Author Topic: Recent increase of trolls and idiots in general  (Read 17941 times)


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Recent increase of trolls and idiots in general
« on: 2004-09-02 11:28:36 »
Due to the general disregard for the rules evident lately, I'm upping the stakes a bit. Frankly I'm getting damned tired of dealing with the idiots, and have considered closing the Unrelated forum entirely.

From now on, there will be no warnings for trolls (instant ban). There will also be instant bans for bitching about a moderator's decision (of course, a well-based argument is okay). Moderators will be given the right to ban users, and pure trolling threads (like the ATTN: Aaron threads) may be deleted without warning. Guest posting has been disabled for all forums. Users who return after a ban (by registering a new account) should be referred to an admin, which will then ban their entire IP range.

That is all.


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Recent increase of trolls and idiots in general
« Reply #1 on: 2004-09-02 11:46:32 »
Seems little too hard ... i think that instant ban could ban also someone non-trolling who just had very bad day and has terrible current attitude.
So moderators please think before you ban someone :)

Also one question about banning ... what does it do ? User cannot get to forums at all, or he only cannot post ?


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Recent increase of trolls and idiots in general
« Reply #2 on: 2004-09-02 15:09:07 »
Quote from: mirex
Seems little too hard ... i think that instant ban could ban also someone non-trolling who just had very bad day and has terrible current attitude.
So moderators please think before you ban someone :)

Also one question about banning ... what does it do ? User cannot get to forums at all, or he only cannot post ?

you can't login with the banned nickname and you can't register a new account with the banned email adress.


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Recent increase of trolls and idiots in general
« Reply #3 on: 2004-09-03 02:44:31 »
I think it's cool, but insta-banning newbs is kinda tough.. Granted someone as moronic as the few people banned in the past is totally understandable, but everyone is a newb sometimes.. I hope you don't hold them responsible for initial mistakes, but I dont think that is your intent.

I also would be saddened to see the unrelated forum go.. I have surfed the entire forum, but I dont program much, and most of the FF discussions have been done..

Since I have grown a lot with everyone I like the unrelated section as it gives us all a chance to discuss life, politics, news, and random stuff..

I would agree that some of the threads are unnecessary, but still I would be sad to see it go..

Anyway, in the end Qhimm it's your call..

Oh hey and btw since I got my job you can expect that money I owe ya soon.. well after I pay my debts anyway.. ~_^


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Recent increase of trolls and idiots in general
« Reply #4 on: 2004-09-03 03:30:39 »
Question-Am I a troll(I dont care what the awnser to this is negative or posotive , I wont make a crazy thread about my leaving)I would just like to know if my behavior is somehow improper...


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Recent increase of trolls and idiots in general
« Reply #5 on: 2004-09-03 06:10:30 »
I agree with Qhimm that the situation is getting worse in the last time. As an admin, you cannot sit around and keep warning users, so I think that Qhimm's decision to tight up the rules is right (as in my opinion Qhimm has always done the right decision in such situations)
Of course, not everybody will agree with that. And of course there may be colleteral damage as far as the banning is concerned.
However, if there are idiots around trying to destroy the "peaceful" atmosphere we once had, there have to be consequences. And that's what Qhimm did.

I think if someone is interested in visiting our forums and posting serious threads, not trying to b*tch around, then nothing will stand in his/her way.

But I as a moderator will not ban anyone, since in my opinion this is a decision that only the admin can take. It's not that I am afraid of banning someone wrong. And I don't want to say that I don't wanna take the responsibility. But after all, it's your board, Qhimm. You decide who's allowed to stay, no one else.

I really hope that the situation is going to improve without banning dozens of users...

 - Alhexx

 - edit -
Something I forgot to say:
I don't think that closing the "Completely Unrelated" forum will improve the situation; it will just move the topics into other forums...


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Recent increase of trolls and idiots in general
« Reply #6 on: 2004-09-03 07:25:14 »
I agree. We all have different mod styles. I, for one, give verbal warnings first. When I wear my mod hat, I will always state my reasons for my actions, be it moving a thread, editing a post, or handing out warning/ban cards. Be aware that if you provoke me, lighting strikes from above.

In Tech we have our newbies. I have kindly moved threads to Game Tweaking when a driver issue/patch/crash topic pops in. (It is kinds of hard to see the difference between Tech Related and Game Tweaking if you haven't lurked for a little bit) Just because Gears is not being actively updated while I'm school, doesn't mean I'm not here.

I made a promise to Qhimm That I would keep things tidy in Tech. I know that the more we split open the FF7 system, the more popular it's going to get. I have plans to annouce Gears on Slashdot when it's "done". I predict will generate a goodly amout of intrest. I just hope it's good enough to warrent a posting there, and if it is, that the "Joeys" of the internet don't make this a bad place to be.

I think I'm done with my $0.02

/"Joey" ==  Yea, I've been here a while....


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Recent increase of trolls and idiots in general
« Reply #7 on: 2004-09-06 02:55:30 »
LoL halkun your a mod???

WoW LoL I just noticed! Congratulations! ^_^


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Recent increase of trolls and idiots in general
« Reply #8 on: 2004-10-08 04:36:26 »
I think it's a good idea to ban the ones who obnoxiously post garbage like we saw with that SL-2 guy. But during one of my earlier solved problems, I was fearing getting warnings over something as small as an avitar. I know mods have to be strict, especially when dealing with a mass amount of people, but being too strict on people can be discouraging.


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Recent increase of trolls and idiots in general
« Reply #9 on: 2004-11-11 18:56:18 »
If the trouble maker isn't banned or at least taken care of, the problem will only get worse. Out of experience from both sides, I think you're doing the right thing.

By the way, my name's Casey. I've been reading the forums for awhile now, just decided to register...

or reregister

James Pond

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Recent increase of trolls and idiots in general
« Reply #10 on: 2004-11-11 20:31:21 »
Re Regester?