Author Topic: [FF7 PSX/PS1] Variables unused/Hidden objects in fields  (Read 8485 times)

Hello, It's me again.
I'm need some variables in my mod to make some objects, like the bookshelf of the kalm tower, drop some hints plus item.
I have a list of some objects i can use for this purpose and some regions the player can analyze if can drop itens, such garbage in the sewers.

It's this variables used in the game?

I need more variables and places like in the sewers or the bookshelf of the kalm to make the game more active


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Re: [FF7 PSX/PS1] Variables unused/Hidden objects in fields
« Reply #1 on: 2020-05-22 21:34:16 »
with mako reactor , in variable manager you can see the var used in the game, except vars used in world map

Re: [FF7 PSX/PS1] Variables unused/Hidden objects in fields
« Reply #2 on: 2020-05-22 23:01:55 »
with mako reactor , in variable manager you can see the var used in the game, except vars used in world map
You know about places which have ''hidden objects'' like the redman in the cell of desert or the bookshelf?I will put some objects in that places or hints about the mod haha
Of course some places i cannot do, because of the space, like the field mrkt1 and mrkt2 which have some box and garbages which is dropped from the sector 7.


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Re: [FF7 PSX/PS1] Variables unused/Hidden objects in fields
« Reply #3 on: 2020-05-22 23:36:08 »
yes exist a lot of unnused code in the game, also exist a lot of banks (var) unnused, you can use to add new content