Hello everyone and hello again Tirlititi, it's been some years since my last post. In these past few weeks, I've finally played until disc 3. (PSX - Italian version with Alternate version, run on EpsxE PC and android)
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THE QUESTIONS of nowadays
(to understand how i came to this maybe-billion-time-questions, please read this little truly-(un)satisfied but enthusiastic-guy story)1 - Is there a GAMESHARK code that works with the PSX italian version to remove trance bar?
2 - Is IMPOSSIBLE to set trance with these guys (Marcus, Blank, Cinna and Beatrix) with psx version (and HW things and tricks)?
2bis - i've read something about in the forum...the issue seems to be that they don't have a trance model (and not only this)... so, according to my ignorance, if i set only thief dagger for zidane, so i don't have to use the zidane with thief sword model and relative trance model,...then for Blank, Blank have a second model with the Pluto soldier suite...
So with these informations, is possibile to think - a MIRACLE? - to set trance models for marcus, cinna, blank (blank with pluto soldier suite) and beatrix?
Where it all begans - DIALOGUES ISSUES with alternate version
I confirm (like my old post in the alternate version thread) that some lines are messed up in some specific area (or maybe it's quite correct call them "field" according HW). Until disc 2 i've take notes about what lines are "corrupted" (or wrong pg says lines that in normal game are attribute of other, or lines during RTE completely wrong) and where it happens.
Maybe the origin of this little mess is...me! I explain...later.
Where my dream set MY AIM
My aim was have Zidan with Excalibur II and Beatrix in the party.
First, I use GAMESHARK CODES... even if at beginning it was hard to find workable codes, reading forums and billions of tons of landing pages and some other down site (my bad), i gone through this and (with many many tentatives, glitches and game freezee) find codes that works. With these codes i'm able to modify the party (one by one) members, with other tentatives i can change the battle menu with relative abilities.
Second, I finally approde to HADESWORKSHOP. It's the big deal!!!!! With this i can modify the same (and much much much more) things and finally got Excalibur II in the hands of Zidane and Beatrix in the party "on call" (whenever gameshark cheat is set up).
Where my mental health is gone - My aim was achieved but i can stop there? YES but...nope!
So from Beatrix i went to marcus and blank (with custom battle menu i've made) (until disc 2...then i was shocked (the big disappointing point) to find out that when Eiko and Amarant join party, these gameshark codes don't call up even more marcus and blank but Eiko and Amarant (and Quina instead Cinna))....
So that hard work to bring them with me...for nothing?
Many sites and forums later, i've find out gameshark's codes that let me to switch every party member with other ones.
Secondary, for these pg, until i've found the Big disappointing point, i want to set some support abilities. So with HW, i can set the support abilities to Marcus, Blank and Cinna but can't activate them, not in game (even if i can see the list) and not in HW (or i don't found out how to do it) BUT it seems that the support abilities of the "originals" are still active (like autopotion).
With gameshark codes i've found the way to can see and can activate/deactivate the support abilities...but this affect also the battle menu, equipment etc.... so i can have Cinna with Quina abilities and so on.
In both case, there was (and there is still) a Big problem.
Big problem: if i want Marcus, Blank and Cinna in the party instead of base pg, i can play with them until trance happens and the game freezee.
How can i solve?
2 solutions i've thought:
1 - i can play with one of this guys (marcus, blank and cinna) instead of Beatrix, so the trance problem can't happen.
2 - Is there a way to remove the trance bar?
so.... 1 is too simple, 2 is much more attractive... so you can imagine how i answer to my question.
Third - CHEAT ENGINE. With this i've found how modify things in "live action" like, guil, time, pg'stats, turn on trance, or set it to zero...but these changes only works until cheatengine is operating. Or maybe i'don't find the right code that modify the existence of trance bar.
I've tried not so many times... 'cause cheatengine is not newbie-idiot-friendly.
Fourth - MEMORIA SAVE EDITOR. The save editor can set same changes that are possible with gameshark codes and with HW (for my aim)...so with memoria i changed something here and there, making some tries, some messing around... then i've found an interesting things...
My Beatrix, called on party with gameshark, with support abilities that you can set but you can't activate (with HW)...with memoria, in the save editor you can activate them, and then in the game you can see in the menu, according to what you've set in HW (in my case i've set with HW autopotion, autolife and many others that are listed in game menu but not activate, with memoria i can activate the support abilities from a list of the program... so in this list i've activated autolife and autohaste (this one i've not choose in HW and is not listed in game menù) ... in game, with this changes i can see the list of supporting abilities i've set with HW, and the active supporting abilities i've chosen with memoria, so in my case i see autolife and i can see it is active but not autohaste that i've not set with HW but activated with MEMORIA... in battle works autolife and so autohaste...
So the conclusion is that the supporting abilities that you set with memoria, affect Beatrix even if you can't see it in game menu.
I think this doesn't work with Marcus Blank and Cinna 'cause they share the code with Eiko and partners...so, i think, if you modify these ones, the changes affect both.
Fifth - CONCLUSION? Maybe
Beatrix is a badass with hammer (with level bonus), and seems like magic hammer when she hit the enemy.
Marcus, Blank and Cinna...'i've made a custom menu, Marcus alternate version, Blank is like a pusher (hahahah), Cinna a sort of support mage.
Zidane...i've achieved the aim to bring excalibur II, like a thief sword, so in the erect version of Zidane in battle...
but the question is: is possibile use Excalibur like a thief dagger? And answer is YES. In HW, you have to set the menu's image font of a dagger instead a sword and the game is set, you can play with excalibur II dagger

Or i change one to one the Cinna Marcus and Blank with Beatrix when i want one of them with gameshark codes.
Or what?
THE QUESTIONS of nowadays ************ (this part is now at the begin of this post)
WHY I THINK THE PROBLEM TO DIALOGUES ISSUE WAS ME. During the game i used the gameshark codes to add beatrix or marcus or blank and so this maybe caused these issues through the game.
Now I'm heading to modify party members with fields on HW....and messing around like that.
Side note 1: this forum is a masterpiece to handling with the tools created for this game and , as i say, HW is a pure Rosetta Stone
Side note 2: yes, i miss some part of this forum to handle in easy way some of the mess i've done. Sorry for that and for my five-yo english.
Thanks for time you dedicate to this post.