For who is playing Reunion 06c and had my same questions/issues please see below.
I thought was fine to share and help:
1) I dunno how to add my favourite mod :cSimply download your favourite mod, per example let's download any remastered field and copy paste all the field folders in The_Reunion, CUSTOM,
yourmodname, Texture, field
C:\Games\Final Fantasy VII Steam Edition\The_Reunion\CUSTOM\yourmodname\Texture\fieldthen go in The Reunion folder and open Options.ini make sure you write this right Mod_ID =
yourmodnamesave it and play the game.
Now, the above you can apply for any other textures or mod, per example:
-Avatars goes in CUSTOM\yourmodname\Texture\menu
-Prelude screen goes in CUSTOM\yourmodname\Texture\cr
-Thinbars (from Menu_Enhanced_Stock_UI_1.0) goes in CUSTOM\yourmodname\Texture\menu
(this is not fully compatible though)-Upscaled Movies goes in CUSTOM\yourmodname\Direct\movies
-Upscaled Magics see number 4 below.
-Upscaled Battle Textures (584 files, ENEMY, STAGE, etc.) goes in CUSTOM\yourmodname\Texture\battle
2) I dunhave numpad, pointer is not moving, got a problem with input/keyboard, cannot start teh game :cSimply download
this file and place it in your FFVII root folder. Not yet working? Well then play with joystick.
2-bis) I would like to play with the D-Pad on the joystick and not with analog sticks. :cSimply use a 3rd party mapping tool
JoyToKey and
set/ your POV as "UP arrow" clicking the same ↑ from your keyboard, do the same for the other buttons, save the setting, keep open the software and play the game. Now you can use D-pad on your joystick.
3) My mod it's in .iro format I dunno what to do :cSimply download
IroNite and extract the files with it, now you can place and use the mod as mentioned above in point 1.
4) My Upscaled Magic textures aren't loading, I dunno what to do :cSimply place these files "RAIN7, SEFFECT1, SEFFECT2, SEFFECT3, etc." (82 files total) into following folder:
C:\Games\Final Fantasy VII Steam Edition\The_Reunion\CUSTOM\yourmodname\Texture\battleInstead for the subfolders such as "blue, limit, limit2, limit3, magic, special, summon, weapon" (8 folders total) + "amax, a1, alex1, alex2, etc." (1522 files total) into following folder:
C:\Games\Final Fantasy VII Steam Edition\The_Reunion\CUSTOM\yourmodname\Texture\magicthen go in The Reunion folder and open Options.ini make sure you write this right Mod_ID = yourmodname
save it and play the game.
5) Screen tearing issueSimply make sure the option vsync is on y (yes) inside your Options.ini file.
Save Options.ini and play.
What is it and other solutions:
- - - I downloaded the translation in my own language (not english), I don't know how to use it :cSimply go in:
C:\Games\Final Fantasy VII Steam Edition\The_Reunion\BASE\New_Translation
Rename New_Translation in New_Translation_Eng (to have a backup) then proceed with moving the translation in your language inside the aforementioned folder and ensure name will be New_Translation; as well make sure that the option New Translation is on y (yes) inside your Options.ini file.
However note that the Translation in your language should have a proper R06c porting created by the modder to be compatible with Reunion otherwise it's useless. Save Options.ini and play.
-Please note if you changed translation in your language certain files if not loaded should be moved to the following folder:
(ONLY applied for Italian porting so far)
C:\Games\Final Fantasy VII Steam Edition\The_Reunion\GLOBAL\Texture\menu
The above it's for the avatar for example. While for magic you will move to:
C:\Games\Final Fantasy VII Steam Edition\The_Reunion\GLOBAL\texture\battle
C:\Games\Final Fantasy VII Steam Edition\The_Reunion\GLOBAL\texture\magic
Also ALWAYS make sure to read FULLY the first post and the help file of Reunion.