Author Topic: [FF8] .x battle fields  (Read 94411 times)


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Re: [FF8] .x battle fields
« Reply #100 on: 2015-02-28 21:48:04 »
This is from FFTactics research wiki:
That makes sense finally.

However, adding 256 makes the texture get over with it's resolution. Because:
If 3 was 3*256, then 768 is already a max of this texture, and also adding U params to this makes it possible to use texture after 768px, so it has to be smaller than 256. 128 maybe?
See? B5 if 5*256 = 1024, so it exceeds 768px texture.
128*5 = 640 looks fine. :)
In the texture modding process, I have run across a lot of different .TEX and .TIM files.  I wish I could show screenshots, but my HDD died with all of my old file dumps and texture viewers.

Many of the .TIM files are set up in different segments of 128x256 blocks.  Other textures like the worldmap textures are 256x256 images (256*256 for low resolution, but there are 4x as many tiles), but the game is only pulling 64px textures (32px for low res) from each section of the texture, for 16 textures total. 
The backgrounds (and field background files) seem to be set up in ways that the .tex/.tim file far exceeds the resolution of the screen, just like the Triple Triad text .TIM, which is 768x216 texture, which only ever pulls up 1/3 of a page, or a max 256*256 texture.  The Triple Triad .TIM card texture file is a ridiculous 1792*256, which the game accesses in 14 chunks of 128*256, I believe. (could be 7 pieces of 256*256, but I don't think so).

So, in essence, the b1, b2, b3 pointers look like they are pointing to the first, second, third, etc. 128 byte sections of a larger texture? Or are they defining the entire size of the texture?  If they are pointers to a larger texture, b5 would be the part of the texture from 512-640px, but if they defined the entire texture width, b5 would be 128*5=640, or 5 pages at 128*256px each.

I hope any of that information helps.
« Last Edit: 2015-02-28 22:06:17 by Mcindus »


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Re: [FF8] .x battle fields
« Reply #101 on: 2015-03-01 13:20:20 »
You may want to read this document:

It's reasonable to assume that the file format is pretty much a 1:1 mapping of whats sent to the GPU.


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Re: [FF8] .x battle fields
« Reply #102 on: 2015-03-01 13:39:20 »
You may want to read this document:

It's reasonable to assume that the file format is pretty much a 1:1 mapping of whats sent to the GPU.

128px for 8 bit CLUT. Yep. Thanks. Adding Texture page thing to my automation algorithm is going to be super easy. I'll test this when I'll be free. I'm ill atm and I don't move from bed. :/


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Re: [FF8] .x battle fields
« Reply #103 on: 2015-03-02 14:38:35 »
Adding Texture page thing to my automation algorithm is going to be super easy.

Here, working VT calculation algorithm with this texture page thing.

Code: [Select]
float UU1 = (float)U1 / (float)newSzerU + ((float)TPageINT/newSzerU);

newSzerU = TIM Texture hardcoded width * 2
Code: [Select]
                //Get Bit
                string StrByte = OPN[currRUN + 6].ToString("X2"); //For example "B2" or "B4".
                StrByte = "0" + StrByte.Substring(1); //Just to make sure. I don't really know if it's always 'B'.
                Byte TPage = Byte.Parse(StrByte); //Parse to Byte only the second digit/char of this B2/B4/B0 thing, so we get only TPage number.
                int TPageINT = TPage * 128; //For 8 bit TIM's TPage is 128 sized.

Tested, working 100%
« Last Edit: 2015-03-02 14:42:46 by MaKiPL »


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Re: [FF8] .x battle fields
« Reply #104 on: 2015-03-02 16:39:18 »
That is very cool! Are you planning on making an application for tools release once the whole file is cracked? Also this should be documented to qhimm wiki page also.


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Re: [FF8] .x battle fields
« Reply #105 on: 2015-03-02 16:52:35 »
Thanks. :) I've seen your thread, nice job, really! Just need to end things here and I'm coming to help you with world. :D

Also this should be documented to qhimm wiki page also.

I already did, but just a second after the whole wiki just crashed and atm is generating loads of warnings. Qhimm wiki is broken. :/

Also for that tool, yes. I'm still trying, already made a few drafts, and I'm going to be ready soon for coding full viewer/exporter. Thanks for all your support! :)


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Re: [FF8] .x battle fields
« Reply #106 on: 2015-03-03 08:00:06 »
Maky PL I take this opportunity to tell you (and you all) if you could help us by extracting or giving us a tool, or directly, have the models of the worldmap (like car, lagunarock etc) battle map, and if someone can extract some secondary object like the shiva's stalactite, Siren's Rock etc.
We're working on 2 big project and we really need "That models" as a reference and for study that on the details...
Please help us...we're asking that for almost 2 years...but no one help =(

Here just "A Single work" (almost finished.....p.s. don't look the textures...i'm working on it, thats are random, just for take a preview example...):

We have did also other things like the ballroom, the student rooms etc....but we really need these models....=( 
(sorry for the english but i'm italian :P)
« Last Edit: 2015-03-03 08:01:44 by Softtm17 »


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Re: [FF8] .x battle fields
« Reply #107 on: 2015-03-03 09:17:08 »
Someone (probably you) on FFVIII is my soul group on FB posted this and I commented. :) This looks promising.

I'm working on the tool, but I can do manually rip some models as you wish. (textured of course). Just tell me which stage model you need.

World map model is at the moment not researched yet. Halfer has made a great progress on it here:

For GF's levels. I completely have no idea where is that located. Probably m_* files in battle.fs. I've seen there a diablos summon textures, but didn't take a look at the file structure. Maybe there is indeed a model there. I don't know. Stages first, then world map, after this maybe GF's.


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Re: [FF8] .x battle fields
« Reply #108 on: 2015-03-03 11:51:31 »
As i said in first we need, (if possible of course),with the help of halfer every vehicles of the world map and also the 2 flying garden (but it can be done later or in future) , and as stage battle, we need in this moment that one with norg.
(for others places/things i have to speak with my work colleague).

For the other model (stalactite-rocks etc) they can be found on FF8.exe maybe later i can give you some informations/scripts so you can check accurately yourself....anyway there is no hurry on that.

If you have facebook please add me on my personal profile here the link:

Thanks in advanced for your kindness...really! You don't know the great help you're giving to us.
Very very very thanks!
Take your time with no hurry and thanks again!
« Last Edit: 2015-03-03 12:23:02 by Softtm17 »


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Re: [FF8] .x battle fields
« Reply #109 on: 2015-03-03 20:19:39 »
Here is the documentation for world map vehicles

I'm not sure if there's every model but let me know if/when you export them how they look :). I'm pretty busy this week so I will get back on FF8 on next week, maybe this weekend.

That FF8 movie project looks very nice, looking forward to it!
« Last Edit: 2015-03-03 20:52:15 by Halfer »


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Re: [FF8] .x battle fields
« Reply #110 on: 2015-03-06 07:30:30 »


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Re: [FF8] .x battle fields
« Reply #111 on: 2015-03-08 13:32:01 »
and as stage battle, we need in this moment that one with norg.

Here you are. I dumped whole stage. Sorry for 1t.obj has no UV mapping, but it's triangle, and I'm going in the next hour to my GF so I don't have a time to code software to calc triangles. But I will do. I'll leave here a note for triangle start index and it's count, so I can upload the mapped part later:

t=14 (st= 0x187c)

Here's the model:
One stitched together, and one with parts as they were dumped.

For norg battle, the tube in center is hidden.

DL link:

BTW> This is only three objects... Probably the smalllest geometry I was working on. There's average 10-12 objects in a stage. *counting triangles as a indepedent object. Here, only four (Two quads only, and one triangle+quad)
« Last Edit: 2015-03-08 13:36:46 by MaKiPL »


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Re: [FF8] .x battle fields
« Reply #112 on: 2015-03-16 13:56:26 »
Don't worry about the triangle issue, it's not a problem for me, i can re-made the entire texture of the stage if i want :P
Anyway great Progress & Work, you're awesome, keep it up, and thanks for this stage.
I'll let you update if we need something else.
(I'm always here watching you u,u)


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Re: [FF8] .x battle fields
« Reply #113 on: 2015-03-17 06:10:28 »


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Re: [FF8] .x battle fields
« Reply #114 on: 2015-03-17 10:04:56 »
Kaldarasha, congratulations on your 1337 post. :)

Back to topic. I'm extremely busy this week. So I was before . I'll return to work on software somewhere 21 or 22 of March.
There's still a camera to research.


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Re: [FF8] .x battle fields
« Reply #115 on: 2015-03-17 21:55:22 »

First thing to say: thanks for this!

I've been waiting for some news about these files for a long time  ;D

I've been working on a ff8 project and this stuffs are really important to me (I always need references for my 3D models).

I saw your files about Norg's battle stage and I already spent some time on it.

(I manually added Norg's Pod for fun  :-D)

Actually I'm pretty sure there is something missing..

The "floor" circle plane is supposed to have an "height" and not be just a plane.
the "height" is supposed to be textured whith the top right piece of the texture.

The result is supposed to be something like this (I manually created it):

If you look at this video:
You can see it in the bottom of the screen at 1:47.

Hope this can help somehow..


There are a few "battle arenas" that could be useful for my project and I'd be really thankful if you can help me to extract them  :)


Sry for my bad english  :P


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Re: [FF8] .x battle fields
« Reply #116 on: 2015-03-21 14:36:41 »
Umm... Can't see anything at 1:47.
I checked it with my newest converter, and it does detect only three models.

I'm 70% sure it IS just a plane. However, there's still on my TODO list to hack battle camera, after that I'll see for 100% if it's really plane or not in-game.

Also I today (with finally free time) started from the beginning writting the FF8 stage to OBJ converter. I think whole thing should be done probably tomorrow. I wrote a completely new algorithm, used some of my previous codes and just passed thru the thing that I had the most problem with. Still there's much to code, but I completed the hardest thing. :)

BTW> I'll edit this post to put an updated VT calc code with triangles support.

Here. Updated script for triangle models texture calculation:
« Last Edit: 2015-03-21 15:14:17 by MaKiPL »


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Re: [FF8] .x battle fields
« Reply #117 on: 2015-03-21 15:26:56 »
Umm... Can't see anything at 1:47.
I checked it with my newest converter, and it does detect only three models.

I'm 70% sure it IS just a plane. However, there's still on my TODO list to hack battle camera, after that I'll see for 100% if it's really plane or not in-game.

Also I today (with finally free time) started from the beginning writting the FF8 stage to OBJ converter. I think whole thing should be done probably tomorrow. I wrote a completely new algorithm, used some of my previous codes and just passed thru the thing that I had the most problem with. Still there's much to code, but I completed the hardest thing. :)

BTW> I'll edit this post to put an updated VT calc code with triangles support.

If you look at the bottom of the video you should see a little piece of the model I manually added in the second screen :)

Anyway camera hack should confirm if there is something missing or not.

Can't wait for that converter anyway!

Since I can't help whith code I'm doing something probably useless but maybe handy..

Here's a not yet complete(30%) list of the battle .x files whith corresponding area:

a0stg000.x  Balamb Garden Quad
a0stg001.x  Dollet Bridge
a0stg002.x  Dollet Trasmission Tower path
a0stg003.x  Dollet Transmission Tower (Top)
a0stg004.x  Dollet Transmission Tower (Elevator)
a0stg005.x  Dollet Transmission Tower (Elevator 2 ?)
a0stg006.x  Dollet City ? (Spice Spice Shop)
a0stg007.x  Balamb Garden entrance gate
a0stg008.x  Balamb Garden 1st Floor Hall
a0stg009.x  Balamb Garden 2nd Floor Corridor
a0stg010.x  Balamb Garden(Flyng Form) Quad
a0stg011.x  Balamb Garden Outer Corridor
a0stg012.x  Balamb Garden Training Center (elevator zone)
a0stg013.x  Balamb Garden Norg's Floor
a0stg014.x  Balamb Garden Underground Levels (Tube)
a0stg015.x  Balamb Garden Underground levels (falling ladder zone?)
a0stg016.x  Balamb Garden Underground levels (OilBoil Zone?)
a0stg017.x  Timber Pub Area
a0stg018.x  Timber Maniacs square
a0stg019.x  Train (Deling Presidential Vagon)
a0stg020.x  Deling City Sewers
a0stg021.x  Deling City (Caraway Residence secret exit path?)
a0stg022.x  Balamb Garden Class Room
a0stg023.x  Galbadia Garden Corridor ?
a0stg024.x  Galbadia Garden Corridor 2 ?
a0stg025.x  Galbadia Missile Base
a0stg026.x  Deep Sea Research Center (Entrance?)
a0stg027.x  Balamb Town (Balamb Hotel road)
a0stg028.x  Balamb Town (Balamb Hotel Hall)
a0stg029.x  ? Diabolous Lair?
a0stg030.x  Fire Cavern (path)
a0stg031.x  Fire Cavern (Ifrit Lair)
a0stg032.x  Galbadia Garden Hall
a0stg033.x  Galbadia Garden Auditorium (Edea's battle?)
a0stg034.x  Galbadia Garden Auditorium 2? (Edea's battle?)
a0stg035.x  Galbadia Garden Corridor
a0stg036.x  Galbadia Garden (Ice Hockey Field)
a0stg037.x  ?? Some broken wall place..Ultimecia Castle?
a0stg038.x  StarField?
a0stg039.x  Desert Prison? (elevator?)
a0stg040.x  Desert Prison? (Floor?)
a0stg041.x  Eshtar City (road)
a0stg042.x  Desert Prison? (Top?)
a0stg043.x  Eshtar City (road2 ?)
a0stg044.x  Missile Base? Hangar?
a0stg045.x  Missile Base? Hangar2?
a0stg046.x  Missile Base? Control room?
a0stg047.x  Winhill Village main square
a0stg048.x  Tomb of the Unknown King (Corridor)?
a0stg049.x  Eshtar City (road 3 ?)
a0stg050.x  Tomb of the Unknown King (Boss Fight room)?
a0stg051.x  Fisherman Horizon (Road)
a0stg052.x  Fisherman Horizon (Train Station Square)
a0stg053.x  Desert Prison? (Floor?)
a0stg054.x  Salt Lake?
a0stg055.x  Ultima Weapon Stage
a0stg056.x  Salt Lake 2?
a0stg057.x  Eshtar Road
a0stg058.x  Ultimecia's Castle (bridge)
a0stg059.x  Eshtar (square?)
a0stg060.x  Eshtar (?)
a0stg061.x  Eshtar (cave?)
a0stg062.x  Eshtar (cave2?)
a0stg063.x  Eshtar (Centra excavation site)
a0stg064.x  Eshtar (Centra excavation site)
a0stg065.x  Eshtar (Centra excavation site)
a0stg066.x  Eshtar (Centra excavation site)
a0stg067.x  Lunatic Pandora?
a0stg068.x  Lunatic Pandora
a0stg069.x  Lunatic Pandora(Adel?)
a0stg070.x  (Centra excavation site)
a0stg071.x  (Centra excavation site)
a0stg072.x  (Centra excavation site)
a0stg073.x  (Centra excavation site)
a0stg074.x  A wood whith ruins view?
a0stg075.x  (Centra excavation site)
a0stg076.x  Centra Ruins (Lower Level)
a0stg077.x  Centra Ruins (Tower Level)
a0stg078.x  Centra Ruins (Tower Level)
a0stg079.x  Centra Ruins (Odin Room)
a0stg080.x  Centra excavation site (Entrance)
a0stg081.x  Trabia Canyon
a0stg082.x  Ragnarok?
a0stg083.x  Ragnarok?
a0stg084.x  ? Diabolous Lair?
a0stg085.x  Deep Sea Research Center (Entrance)
a0stg086.x  Deep Sea Research Center
a0stg087.x  Deep Sea Research Center
a0stg088.x  Deep Sea Research Center
a0stg089.x  Deep Sea Research Center
a0stg090.x  Deep Sea Research Center
a0stg091.x  Deep Sea Research Center
a0stg092.x  ? ?
a0stg093.x  ? Eshtar shops?
a0stg094.x  Tear's Point
a0stg095.x  Eshtar
a0stg096.x  Ultimecia's Castle
a0stg097.x  Ultimecia's Castle
a0stg098.x  Ultimecia's Castle
a0stg099.x  Ultimecia's Castle
a0stg100.x  Deling City (Edea's Room)
a0stg101.x  Balamb Plains?
a0stg102.x  Desert Canyon?
a0stg103.x  Desert?
a0stg104.x  Snow-Covered Plains? (Trabia Region?)
a0stg105.x  Wood
a0stg106.x  Snow-Covered Wood
a0stg107.x  Balamb Isle? (Beach zone?)
a0stg108.x  ?Snow Beach?
a0stg109.x  Eshtar City
a0stg110.x  Eshtar City
a0stg111.x  Generic Landscape? Dirt Ground
a0stg112.x  Generic Landscape? Grass Ground
a0stg113.x  Generic Landscape? Dirt Ground
a0stg114.x  Generic Landscape? Snow Covered Mountains
a0stg115.x  Eshtar City
a0stg116.x  Eshtar City
a0stg117.x  Generic Landscape?
a0stg118.x  Eshtar City
a0stg119.x  Eshtar City
a0stg120.x  Ultimecia's Castle
a0stg121.x  Ultimecia's Castle
a0stg122.x  Ultimecia's Castle
a0stg123.x  Ultimecia's Castle
a0stg124.x  Ultimecia's Castle
a0stg125.x  Ultimecia's Castle
a0stg126.x  Ultimecia's Castle
a0stg127.x  Ultimecia's Castle
a0stg128.x  Generic Landscape?
a0stg129.x  Generic Landscape?
a0stg130.x  Generic Landscape?
a0stg131.x  Generic Landscape?
a0stg132.x  Generic Landscape?
a0stg133.x  Generic Landscape?
a0stg134.x  Eshtar City
a0stg135.x  Generic Landscape?
a0stg136.x  Generic Landscape? (Beach at night?)
a0stg137.x  Deling City (Edea's Room)
a0stg138.x  Ultimecia's Castle
a0stg139.x  Ultimecia's Castle (Tiamat)
a0stg140.x  Ultimecia's Castle
a0stg141.x  Ultimecia's Castle
a0stg142.x  Ultimecia's Castle
a0stg143.x  Eshtar City
a0stg144.x  Lunatic Pandora Lab
a0stg145.x  Lunatic Pandora Lab
a0stg146.x  Edea's Parade Vehicle
a0stg147.x  Tomb of the Unknown King (Boss Fight room)?
a0stg148.x  Desert Prison?
a0stg149.x  Galbadian something?
a0stg150.x  Generic Landscape?
a0stg151.x  Generic Landscape?
a0stg152.x  Balamb Garden (External Corridor?)
a0stg153.x  Balamb Garden (External Corridor?)
a0stg154.x  Balamb Garden (External Corridor?)
a0stg155.x  Balamb Garden (External Corridor?)
a0stg156.x  Balamb Garden (External Corridor?)
a0stg157.x  Generic Landscape?
a0stg158.x  Generic Landscape?
a0stg159.x  Generic Landscape?
a0stg160.x  Test Environment? (UV tile texture)
a0stg161.x  Generic Landscape?
a0stg162.x  Generic Landscape?

Many need to be confirmed.. let me know if someone have correction for it.
I'll update the list when I'll check remaining Files  :-D
« Last Edit: 2015-08-15 16:30:35 by kaspar01 »


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Re: [FF8] .x battle fields
« Reply #118 on: 2015-03-22 15:43:09 »

My vertex calculation algorithm is 100% done. What's now? Copy code from my VT calulator 1.3a and progress thru unsigned face indices. It's like... Expect converter TODAY. Just give me an hour or two to finish things.

UPDATE: Software now does produce correct vertex + vertex texture coordinates (however only for quads ATM). Now, the face indices and VT match and.... we're done! :)

UPDATE2: Works like charm, but... It does produce the glitchy triangle model. I'm missing something. The funny thing is I was doing everything from memory, so probably I messed up something. Sec...

UPDATE3: Yup... Forgot about ABDC.

OK! Software now rips quad models! :)

It does miss triangle loop. Need a break and I'll get to it. Also it lacks of usemtl and material assign. Sec...

There's still some issues with triangles. Needs more testing.

Updated triangles. Now the geometry works, but UV is messed up... mhm. Need to browse thru my notes to see what was the UV order for triangle polygon.
« Last Edit: 2015-03-22 17:36:34 by MaKiPL »


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Re: [FF8] .x battle fields
« Reply #119 on: 2015-03-22 17:37:41 »
very nice :D

waiting for updates!


I updated the list of the .x files now it's almost complete


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Re: [FF8] .x battle fields
« Reply #120 on: 2015-03-22 17:50:31 »
Kaspar01, you we're right. I just ran a test on Norg's level and indeed. It did find this ground extension. Not only this. I think I'm ready to release this converter. It could be buggy and at first time weird, but it works. :) Give me a sec and I update this post.

Well, +1 for this software. :) My new extended search algorithm found these two objects and I didn't manually.
« Last Edit: 2015-03-22 17:53:10 by MaKiPL »


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Re: [FF8] .x battle fields
« Reply #121 on: 2015-03-22 18:31:59 »
Kaspar01, you we're right. I just ran a test on Norg's level and indeed. It did find this ground extension. Not only this. I think I'm ready to release this converter. It could be buggy and at first time weird, but it works. :) Give me a sec and I update this post.

Well, +1 for this software. :) My new extended search algorithm found these two objects and I didn't manually.

Aha I knew it! :D

Can't wait to try it and give you a feedback :)


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Re: [FF8] .x battle fields
« Reply #122 on: 2015-03-22 19:01:34 »
Here it is:

Final Fantasy VIII battle stage .X to OBJ converter - deprecated- see next page

You'll need .NET Framework 4.5.1 !

Instructions inside!

Known bugs:
-Bad UV calculation for triangles
-Probably if you click resolve texture before opening any stage it will crash

-Change rip triangle/quad button behaviour (disable if not any available)
-Limit those annoying MessageBox'es.
-Fix triangles UV calc.
-Auto texture size resolve after open
-Better MTL generation/ to make this faster
-Button for loop thru all models
-Throw away this message box in extended mode

BTW> 700 lines of code... (not counting designer code) Phew, I'm tired.
« Last Edit: 2015-03-23 16:25:04 by MaKiPL »


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Re: [FF8] .x battle fields
« Reply #123 on: 2015-03-22 19:21:32 »
Fu***ng Awesome. (but i prefer selphie or rinoa XD)
Great work!

I've tried it now...when i rip tris model, it's all ok,3ds max can import it and i can see it.
But when i try to export quads models, well in 3ds max i got an error:

If i try to change some option when i'm going to import it (for example , import as editable mesh) Bum! 3dsmax close instantly and i got the classic error when 3dsmax crash.

So......any idea? Because i can barely import 2/10 of a stage :P

Let me know.
« Last Edit: 2015-03-22 20:15:43 by Softtm17 »


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Re: [FF8] .x battle fields
« Reply #124 on: 2015-03-22 21:06:30 »
I see. Post me which stage this is, offset of model and version of your 3DS Max. It's night in my country ATM, but I'll test it with 3DS Max tomorrow ASAP. I'm crafting OBJ from scratch, so there maybe is a problem that I missed. Thanks for report! :)

BTW> I personally didn't test exported meshes with 3DS Max, only with Milkshape and Mootools 3DBrowser.