Author Topic: [PSX/PC] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v6.0)  (Read 298386 times)


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Re: [FF9] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2)
« Reply #25 on: 2016-03-05 08:42:37 »
I also don't understand the turn order. Sometimes he just gets no less than four turns in a row. What can I do about a Blue Shockwave followed by a Meteor? The answer is nothing.

Necron's ATB is a bit tricky since he actually has 4 ATB bars. The main one is the fastest and casts Blue Shockwave and Grand Cross (and Neutron Ring in vanilla ; here it became a counter). The other ATBs use respectively the -aga spells, the Cure/Buff spells and the Flare/Holy/Meteor megaspells. So yeah, you can't do a lot if he gets several turns at once ^^
But knowing that, you can care a bit more of the ATB trick : it's not always a good idea to let the ATB run while Necron is casting.

To further elaborate on how Necron works: if you take a look at the Necron battle in Hades Workshop you'll realise that Necron is not alone in this fight. He is accompanied by 3 Dummy enemies that have no name displayed in-game. Furthermore, they are un-targetable, invisible and invincible, so the player has no way of knowing that they are even there. Now here's the deal: Necron himself has really only 3 different attacks: Blue Shockwave, Grand Cross, and Neutron Ring. All other attacks that you see in this battle are performed by those 3 dummy enemies, giving the player the illusion that Necron is capable of acting multiple times in a row (which, in reality, he is not).

This is also the reason why you don't see any body animation of Necron when one of the aforementioned spells is cast. Blue Shockwave, Grand Cross, and Neutron Ring are the only attacks where Necron actually moves his body, but for all the other spells, he just stands still because he is not the one casting them.


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Re: [FF9] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v4)
« Reply #26 on: 2016-08-04 19:30:09 »
A Steam version of the mod is now available. It doesn't differ much from the PSX version except that Beatrix can be recruited at the end of disc 3.

I've tested it from new game to the end and didn't encounter bugs, but there may still be. Don't hesitate to tell me if you find one.
There may be bugs if you're using the cheats though.


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Re: [FF9] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v4)
« Reply #27 on: 2016-08-06 08:00:03 »
A Steam version of the mod is now available. It doesn't differ much from the PSX version except that Beatrix can be recruited at the end of disc 3.

I've tested it from new game to the end and didn't encounter bugs, but there may still be. Don't hesitate to tell me if you find one.
There may be bugs if you're using the cheats though.

I tried to patch the Steam verision just as you said, but i get a black screen right of the bat. Without the modded files it works fine.


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Re: [FF9] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v4)
« Reply #28 on: 2016-08-06 09:19:52 »
Hum... Maybe your game is not up-to-date (I think that would bug).
Remove the mod, open Steam and check for FF9 updates, then try again.

I just tested in case the uploaded version was somehow corrupted. But no, it worked fine for me.


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Re: [FF9] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v4)
« Reply #29 on: 2016-08-06 13:32:37 »

will the booster cheats still work if i add your steam mod to the ff9 steam version


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Re: [FF9] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v4)
« Reply #30 on: 2016-08-06 16:25:29 »
There may be bugs if you're using the cheats though.


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Re: [FF9] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v4)
« Reply #31 on: 2016-08-18 22:55:21 »
I have the same issue with my game just freezing at a black screen after copying the files over and yes my game is up to date.
p0data2.bin and p0data7.bin and the game can be run, the problems start happening as soon as resources.assets and Assembly-CSharp.dll get thrown in.

Semi-Related: Hades Workshop also loads data really weird with all spells being shown as having a power of 255 with all elements checked off.


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Re: [FF9] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v4)
« Reply #32 on: 2016-08-19 09:22:34 »
You're other problem is indeed related Raven, thx for mentionning it.

It means quiet for sure that we don't have the same version of FF9 Steam. I double-checked and my game is said to be up-to-date. Either yours is not, either I screw up something and my game can't update anymore (that'd be strange though since most people that left comments succeed in installing the mod).
There's also the possibility that you used Albeoris's Memoria tool. Remember they are not compatible (both Alternate Fantasy and Hades Workshop).

You may need to check that your game is up-to-date with the Steam client. Sometimes, the update is not automatic and doesn't trigger just by running the game.


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Re: [FF9] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v4)
« Reply #33 on: 2016-08-19 10:38:40 »
First of all, thank you for such a fantastic mod.
I only want to know, where is the orichalco? I cannot find it :(


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Re: [FF9] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v4)
« Reply #34 on: 2016-08-19 10:54:06 »
Thanks Manerr, glad you enjoy it :)

It's not my spirit to give away infos like this ; the mod was partly done to encourage the player to explore the game anew.
I can say that there are two orichalcons in the mod, both of them are different from the original game and one of them is missable.


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Re: [FF9] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v4)
« Reply #35 on: 2016-08-19 15:43:39 »
Well Tirlititi, you have motivated me to buy FFIX on Steam. To be frank, I think your mod of FFIX is not only the best mod I've found, it's better than vanilla. I really want to replay this again. You made FFIX so much more fun and interesting.

And now, with it on PC, even my godawful computer can probably record decent footage of the Beatrix fight. I especially want to get the Burmecia boss battle which your mod made one of the best fights in the game. Having to actually "win" was such a surprise yet it was also thrilling and the fight itself was just the right level of difficult. It combined with the music and background to really sell Beatrix as this super badass.

I never did defeat Necron in my last run, nor Ozma nor the Yans. But I will this time! Gonna try a different party composition. With Beatrix, that just adds extra incentive to give this another go.


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Re: [FF9] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v4)
« Reply #36 on: 2016-08-23 14:50:49 »
Question, though. Necron is a huge challenge but in both this and Unleashed, Trance Kuja was a bit of a joke.

Do you have any plans of altering your mod to change up certain fights or whatever? I really would like to see what should have been the final boss be more of a challenge.

Also I just now realized something very important.

Is there a way to save in this game between Trance Kuja and Necron? Because I just realized, since I'm gonna be getting this for PC next, I won't have save states anymore. I do not foresee me beating Necron on my first or even second or third try. I had a save state ready to go right before the fight in my last run which saved me an unbelievable amount of time.
« Last Edit: 2016-08-23 14:59:11 by Nikkolas »


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Re: [FF9] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v4)
« Reply #37 on: 2016-08-23 17:43:54 »
Yep, Trance Kuja is a bit disappointing. I just had no idea for this fight but hopefully, some update of my tool will allow to have more varied abilities (along the same line, I want to make Zidane's Transcend skill able to target any character whose Trance bar is over 50% or such).

For Necron's save state, you have the auto-save which should do just fine. If you die, you can just use the "Continue" option to get to the hill of despair right after beating Trance Kuja (you have to do all the cutscene and menus again though).

Thanks a bunch for your kind words ; appreciated :)


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Re: [FF9] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v4.2)
« Reply #38 on: 2016-11-07 07:33:47 »
Update to v4.2. Fixed a few bugs and added Beatrix supporting abilities / AP learning feature.
I also shared the .hws file so you can see how I did things and customize your own version.


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Re: [FF9] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v4.2)
« Reply #39 on: 2016-11-08 16:27:44 »
hey u think u can help me make my mod work on steam version LOL


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Re: [FF9] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v4.2)
« Reply #40 on: 2016-11-19 20:59:07 »
This mod is incredible. Thanks so much for bringing fresh life back into my favourite game!

I do have a question though. I've played up to the point of reaching Terra so far, but I haven't encountered any weapons that Beatrix can equip, apart from her default Save the Queen. Are there supposed to be more for her found somewhere in the game? If so, then where? Otherwise, what can she learn her Seiken abilities from?


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Re: [FF9] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v4.2)
« Reply #41 on: 2016-11-21 06:33:18 »
Thanks  you Mattnificent :)

Beatrix can also use the Knight Swords, except for Excalibur II (that makes Ragnarok, Excalibur and a third one which I don't remember the name).
Her Seiken abilities should be learned by the time you get her in your team. There is an exception : if you applied the newest version of the mod after the Alexandria escape in disc 2,  she won't have those abilities learned and you need to learn a few abilities from the Knight Swords indeed.

If you applied the newest version of the mod before starting a new game, or if it was before the Alexandria events, then that's a non-intended bug : she should have most of her abilities available when you recruit her (a few ones are on Save the Queen).


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Re: [FF9] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v4.2)
« Reply #42 on: 2016-11-22 05:20:34 »

Tirlititi  is it possible that i can use ONLY the part where u made beatrix addable and usable? in pff patch mode with my mod?


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Re: [FF9] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v4.2)
« Reply #43 on: 2016-11-22 06:17:26 »
Yes it is possible, but wait a bit please: I've your kaotic mod (last version before you put .ppf format) and I shall fix that stat panel to make it compatible with the newest HW.


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Re: [FF9] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v4.3)
« Reply #44 on: 2017-02-23 05:22:12 »
Enjoying the early game so far, Steiner having insta-death caught me off guard, I was expecting the 1st few battles to be standard warmup. I have 2 questions, is the issue with leveling up early causing Eiko and Amarant have less stats/magic stones fixed so should I still avoid leveling until disk 3 as usual (I don't care too much about max stats more just hate to miss out on too many magic stones). And if that's still true is the Marcus/Eiko stat bug fixed?


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Re: [FF9] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v4.3)
« Reply #45 on: 2017-02-25 12:28:11 »
I kmrblue1027.
No, none of these bugs were fixed. The Eiko/Marcus glitch is still a thing as well as their variation for Cinna/Quina and Blank/Amarant.


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Re: [FF9] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v4.3)
« Reply #46 on: 2017-03-17 13:45:53 »
love how you intergrated Beatrix into scenes after you get her in Alexandria, loving the mod so far.
i have a question tho, while loading your mod into the hades workshop, what should i leave ticked if i just want Beatrix to join and have her new scenes plus the "hidden" scenes like puck and vivi on the rooftops?
i wanna try making my own personal mods to the game but the way you added Beatrix to the game is just too awesome to pass.


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Re: [FF9] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v4.3)
« Reply #47 on: 2017-03-17 15:20:06 »
Thanks Almaz :)
I wrote a detailed post about keeping only the Beatrix-related stuff on Steam. Daeoc followed these instructions (Beatrix with supporting abilities and all the other fields modifications) based on the v4.2 of my mod. Using his file is the easiest. Otherwise, here are the things to do:
I - English version, Beatrix has no supporting abilities
It is easier.

1) Open Hades Workshop then "File" -> "Open" -> select the file "FF9_Launcher.exe" from your Steam FF9 directory. Choose "English (US)" as language.

2) Go to "File" -> "Open Mod" and select the .hws file which is available in the mod's archive.

3) Untick all the boxes "Spells", "Commands", etc... Only keep the following ones :

4) Once the mod is imported, go to "Tools" -> "Mod Manager". There is a list of fields for which I did modifications and you want to keep only the ones that are related to Beatrix, right? If you don't care, or if you want the other modifications (most of them are about unlocking the hidden scenes), you can skip this step. Otherwise, untick the following fields :
All the fields up to "A. Castle/Courtyard" (not the one at the top, rather the one near the end of the list, before I. Castle fields - let that "A. Castle/Courtyard" ticked)
I. Castle/Stairwell
Daguerreo/Right Hall
Chocobo's Lagoon
Chocobo's Air Garden
Mognet Central
Memoria/Gate to Space

5) Almost done : go to the panel "Environment" -> "Fields" and search for the field "Pand./Hall" (2nd one). In this field, I make the battle a bit harder whether there is Beatrix or not, but since the battle modifications are not imported, it will bug. Click on "Edit Scripts", then "Function Main_Loop", then browse the script's to find these lines (near the 2 thirds):

if ( VAR_C5_7173 ) {
BattleEx( 0, 1, 160 )
} else {
BattleEx( 0, 0, 160 )

Change "BattleEx( 0, 1, 160 )" to "BattleEx( 0, 0, 160 )" (or replace the whole 5 lines by a single "BattleEx( 0, 0, 160 )"). Then Parse, then Ok².
Do this step even if you didn't step 4).

6) "File" -> "Save Steam Mod" -> choose whatever directory you want (just don't choose the folder where "FF9_Launcher.exe" lies). Done !

7) You may share the mod here if you want to spare your headache to the other people (I don't) :D

II - English version, with Supporting Abilities
This one is a bit harder because you can't just import those supporting abilities from my mod (the other characters' abilities would be modified too).

1) Do the steps 1-5) described above in flavor I.
When unticking the fields in "Mod Manager", let "A. Castle/Queen's Chamber" ticked (it is before the "Courtyard" one).

2) Go to the panel "CIL Code" -> "Macros", then select "Unlock Ability Learning" and Apply.

3) If you've read the description of the macro, you know you need to go to the panel "Party" -> "Stats", select Beatrix and modify her Ability list + her AP requirements. Either you do that for her Ability Set 2 (that's the one used from disc 3 and afterwards), either you do that for both Ability Sets. Thunder Slash needs a non-zero AP requirement. Input her supporting abilities there as well.

4) You should check that Beatrix has access to the supporting abilities (that is, she can wear at least one piece of equipments that teach the abilities you gave her). You may go to the panel "Inventory" -> "Items" -> "Regular Items" and add abilities to armors for that purpose.

5) By default, I made so that Beatrix automatically learns her abilities Cura, Silence, Reflect, Blind, Thunder Slash, Stock Break and Shock. If you're not ok with that (either add more, either remove some), go to the "Fields" panel, search for "A. Castle/Queen's Chamber" (at some point, there are two of them with the "Library" field between them : choose the 2nd one). Then "Edit Script", go to the "Beatrix_Loop" function and search for the lines "CureStatus" and "LearnAbility" near the end. Add more "LearnAbility" lines or remove some of them, then Parse and Ok.

5) Proceed to steps 6-7) of flavor I.

III - Other language version
You may include the flavor's II steps for it.
You need some gumption for it so I won't go far into details.

1) Do steps 1-5) of flavor I but with two differences :
- At step 1), choose your language instead,
- At step 3), untick "Texts" and the remaining "including texts".

2) You need to add custom translated texts in the "Environment" -> "Texts" panel. Look at the texts already in place for the text format (the dialog conventions may also differ from one language to the other, like the english dialogs using “” and a space at each new line). The added texts which are related to Beatrix can be found in the following file (append ".txt" to the URL). Since it contains spoilers of my mod, don't dare to read it for non-translation puprose ! Else, I'll get to come to your house and remove your memories of this file 'manually' from your head.

3) Unless I'm missing things, that's enough and you can proceed to steps 6-7) of flavor I (if you share the translation, you'll spare headache and I will be gratefull).

The "Mod Manager" step is the one that decides whether you keep or not cutscenes and/or hidden scenes and/or little tweaks in the fields. Here is a list of the modified fields in the order and what kind of modification they involve:
Code: [Select]
A.Castle/Public Seats -> Minigame tweaks
Alexandria/Main Street -> Minor alteration
Alexandria/Rooftop -> Hidden scene
A.Castle/Courtyard -> Minor alteration
A.Castle/West Tower -> Minor alteration
Prima Vista/Storage -> Hidden scene
Ice Cavern/Icicle Field -> Added nasty trap
Dali/Field -> HP damage depending on player's choice
Mountain/Shack -> Hidden scene
Lindblum/Synthesist -> Changed chest content
L. Castle/Royal Chamber -> Added "Learn Free Energy" as a reward for the hunt
Gizamaluck/Cavern -> Added Mogshop
Burmecia/Residence -> Minor alteration
Burmecia/Uptown Area -> Minor alteration
Chocobo's Forest -> Minigame tweaks
Treno/Bishop's House -> Minor alteration to fit Auction's alterations
Treno/Auction Site -> Changed prices
Cleyra/Tree Trunk -> Changed chest content
Cleyra/Tree Trunk -> Minor alteration
Cleyra/Cathedral -> Hidden scene
Cleyra/Cathedral -> Hidden scene
A.Castle/Underground -> Minor alteration
A.Castle/Chapel -> Added Mogshop
A.Castle/Queen's Chamber -> Beatrix mod (learn starting abilities)
Pinnacle Rocks/Hole -> Hidden scene
L.Castle/Base Level -> Hidden scene
L.Castle/Airship Dock -> Hidden scene
Fossil Roo/Passage -> Minigame tweaks
Brahne's Fleet/Event -> Hidden scene
Quan's/Cave -> Minor alteration
Quan's/Fishing Area -> Changed chest content
Alexandria/Square -> Hidden scene (minigame)
Alexandria/Residence -> Minor alteration
Treno/Pub -> Rank S change
Treno/Bishop's House -> Minor alteration to fit Auction's alterations
Treno/Auction Site -> Changed prices
Treno/Knight's House -> Beatrix mod (allow her to fight)
Treno/Knight's House -> Beatrix mod (allow her to fight)
Alexandria/Main Street -> Minor alteration
Lindblum/Theater Avenue -> Minor alteration
Oeilvert (6 of them) -> Minor alteration
A.Castle/Courtyard -> Beatrix mod
I.Castle/Entrance -> Beatrix mod
I.Castle/Small Room -> Beatrix mod
I.Castle/Stairwell -> Minor alteration
I.Castle/Mural Room -> Beatrix mod
I.Castle/Mural Room -> Beatrix mod
Shrines (5 of them) -> Beatrix mod
Bran Bal/Gate -> Beatrix mod
Bran Bal/Storage -> Beatrix mod
Pand./Hall -> Beatrix mod
Pand./Hall -> Beatrix mod (+ battle change if Beatrix is here)
Pand./Hall -> Beatrix mod
Pand./Control Room -> Beatrix mod
Pand./Event -> Beatrix mod
Pand./Event -> Beatrix mod
Pand./Event -> Beatrix mod
Invincible/Core -> Beatrix mod
Daguerreo/Entrance -> Rank S change (ExcII reward)
Daguerreo/Right Hall -> Rank S change
Hilda Guarde 3/Bridge -> Beatrix mod
Hilda Guarde 3/Engine -> Beatrix mod
Hilda Guarde 3/Deck -> Beatrix mod
Hilda Guarde 3/Deck -> Beatrix mod
Hilda Guarde 3/Bridge -> Beatrix mod
Chocobo's Lagoon -> Minigame tweaks
Chocobo's Air Garden -> Minigame tweaks
Mognet Central -> Changed chest content
Treno/Knight's House -> Beatrix mod (allow her to fight)
Invincible/Controls -> Beatrix mod
Red Rose/Bridge -> Beatrix mod
Memoria/Outside -> Beatrix mod
Memoria/Entrance -> Changed chest content
Memoria/Birth -> Excalibur II reward if under 14h
Memoria/Gate to Space -> Changed chest content (+removed the time limit)
Hill of Despair -> Beatrix mod
last (4 of them) -> Beatrix mod
Mage Village/Entrance -> Beatrix mod
« Last Edit: 2018-07-01 20:36:36 by Tirlititi »


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Re: [FF9] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v4.3)
« Reply #48 on: 2017-03-17 22:31:29 »
wow didnt expect such a fast reply, thanks alot Tirlititi, followed your step by step and everything seems to be working the way i imagined it. its awesome.


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Re: [FF9] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v4.3)
« Reply #49 on: 2017-03-29 20:37:13 »
Hi Tirlititi, I've been playing around with the Beatrix mod and Hades Workshop and I've really enjoyed it!
I have one question regarding Excalibur II. You mentioned it can now be obtained by also getting all the treasures in the game.

What would I need to edit using Hades Workshop if I just wanted to implement that particular change and not the entire Alternate Fantasy mod? I'm using the standalone Beatrix mod with minor changes to other stuff here and there but I have no idea what to change for the Excalibur II reward.