {Effect}bb 08 c0 c7 fd e5 0f {Aura}a5 {Magic}00 12 13 {Loop}a0 {Anim}13 {Special}c3 08 d5 10 e5 7f c1 00 cb 7f e9 0c {Special}c3 08 dd 10 e5 08 e6 07 e6 02 a1 e6 e7 {Loop}a0 {Anim}14 b9 09 {Special}c3 08 d9 20 e5 08 b9 03 {Loop}a0 {Anim}15 {Special}c3 08 d4 00 02 e5 7f c1 00 cb 7f e9 0d {Special}c3 08 dc 00 02 e5 08 e6 07 e6 02 a1 e6 e5 16 09 c1 00 e5 0f {Return}a2    (90 length)
13(f5c7) - 9f 19 26 ff {Effect}bb 08 c0 c7 fd e5 0f {Aura}a5 {GF}01 12 13 {Loop}a0 {Anim}13 {Special}c3 08 d5 10 e5 7f c1 00 cb 7f e9 0c {Special}c3 08 dd 10 e5 08 e6 07 e6 02 a1 e6 e7 {Visibility}a8 {Show}03 {Loop}a0 {Anim}14 b9 05 b8 18 00 b8 19 00 {Special}c3 08 d9 08 e5 08 a1 15 e6 ff    (64 length)
20(f607) - 9f 10 ff {Effect}bb {Aura}a5 {Limit}02 12 13 {Loop}a0 {Anim}13 {Special}c3 08 d5 10 e5 7f c1 00 cb 7f e9 0c {Special}c3 08 dd 10 e5 08 e6 07 e6 02 a1 e6 e7 {Special}c3 08 d9 20 e5 08 {Loop}a0 {Anim}13 a1 e6 fd    (46 length)
12(f635) - {Effect}bb 08 c0 c7 fd e5 0f {Loop}a0 {Anim}1d b9 10 b5 00 01 b9 04 {Special}c3 19 e5 7f c1 00 cb 7f ea 07 b4 19 00 e6 05 b4 {TextREF}1e 00 aa {Special}c3 08 da 80 e5 08 {Special}c3 08 d9 08 e5 08 a1 09 c1 00 e5 0f {Return}a2    (54 length)
24(f66b) - {Effect}bb 08 c0 c7 fd e5 0f {Loop}a0 {Anim}1d b9 14 b5 00 01 {Special}c3 19 e5 7f c1 00 cb 7f ea 07 b4 19 00 e6 05 b4 {TextREF}1e 00 84 0a aa {Special}c3 08 d9 08 e5 08 a1 09 c1 00 e5 0f {Return}a2    (48 length)

I am posting this in reference to Final Fantasy VIII Remaster. Because they updated it. But this could be used with any of the steam games. Just would have different IDs. <--- reference video shows how to do this with Skyrim.

Run this with Windows Key + R:
Code: [Select]
steam://nav/consoleIn Steam console run:
Code: [Select]
download_depot 1026680 1026681 6690602264714227718It will download the release build of Final Fantasy VIII Remaster.
When the download is complete it'll tell you in the console where it was saved
Code: [Select]
Downloading depot 1026681 (2211 MB) ...
ExecuteSteamURL: "steam://open/downloads"
ExecuteSteamURL: "steam://open/downloads"
Depot download complete : "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\content\app_1026680\depot_1026681" (28 files, manifest 6690602264714227718)
You will have to manually grab the files and move them into the correct folder.

What that command is:
Code: [Select]
download_depot [APP_ID] [DEPOT_ID] [MANAFEST_ID]
To get ids: <--- FF8 Remaster on that site goto depots. <--- Click the depot id for the one that actually contains the game files. <--- Click on the Manifests and look for the id for the build you want using the date as a reference.

Maki has the animations reading in openviii. Though right now we can just pick an animation and loop it. Would be neat to have the sequences parced. I think I'm starting to understand your post. I'll play around some more tomorrow. :)

Releases / Re: [FF8:Remastered] SeeDRemastered-UI v1.0
« on: 2019-10-10 18:22:45 »
The gui will try to write the output to the ff8 folder it says it on the screen. Command line doesn't know where ff8 folder is.

Releases / Re: [FF8:Remastered] SeeDRemastered-UI v1.0
« on: 2019-10-07 10:33:50 »
Are you using the command line or gui? Are you extracting, writing, or merging? Also there is a log file.

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FF8 Tools / [PC Remaster] FFVIII_LAUNCHER-Alternative
« on: 2019-10-02 20:33:44 »

I was trying to use simpledllloader and it was interfering with the FFVIII_LAUNCHER. Who knows why? Maybe I was doing something wrong. :P So I made this. Maybe you guys could find use for it. You replace the FFVIII_LAUNCHER.exe with this and then the game pretty much just starts instead of showing the launcher. This is a console app so you might see the box show up for a few seconds while it starts the game.

General Discussion / Re: Final Fantasy 8 questions
« on: 2019-09-24 20:50:14 »
Each FS FI FL archive contains multiple files. It could be possible to merge the changes. Unless they are changing the exact same files in the same places. Though I know of no easy way to do this.

If ya check GitHub or discord little updates are posted periodically.

Sent from my Pixel XL using Tapatalk

That file needs to be there as far as I know. It is part of main.zzz so it needs to be in the repacked one.

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