Author Topic: a possibly dumb, nooby question about modding  (Read 2854 times)


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a possibly dumb, nooby question about modding
« on: 2015-01-13 06:29:13 »
Hey guys, completely new to this forum, and to modding in general.  So, I apologize if this is answered elsewhere on the forums; I spent about 30 minutes googling and looking, and I couldn't find the answer. 

So, on this page (, it says:

Step 1: Read, download, and run the latest version of FF7 Game Converter.

The Game Converter is only required if you have the Steam version!

                                 FILE                 AUTHOR              DESCRIPTION                  INFO             
           FF7_GameConverter_BC.exe       Kompass63         Compatibility Tool           Qhimm FILE

Before running it:
Rename a Hard Drive to FF7DISC1.
Rename a USB Flash Drive to FF7DISC1.
Mount this blank ISO: DOWNLOAD

So my question is this... Do I need to go through this process for each disk?  How would I do that?  And if I do that, will I need to reconfigure the bootlist each time?  Also, what does it mean that I need a "volume" listed for each of these? (It says: "Before using FF7 Game Converter you need a volume labeled "FF7DISC1", "FF7DISC2" or "FF7DISC3" (for the Re- or Steam-Release it is enough to relabel a USB stick)")  How do I do this? 

Thank you guys for the help! I'm really excited about going through this game modded.


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Re: a possibly dumb, nooby question about modding
« Reply #1 on: 2015-01-13 14:13:07 »
Nevermind, I believe I figured it out.