Author Topic: [PSX/PC] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v6.0)  (Read 298210 times)


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Re: [FF9] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v4.3)
« Reply #50 on: 2017-03-29 20:40:43 »
It may be in the Memoria/Birth field. Not completely sure though, the only thing I changed there was the required time to get to Hades to get it, but there's more to getting the item...?


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Re: [FF9] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v4.3)
« Reply #51 on: 2017-03-30 08:04:55 »
Yeah I kinda looked around there but I really don't know what I'm doing so I thought I'd ask before moving stuff around lol


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Re: [FF9] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v4.3)
« Reply #52 on: 2017-03-31 17:10:35 »
The Excalibur II requirement is in the field datas indeed.
You need to do things a bit like I explained to Almaz a few posts ago, but you need to:
(1) only keep the "Fields" ticked when importing the .hws,
(2) in Mod Manager, untick every fields except for the following ones:
Memoria/Gate to Space
Daguerreo/Right Hall
You may also let "Memoria/Birth" ticked but that's for the other way of getting Excalibur II (beat Hades before 14h).


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Re: [FF9] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v4.3)
« Reply #53 on: 2017-04-01 03:39:49 »
Really appreciate you replying, thank you very much!


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Re: [FF9] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v4.3)
« Reply #54 on: 2017-04-15 23:48:57 »
Hello Tirlititi,

First of all, I wanted to congratulate you for all of your work. Hades workshop is a paradise for those who love Final Fantasy IX!

I wanted to ask you something about Alternate Fantasy : I read in the "readme" file that the game must be in english. Is this mod avalaible in french? (I know that you speak french, that's why I am wondering!). If not, it's okay, I will play in english. I really need Beatrix in my party :D

(Ps : Oh, and I guess Zidane can't be removed from the party until Memoria, as in the vanilla game?)

Goodnight and happy easter by the way =)
« Last Edit: 2017-04-15 23:51:43 by Inu92 »


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Re: [FF9] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v4.3)
« Reply #55 on: 2017-04-16 08:26:45 »
Hello and thanks Inu92,
The mod is available in french only for the PSX version (here), not Steam. I'd like to make mods compatible with any language, but that's not likely to happen so soon :/

Zidane is indeed mandatory until Memoria, as in vanilla.

Happy easter to you and bon jeu !


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Re: [FF9] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v4.3)
« Reply #56 on: 2017-04-16 16:43:20 »
Hello Tirlititi,

Thanks for your answer! Maybe it will work if I translate it manually, if it's not too long. Anyway, it's a good new to finally play with Beatrix. I'm also going to increase the difficulty to the same level as Unleashed. I didn't see if Unleashed was updated to the steam version, I'll check that.

Have a nice day!


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Re: [FF9] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v4.3)
« Reply #57 on: 2017-04-25 21:55:07 »
does this mod disable the no encounters cheat on the pc? game speed and auto battle are the only ones that seem to work


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Re: [FF9] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v4.3)
« Reply #58 on: 2017-04-26 17:31:48 »
Yes, it disables the cheats except the game speed (but speeding the game also speeds up the minigame timers and so it can't be used as a cheat for Chocobo Hot & Cold for instance).


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Re: [FF9] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v4.3)
« Reply #59 on: 2017-04-28 01:16:09 »
alright, one more thing did you make changes to the first kuja fight? he keeps spamming flare star even though im not attacking his mp and nobody has reflect on


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Re: [FF9] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v4.3)
« Reply #60 on: 2017-04-28 10:02:17 »
Hum, yes I changed Kuja's fight. He can indeed cast Flare Star in any situation now (1/3 if I recall correctly), but he has two other spells as well. I guess you were unlucky (or probably lucky I'd say instead ^^).


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Re: [FF9] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v4.3)
« Reply #61 on: 2017-07-05 13:39:49 »
Hiya, i know it's been a while. But would it be possible to do this for the Android/iOS versions??? I'd love to give it a go myself and not rely on youtube to show it off!! :-D


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Re: [FF9] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v4.3)
« Reply #62 on: 2017-07-05 13:56:15 »

will cheat engine table cheats break this mod if i use it on this mod


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Re: [FF9] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v4.3)
« Reply #63 on: 2017-09-06 15:39:27 »

Is there any obvious sign near the start of the game that the mod has installed properly? A change in the text or anything I can look out for?


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Re: [FF9] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v4.3)
« Reply #64 on: 2017-09-06 17:19:20 »
Hi Murasame,
You can see the Wrist's abilities at the very start of the game:
- if it only teaches Flee-Gil, then the mod is not installed,
- if it teaches both Flee-Gil and Antibody, then the mod is installed.

Also, on the Steam version, the little girl who picks up Vivi's ticket says different things: "Here!  You dropped your ticket." by default, and "Here!  You dwopped your ticket." in the mod (the accent was in the PSX version and they removed it for some reason in the port ; I've put it back in the mod).


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Re: [FF9] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v4.3)
« Reply #65 on: 2017-09-21 23:21:11 »
Hey again. Just dropping in to say I've been having a good time with the mod. It's breathed a new life into the game for me! I'm only up to Cleyra right now but the difficulty is just right now to the extent that I had to retry against the prison cage monster in evil forest a couple of times and Beatrix feels like a very real threat again. I'm looking forward to seeing how everything else unfolds. Thanks for taking the time to do this.  :)


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Re: [FF9] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v4.3)
« Reply #66 on: 2017-09-22 04:12:22 »
Hey ! I'm just started your mod yesterday, i like it it looks very cool :)
You said that there is no fr for steam version, but i play on steam and choose fr at the start, the mod is here and fr text too, so what is the problem with the fr in steam version? ^^


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Re: [FF9] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v4.3)
« Reply #67 on: 2017-09-22 07:21:53 »
Thanks Murasame & Levantine :)
It only looks like it works with the french language but that's not true:
1) the cutscene modifications (hidden scenes, recruiting Beatrix, etc...) are not present if you choose the french language,
2) some bosses will act very strangely in battle and it may even crash the game (early game, there's a fight against Steiner who uses a death strike way too often, or the Sealion fight that is unbalanced...),
3) and of course, the names and descriptions of the different spells and items will not fit the change.

So yeah, I would still recommend you to switch to english at that point. Also, playing the game in english makes you realize how the french translation was good sometimes :p


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Re: [FF9] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v4.3)
« Reply #68 on: 2017-09-22 09:00:53 »
Ah thx a lot for your answer, okay i understand, let's play in engmuqh so !
About Beatrix, can she learns skills and support?


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Re: [FF9] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v4.3)
« Reply #69 on: 2017-09-22 09:09:21 »
Yep she can.


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Re: [FF9] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v4.3)
« Reply #70 on: 2017-09-22 11:11:02 »
Nice :D
I playwith fragoso mod, i think it's the best for improve graphical with your mod no?
An other question, is there a way to have 100% chance for steal? :D


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Re: [FF9] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v4.3)
« Reply #71 on: 2017-09-23 14:23:39 »
Unfortunatly not: increasing the steal rate is something that requires to change the engine in the "CIL Code" panel. And that panel is not working very well. In particular, the method in which steal rate is defined ("btl_calc::CalcMain") is a huge method that can't be edited because HW would crash.

It's possible to increase the steal rate using Albeoris's Memoria tool but it's not compatible with this mod.


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Re: [FF9] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v4.3)
« Reply #72 on: 2017-09-23 15:44:29 »
Okay no problem, waw thinking that you said, but anyway no cost to ask ;) ^^
And about fragoso, is there a better (or any other compatible mod) that improve better graphics? Same way i really enjoy fragoso with your mod, but no cost to ask you if there is a better way for
Never modded ff9 before, but i modded a lot ff7 ^^ (new threat + all graphicals improve  + musics change by myself and obtained an awesome game thx to this forum)


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Re: [FF9] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v4.3)
« Reply #73 on: 2017-09-23 15:46:46 »
Sorry for doule post, about your mod, do you add some other bosses? Like the new threat in ff7


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Re: [FF9] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v4.3)
« Reply #74 on: 2017-09-23 21:54:25 »
No I didn't add new bosses. New Threat really is a huge piece of work (and FF7 modding community is older and better than FF9 modding community). Maybe for a future version.