Author Topic: 99:59  (Read 8018 times)


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« on: 2013-02-28 09:56:10 »
i have ff7 pc version and i just maxed out the timer at 99:59....

yeah its official i have no life oh but also i left it on without playing it for like a whole day a few times

so is there a patch for this to make it go over that time?  i havent found one by searching.  its not a huge problem but it makes it hard to tell which is my most recent save.   thanks


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Re: 99:59
« Reply #1 on: 2013-02-28 10:13:19 »
The Menu Overhaul Project increases the limit to 999 hr 59m 59s.  The time is saved well after 99h 59m 59s, so if you load up one of your saves that went past that limit, it will show where you really are.  You could always do the same using Black Chocobo.

If you do not wish to use Menu Overhaul, I could always create you a patch.


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Re: 99:59
« Reply #2 on: 2013-03-03 16:32:33 »
A patch to increase the max time displayed?   :D   I would love to see something like that!  I didn't see anything like it in the "Big List of Mods", though...


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Re: 99:59
« Reply #3 on: 2013-03-03 16:33:41 »
As I said, it is part of the Menu Overhaul Project.  If you install that, it updates the timer.


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Re: 99:59
« Reply #4 on: 2013-03-03 17:50:03 »
Ah, yes.  :P  Unfortunately, MO caused me too many weird graphical bugs.  Not a lot, but too many for my liking.  I should probably consider if the good
outweigh the bad in my case.  The timer update is definitely awesome.  Hmm... :-\

To be honest, I read your post and immediately thought you had a patch for the timer only.  ;)  No worries, though!


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Re: 99:59
« Reply #5 on: 2013-03-03 19:31:06 »
Well given the new tools I made, it wouldnt be hard for me to add a patch for this.  The new timer only needed the 3 byte limit altering, and the number function changing so it displayed 3 instead of 2 digits, and a few movements of the number so it looked neat.

I will look into this when I have finished The Reunion.
« Last Edit: 2013-03-03 19:32:54 by DLPB »


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Re: 99:59
« Reply #6 on: 2013-03-03 21:25:34 »
Is this done in the FF7.exe?  If so, I may give it a shot myself.  Though my knowledge of assembly/hex editing is limited, it is still a lot of fun to try it.  I've already made a few minor tweaks to the .exe.  :P

Anyways, I look forward to the timer patch, if you get around to it!  I think a lot of people would love it as a stand alone mod.


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Re: 99:59
« Reply #7 on: 2013-03-03 22:13:04 »
It is all there in the exe, and you can install the hex documentation from Menu Overhaul installer.  The values needed will be there.


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Re: 99:59
« Reply #8 on: 2013-03-03 22:53:34 »
Whoa!!  I didn't see that before.  This is really awesome documentation.  Thanks!   ;D  I feel like a kid going into a toy store...  Haha.


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Re: 99:59
« Reply #9 on: 2023-12-23 00:13:21 »
It would be cool but I just used savegame editor to set it back to 40:00 it was easy with no hassle, so that maybe the quick easy solution. :-)