Author Topic: [FF7PC] Ultima Espio Aeris patch  (Read 342387 times)


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Re: [FF7PC] Ultima Espio Aeris patch (2011-03-23)
« Reply #625 on: 2014-07-21 23:40:25 »
Are you saying your kernels can be ditched since they only mod the umbrella?

ultima espio

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Re: [FF7PC] Ultima Espio Aeris patch (2011-03-23)
« Reply #626 on: 2014-07-22 21:35:06 »
Yeah that's all it is. You could just edit your own Kernel with that data.


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Re: [FF7PC] Ultima Espio Aeris patch (2011-03-23)
« Reply #627 on: 2014-08-15 01:56:24 »
« Last Edit: 2015-02-10 04:52:35 by tefcaptain »


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Re: [FF7PC] Ultima Espio Aeris patch (2011-03-23)
« Reply #628 on: 2014-10-13 01:20:52 »
Hello Ultima, I just wanted to let you know that I love this patch and very much appreciate all the work you put into it. I played through it once a couple of years ago and am now doing a second playthrough. This time, I'm keeping Aerith in the party pretty much constantly and paying very close attention to her dialogue and behavior in events. I wanted to let you know I've made a few tweaks to a few small areas in case you were ever in the mood to revisit the patch and make updates to it.  Here's the list I have so far:

When the party is hanging around shivering outside of the hut in Great Glacier, Aerith positions herself oddly at times depending on the configuration of the party. Sometimes she'll occupy the same space as Tifa and sometimes contact with her model is recognized oddly (like you have to walk through her/above her to initiative conversation with her).  I have not identified the source or fixed this yet.

In the hallway in Gaea Cliffs where you encounter Schizo, Aerith will appear but does not animate like other characters, she just faces away from the camera and stands still. This is because the script telling her to animate (script #3) exists but is never called by the main section.  Adding a quick entry for Aerith there fixes that.

When everyone is standing around at the crater and you're deciding whom to trust with the black materia and Aerith had been in your party, her line is spoken when you attempt to talk to Vincent instead of when you try to talk to her (I believe nothing happens). So far, I haven't discovered the source of this or fixed it.

With Aerith in the party, the game will freeze following the fight with Ultima Weapon in Mideel when it retreats. This appears to be caused by a loop created by her script for that event which has a "go to" entry returning to the first label after identifying her as a party member.  I've removed that and the game no longer crashes.

Aerith rotates oddly when you talk to her as Tifa aboard the Highwind before she goes up top. I fixed this, but can't remember how. I think it was something very simple missing from her talk script.

After she goes up top on the Highwind, dialogue is started when making contact with her rather than when you hit the confirm button to talk with her. This is because her contact script is missing the return action, meaning it triggers the talk script as soon as you touch her.  A very quick update fixes that behavior.

Much of her dialogue uses quotations and ellipsis that don't conform to those used in the rest of the dialogue.  I.e. the ellipsis are more spaced out and the quotations are straight rather than curly. I've done some extensive copy/pasting to make her dialogue feel more seamless with the game itself. 

That's all for now! I'll let you know if I have more.  I am also interested in actually creating a new event showcasing her resurrection and expanding her story/dialogue some within the game, but I'm still very much in the infancy stages of this. I also intend to make extensive changes to the kernel to give her more seamless growth (primarily, this involves two things; buffing her Guard Staff and bumping all her shop weapons up 1 tier to give her a Mideel-quality weapon, and converting 2-4 of Cid and Vincent's weapons to give her more high level options and an Ultimate Weapon without taking her Parasol).  But, of course,  don't want to hijack your work, so I'd only distribute it if you were interested.  Thanks again!

« Last Edit: 2014-10-13 01:30:43 by Einlanzer »


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Re: [FF7PC] Ultima Espio Aeris patch (2011-03-23)
« Reply #629 on: 2014-10-13 02:32:31 »
Oh, and a question -

In her talk script on the upper level of the Highwind, what does the following line refer to? If Var[13][99] bit on 4 (else go to label 9)
Whatever that bit is, in my game at least, seems to stay off perpetually meaning she only ever says the line about the flowers.

Also, her rotation is off when contact dialogue is disabled. It seems to work with 192 direction rather than 128. 

ultima espio

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Re: [FF7PC] Ultima Espio Aeris patch (2011-03-23)
« Reply #630 on: 2014-10-13 12:49:18 »
Are you using the March 2011 version? I'm sure I fixed 90% of that a while ago.

Most of the text based issues came from an old editor called Meteor. At the time it was the only program that could expand on text, and it automatically gave text quotation marks instead of speech marks, I didn't notice for a while and just never corrected it.

I've been toying with the idea of remaking it since last year, though I don't want to go and make the exact same thing again. I'd like to add more features so that it was more interesting this time around...
« Last Edit: 2014-10-13 12:53:20 by ultima espio »


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Re: [FF7PC] Ultima Espio Aeris patch (2011-03-23)
« Reply #631 on: 2014-10-13 14:27:26 »
I am using the one from the link in the first post, which I believe is from March 2011.  Is there a newer one? If so I must have missed it!
« Last Edit: 2014-10-13 14:29:48 by Einlanzer »

ultima espio

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Re: [FF7PC] Ultima Espio Aeris patch (2011-03-23)
« Reply #632 on: 2014-10-13 15:03:12 »
No that's the latest in the first post. Hmm, strange. The one with Schizo happens in the regular game with Vincent. Yuffie's script is set to "Wait for end of execution to continue", but by the time it's finished, the next part runs, so he does nothing.

The Ultima Weapon one in Mideel shouldn't happen, I tested that one a few times. Maybe it varies with the party set up...

If there's enough interest, I'll start it over. It'll take a while though. Next year is the 5th anniversary of the release/major breakthrough, and also the 10th of the original model mod. Hmm...if I rack my brain enough I might be able to come up with extra goodies to hide.


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Re: [FF7PC] Ultima Espio Aeris patch (2011-03-23)
« Reply #633 on: 2014-10-13 17:30:06 »
No that's the latest in the first post. Hmm, strange. The one with Schizo happens in the regular game with Vincent. Yuffie's script is set to "Wait for end of execution to continue", but by the time it's finished, the next part runs, so he does nothing.

The Ultima Weapon one in Mideel shouldn't happen, I tested that one a few times. Maybe it varies with the party set up...

If there's enough interest, I'll start it over. It'll take a while though. Next year is the 5th anniversary of the release/major breakthrough, and also the 10th of the original model mod. Hmm...if I rack my brain enough I might be able to come up with extra goodies to hide.

To be honest with you, I'm not sure why'd you'd start it over instead of building on this one.  You'd have to recreate pretty much verbatim about 80% of what you have in this one anyway, and I see no point in wasting time with that. I'm also through with all the bugfixes and dialogue/animation updates I've found (including the Gaea Cliff and and Crater ones that I mentioned having not fixed yet above), which I can happily send back to you to look over and expand on if you want.

For my own personal use, I'm making some edits for it to basically become an "Aeris never dies" patch. So far, I've dummied out the funeral scene and replaced it with extensive dialogue following the stab cutscene, where Aerith is revived by the water's healing properties, apologizes for getting between Cloud and Tifa, and fails to recall what she had been doing at the altar. Giving her amnesia is super cliche, but it's the only way to make it work inside the larger narrative.  The big reveal later when the party returns with Bugenhagen later is not only what she was up to,  but also that she's now living on borrowed time (this is to keep inside the canon that Aeris does eventually die and join the lifestream).  I'll probably make extensive edits to that event to make Aeris mandatory and have specialized dialogue for her.

My next major project is an extensive overhaul of the kernel and treasure events in the flevel to give Aeris 5 new weapons - 1 by buffing her Guard Staff and pushing all her shop upgrades up 1 tier, and 4 by converting 2 each of Vincent's and Cid's superfluous weapons. This will give her an Icicle Inn upgrade, a Mideel upgrade, and 3 end-game weapons including a dbl/tpl growth weapon and a true Ultimate weapon, all of which will be found at appropriate points in the game (I'll probably use the event you set up in the church for her new ultimate).   

ultima espio

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Re: [FF7PC] Ultima Espio Aeris patch (2011-03-23)
« Reply #634 on: 2014-10-13 20:49:59 »
It would be fun to start over, it would be a nice project :P There's a lot more oddities in the code that aren't as obvious, and there's quite a lot of starting over sounds better than tracking them down. On top of that I can throw bits out and add bits in.

Dialogue was a problem last time. I'm not even sure if any of it is grammatically correct, or if it even makes sense.

However there is one other project involving Aeris that I want to finish first... ;)


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Re: [FF7PC] Ultima Espio Aeris patch (2011-03-23)
« Reply #635 on: 2014-10-17 20:39:36 »
It would be fun to start over, it would be a nice project :P There's a lot more oddities in the code that aren't as obvious, and there's quite a lot of starting over sounds better than tracking them down. On top of that I can throw bits out and add bits in.

Dialogue was a problem last time. I'm not even sure if any of it is grammatically correct, or if it even makes sense.

However there is one other project involving Aeris that I want to finish first... ;)

Hmm, alright.  I've very thoroughly tested every event with multiple party combinations up through the sub acquisition and did find oddities or missing scripts in most of them, all of which I've corrected and thoroughly retested.  I'll be doing a total overhaul of the return to the Forgotten Capital event, so I haven't started work on that yet.   

The main thing I noticed about her dialogue (other than the quotations and ellipsis format) is that in most places it's just a slight variation of Tifa's.  I've replaced a lot of it with more unique bits playing off of her established personality of being optimistic, confident, assertive, and adventurous.

I also moved her to the main deck of the Highwind (she stands to the right of Red XIII).  I absolutely understand why you put her where you did, and it works fine, but I kind of like her being present with the rest of the party and not having to go out of the way to interact with her.  I actually toyed with exchanging her's and Tifa's positions, leaving her where Tifa normally is and moving Tifa down to stand by Red, but it ultimately didn't really feel right. I also made fixes to her script so that she properly rotates and doesn't initiate dialogue on touch. 

Obviously I will not distribute any of this without your permission, but I do think it when I'm done it would be worth your time to take a look at it and perhaps use it (or parts of it) as a basis for any future work you do for aeris-based patches.


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Re: [FF7PC] Ultima Espio Aeris patch (2011-03-23)
« Reply #636 on: 2015-01-23 02:53:24 »
I cant get this mod to work. im using the latest tifas bootleg to install it. im on the Original PC disks. anyone have any ideas?

ultima espio

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Re: [FF7PC] Ultima Espio Aeris patch (2011-03-23)
« Reply #637 on: 2015-06-22 15:52:36 »
After 5 years, 14778 downloads, it's time to pull the plug on this. It's been fun, but I've pulled this for a few reasons:

Redundancy - It's incorporated in a few other mods, so a separate mod isn't really needed anymore.

Glitchy/script oddities - I checked a lot of the coding lately, and it's a mess. You can tell I was stabbing in the dark through most of it. One of the biggest oddities is the parachuting scene.

Compatibility - Doesn't work well with other mods. I still get the odd comment on the videos and on Deviantart about how they can't get it to work with another mod.

Unnecessary text - I got her talking in places where she shouldn't, and it kinda ruins the scene a little.

Bad placement - I put her in some odd places, making scenes look crowded. She often collides with the other characters.

I may put it back again if I can get a new version done, but for now it's time to say goodbye to it. I'd appreciate it if it was removed from the bootleg/7th heaven as well.

Here's some trivia for you, I started working on this 10 years ago.
« Last Edit: 2015-06-22 15:55:04 by ultima espio »


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Re: [FF7PC] Ultima Espio Aeris patch
« Reply #638 on: 2015-06-22 20:06:36 »
Well, it's sad to see you put it to rest, but I can understand the reasoning. Pitbrat did his best to make it compatible in Bootleg, and myself in 7th Heaven. The problems weren't so much your mod itself because I believe it works pretty well as a standalone. It's when new mods are introduced alongside it that we run into compatibility issues. We did our best to fix the issues, but over the years a lot of new mods have come out and its a tiring task to find fixes for every mod that comes along and clashes with it.

I will remove it from the 7H Catalog in the next update, as per your request.

ultima espio

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Re: [FF7PC] Ultima Espio Aeris patch
« Reply #639 on: 2015-06-22 20:40:46 »
Thank you guys for your effort in making it compatible. It's been a bit of a nightmare to maintain lately. I've tried a few times to update it so it works with others, but there was a lot to fix, and so many other mods.


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Re: [FF7PC] Ultima Espio Aeris patch
« Reply #640 on: 2015-06-23 02:39:39 »
No worries as long as you've got a new one that's day one compatible with the remake.


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Re: [FF7PC] Ultima Espio Aeris patch
« Reply #641 on: 2015-06-23 02:42:37 »
Thank you guys for your effort in making it compatible. It's been a bit of a nightmare to maintain lately. I've tried a few times to update it so it works with others, but there was a lot to fix, and so many other mods.

I've come to same problem with my Reunion.  Having to ditch the new menu for the old one again - and release the other separate and unsupported.  It becomes a full time job to make everything work together.


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Re: [FF7PC] Ultima Espio Aeris patch
« Reply #642 on: 2015-12-25 11:14:52 »
hello can I still donload this patch?


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Re: [FF7PC] Ultima Espio Aeris patch
« Reply #643 on: 2016-03-29 11:05:23 »
Sorry for bringing this up now, but how is this mod supposed to work when activated in Bootleg? I have activated it but nothing happened after the death scene.. Aerith isn't in the party?


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Re: [FF7PC] Ultima Espio Aeris patch
« Reply #644 on: 2016-10-31 09:10:12 »
Hi guys, waiting for remake release I decided to start a new game, but I reall am not able to make new mods (bootleg, 7th heaven) work, so I decided to only apply the mods I really like, but I didn't find the link to download the aeris patch. Could please someone of you upload it just for some minute so that I could download and install it ?
Thanks in advance, any support will be really appreciated.