Author Topic: [PSX/PC] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v6.0)  (Read 343326 times)


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Re: [PSX/PC] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v5.0)
« Reply #175 on: 2020-03-24 22:44:25 »
The base game is fairly easy, yes.
However, the mod somehow assumes that the player knows some of the game's mechanics. It is not per say "essential" to know them because there is never only 1 way to do things, but only strategies to ease the progress. For instance, I have heard of people who don't know about ATB tricks, the effect of the status Heat, which sidequests give good rewards or the way several bosses work (like Tantarian)... play the mod and struggle because of it (not to the point of being completly stopped but to the point of trying several times waiting for lucky attempts). In my opinion, these people had the possibility to learn the mechanics, maybe at the cost of a single game over, but they didn't so it may be a difficult thing to learn on the spot.

In short, I think that the mod is easier for someone who [doesn't know the game but has not problem with difficulty] than someone who [knows the game well but expect to win by mashing a single command].

Sorry for the tedious answer; that's not an easy question ^^"


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Re: [PSX/PC] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v5.0)
« Reply #176 on: 2020-04-01 11:23:43 »
Hi everyone !!!

This mod looks awesome i´m giving a try, congratulations !!!

i have two concerns, the "steam mod" (second link) include the beatrix recruitable? or it is just the base mod ?
And, can you play the mod in other languajes, like Spanish ?

Thanks !! :)


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Re: [PSX/PC] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v5.0)
« Reply #177 on: 2020-04-01 12:59:07 »
Hi and thanks Rikku.

Yes, the "Steam version" includes Beatrix recruitable, but it is also the "base mod" of the Steam version, ie. version 5.0.
More explicitly:
  • 1st link is v3.2 of the mod on PSX: I stopped updating the PSX version because it had too many restrictions, and it doesn't let you recruit Beatrix.
  • 2nd link is v5.0 of the mod on Steam: it includes everything that is described in the OP.
  • 3rd link is v5.0 on Steam for those who already have Fraggoso's mod installed: it's exactly the same mod, but with compatibility tweaks.
  • 4th link is similar albeit concerning the Moguri mod instead.
  • 5th link is a sub-mod of the v5.0: it includes a recruitable Beatrix, the addition of "hidden dialogs" (ie. dialogs that were suppressed during the game's development and unlocked back with AF) and the addition of the 4 optional bosses in Memoria. It doesn't include any change for enemies or abilities that already exist in the base game.
  • 6th link is the Beatrix mod with Moguri compatibility.
  • 7th link is the source files (require Hades Workshop and dnSpy to work) for those who want to make their own changes on top of mine.
So whatever is you situation, you only need to download 1 link and not trying to install combinations of different links.

As for the language: yes, the mod is playable in all the languages supported by the game:
Spanish, English, French, Italian, German and Japanese.


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Re: [PSX/PC] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v5.0)
« Reply #178 on: 2020-04-03 16:33:06 »
Hmm not sure if this a glitch but I fought Ark yesterday at one point he cast Photon on Freyja, Freyja had Auto-Potion activate but auto-potion didn't happen, at first I thought this was because the Trance happened and cancel the Auto-Potion but on my second try Zidane and Freyja got into Trance and Auto-Potion trigger on both, this also isn't because Photon's Berserk cause on my second try he did Photon on Freyja putting her on Berserk but Auto-Potion still trigger. So no idea why it didn't trigger my guess would be Photon put her on Berserk, but then the Trance cancel the berserk and somehow this would have cancel Auto Potion but I'm not sure.


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Re: [PSX/PC] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v5.0)
« Reply #179 on: 2020-04-03 22:20:44 »
hey, I found an old patch you recommended to someone some years ago for removing the timer condition for the Excalibur II that you apply with Hades Workshop, is it still fine to use? wanted to make sure it wouldn't mess anything up with AF + Moguri


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Re: [PSX/PC] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v5.0)
« Reply #180 on: 2020-04-04 13:58:54 »
Hey Nesouk,
I have seen what happened and found why: it's because healing Berserk cancels all the commands of the character (Freya there), not only her attack command. So it did:
1) Inflicted Berserk
2) Triggered Trance -> healed Berserk instantatly -> canceled all her commands (auto-potion).

It's a bug that is actually already in vanilla. I've never seen it but I guess that Trolls can trigger it as well since they have an attack that both deals damage and inflict Berserk. The same would occur with Confuse by the way.

It's also similar (and a bit related) to another well-known bug that speedrunners use when fighting Black Waltz 2. In that fight, the Black Waltz counters with Fira once it gets under a HP limit. Also, it is scripted to never attack Garnet (in vanilla) so if ever his current target becomes invalid (KO), it cancels its commands to avoid redirecting the attack on Garnet by mistake. And it cancels all its commands as well, including its Fira counter (that would not be redirected anyway). So speedrunners purposely suicide Black Waltz's last target (that is kept in memory as its "current target" until a new ATB command is issued) right before putting it under the HP threshold and thus completly skip the Fira counter.

Also, final small detail: if any command is successfully canceled by healing Berserk (even if that's auto-potion), then the character's ATB is resetted to 0. So you could actually have had an even worse bug where Freya's ATB is half-filled when Photon hits and it gets empty for no apparent reason right after that.

You're progressing well so far. Sorry about Stiltzkin being fidgety in Oeilvert; that's also in vanilla ^^"

@setafd: Hi. No, you shouldn't do that.
This old patch should still work if it's used as a stand-alone or even with the Moguri mod. However, AF already changes that treasure there (it effectively removes the timer condition but also give another item than Excalibur II (because that sword can be given either by Gilgamesh or by Hades in the mod, never found next to Lich)).
If you simply want to have Excalibur II after defeating Lich and without getting it by collecting all the treasures of the game, you should rather use gjoerulv's save editor to add the sword in your inventory.
« Last Edit: 2020-04-04 14:02:33 by Tirlititi »


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Re: [PSX/PC] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v5.0)
« Reply #181 on: 2020-04-04 17:12:31 »

@setafd: Hi. No, you shouldn't do that.
This old patch should still work if it's used as a stand-alone or even with the Moguri mod. However, AF already changes that treasure there (it effectively removes the timer condition but also give another item than Excalibur II (because that sword can be given either by Gilgamesh or by Hades in the mod, never found next to Lich)).
If you simply want to have Excalibur II after defeating Lich and without getting it by collecting all the treasures of the game, you should rather use gjoerulv's save editor to add the sword in your inventory.

Hey, thanks for responding! I'm glad I asked. That's a good recommendation, thank you


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Re: [PSX/PC] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v5.0)
« Reply #182 on: 2020-04-04 17:32:15 »
Hey Nesouk,
I have seen what happened and found why: it's because healing Berserk cancels all the commands of the character (Freya there), not only her attack command. So it did:
1) Inflicted Berserk
2) Triggered Trance -> healed Berserk instantatly -> canceled all her commands (auto-potion).

It's a bug that is actually already in vanilla. I've never seen it but I guess that Trolls can trigger it as well since they have an attack that both deals damage and inflict Berserk. The same would occur with Confuse by the way.

It's also similar (and a bit related) to another well-known bug that speedrunners use when fighting Black Waltz 2. In that fight, the Black Waltz counters with Fira once it gets under a HP limit. Also, it is scripted to never attack Garnet (in vanilla) so if ever his current target becomes invalid (KO), it cancels its commands to avoid redirecting the attack on Garnet by mistake. And it cancels all its commands as well, including its Fira counter (that would not be redirected anyway). So speedrunners purposely suicide Black Waltz's last target (that is kept in memory as its "current target" until a new ATB command is issued) right before putting it under the HP threshold and thus completly skip the Fira counter.

Also, final small detail: if any command is successfully canceled by healing Berserk (even if that's auto-potion), then the character's ATB is resetted to 0. So you could actually have had an even worse bug where Freya's ATB is half-filled when Photon hits and it gets empty for no apparent reason right after that.

You're progressing well so far. Sorry about Stiltzkin being fidgety in Oeilvert; that's also in vanilla ^^"

HA Figure it had something to do with Transe healing the berserk statut, it was the first time happening to me so I got a bit surprise XD. Didn't know about that exploit regarding Black Waltz 2 so I guess that's why you make it so that his Fira was the only attack that could target Garnet, to avoid skipping it ?
No worries for Stiltzkin, nothing to do with the mod anyway, this is FFIX always a good chunk of easy missables ^^, was my fault for having my inventory full but hey that's why I do safety saves as back up XD.


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Re: [PSX/PC] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v5.0)
« Reply #183 on: 2020-04-06 21:44:04 »
Hi! This mod seems very cool and I'm definitely interested in trying it the next time I play the game.

I've got a couple of questions.

Does the mod change anything in regard to Dagger losing her concentration at some point in the story? I remember that being very annoying.

Also, does using the short animation for summons still deal less damage in this mod? I don't remember if this was in the original game or if this is something the mod brought.

Thanks and keep up the great work!


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Re: [PSX/PC] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v5.0)
« Reply #184 on: 2020-04-07 01:34:53 »
Hi AuthenticM. No, the mod doesn't change anything regarding Dagger losing her concentration, there's still a chance for her to have her command canceled (1/2 IIRC). Same for the short animations of summons that always did two thirds of the full animation's damage.


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Re: [PSX/PC] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v5.0)
« Reply #185 on: 2020-04-07 16:39:41 »
I have one question regarding summon you said this in the first :

1) As in Vanilla, their power increases with the number of jewels that you own (except for Odin for which it is a penalty), up to a +49 bonus [+99 in vanilla],

So does that means that to maximize summon on top of summoning the summons 50 times I have to buy 49 of the corresponding stones or 99 ?


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Re: [PSX/PC] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v5.0)
« Reply #186 on: 2020-04-07 16:57:23 »
99 stones (well, 98 in reality). Every 2 stones increase the power by 1, except for Atomos and Odin:
- For Atomos, it's every 4 amethysts increase the damage by 1% of Max HP and every cast also increase the damage by 1% up to 25 casts.
- For Odin, it's every 2 gems decrease the power by 1 and every cast increase the power by 1 up to 50 casts. The cast count doesn't care if Odin Sword is equipped or not.

In vanilla, Atomos's damage increase is also divided by 2 compared to the other eidolons' boosts.


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Re: [PSX/PC] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v5.0)
« Reply #187 on: 2020-04-07 18:56:35 »
Hi AuthenticM. No, the mod doesn't change anything regarding Dagger losing her concentration, there's still a chance for her to have her command canceled (1/2 IIRC). Same for the short animations of summons that always did two thirds of the full animation's damage.

Alright, thanks!

What do you think about removing the damage penalty for short animation summons? I always thought it was stupid even back then, and now with the fast-forward feature that the game has, it has gotten redundant on top of stupid.

Regarding Dagger losing missing her attacks at that part of the game, would you be willing to maybe reduce the rate at which the misses occur?



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Re: [PSX/PC] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v5.0)
« Reply #188 on: 2020-04-07 19:17:17 »
Huh I have a problem I don't know if it's due to your mod but I'm on disc 3, I have the airship, I put Quina and Vivi in my party but the scene in Quan's Dwelling isn't triggering, I have no idea why.


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Re: [PSX/PC] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v5.0)
« Reply #189 on: 2020-04-07 20:46:08 »
@AuthenticM: I retired from modding. I only answer questions and might do a compatibility update of the mod, but not change it anymore.
About the summon animation, anyway, I wouldn't have done that. I feel that having an option to always see the short animation should be something more related with UI mods and such, so a feature of Memoria.
Regarding Dagger's concentration loss, that's not something I would change for mod balancing. I think that, considering Dagger has that problem for at most 2 dungeons and is an original way to add personification to a character's gameplay progression. If you want to change that, though, you can do it using the tool dnSpy. After opening the Assembly-CSharp.dll using that tool, search for the class "btl_cmd", then its method "CheckCommandCondition", right-click, "Edit Method", search for the following line and lower the number 64 to something else:
Code: [Select]
if (battle.GARNET_DEPRESS_FLAG != 0 && != 0 && == 2 && cmd_no < 48 && Comn.random8() < 64)"Comn.random8()" returns a number between 0 and 255, so that's actually a 1/4 chance to fail a command and not 1/2.

@Nesouk: Yes, I have delayed that scene to disc 4 because the reward there has changed.


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Re: [PSX/PC] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v5.0)
« Reply #190 on: 2020-04-07 20:52:26 »
Alright thank for the clarification, was afraid to missed it due to a glitch and missed the S rank with it XD


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Re: [PSX/PC] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v5.0)
« Reply #191 on: 2020-04-08 04:17:36 »
@AuthenticM: I retired from modding. I only answer questions and might do a compatibility update of the mod, but not change it anymore.
About the summon animation, anyway, I wouldn't have done that. I feel that having an option to always see the short animation should be something more related with UI mods and such, so a feature of Memoria.
Regarding Dagger's concentration loss, that's not something I would change for mod balancing. I think that, considering Dagger has that problem for at most 2 dungeons and is an original way to add personification to a character's gameplay progression. If you want to change that, though, you can do it using the tool dnSpy. After opening the Assembly-CSharp.dll using that tool, search for the class "btl_cmd", then its method "CheckCommandCondition", right-click, "Edit Method", search for the following line and lower the number 64 to something else:
Code: [Select]
if (battle.GARNET_DEPRESS_FLAG != 0 && != 0 && == 2 && cmd_no < 48 && Comn.random8() < 64)"Comn.random8()" returns a number between 0 and 255, so that's actually a 1/4 chance to fail a command and not 1/2.

@Nesouk: Yes, I have delayed that scene to disc 4 because the reward there has changed.
Alright, no problem. Thanks a lot for keeping the mod compatible with Moguri! I'm waiting for it to be completed before replaying the game with your mod. It's really appreciated.


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Re: [PSX/PC] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v5.0)
« Reply #192 on: 2020-04-19 10:47:02 »
Hello everyone.
And Hi you, Tirlititi.

I really love your work with all this mods. I want to replay the game for a long time.
So, the question are:

1) for the PSX version what are the features that are included in the game? The description, maybe I'm wrong, you say that is for steam version and that many features listed are not included in the psx version.

2) This mod is compatible for the psx italian version? Or run only for the US?

Sorry if I ask somethings that someone else already ask. And sorry for my english.
I played this game, and all final fantasy, with my dad when i was a kid. So i'd like make to him to replay on psx because he prefer it but if it's not possible in italian...i'm not sure if he understand the dialogues.

ps. Another question: if the answer to my n.2 question is no, there is somethings that i can do to translate the game in italian for the mod psx version?

Thanks to all of you, to keep this game great yet.


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Re: [PSX/PC] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v5.0)
« Reply #193 on: 2020-04-20 11:02:32 »
Hello Paky-outsider.
Indeed, the description of the v3.2 is gone here, although I could retrieve it from another website:
Final Fantasy IX: Alternate Fantasy is a mod aiming to increase the difficulty and, above all, to give a new experience of FF9 for those who already know the game well.

Most of modifications are gameplay related but a few of them are also scenaristical. Those are mostly dialog scenes that were deleted by the developers from the final release of the game. You’ll find the scenes from the “Hidden Dialogs” patch, but also a few others for which the only remains are the texts.

One of the point of the mod is to enhance the statuses. Some basic spells deal statuses additionnally to their damage.

Here is a list of the principal changes in the player's abilities:

Trance skills deal much less damage
What's that?! inflicts Blind to everyone now
Annoy has been replaced by Free Energy : a regular attack with 100% accuracy and no backrow reduce
Sacrifice has been replaced by Regenerate : use an ether on the team
Lucky Seven has been replaced by Warm Up : increase Zidane's strength by 25%
Thievery has been replaced by Transcend : bring Zidane to Trance

Fire spells have a chance to inflict Heat (base : 5%, 10% and then 20%)
Ice spells have a chance to inflict Freeze (base : 5%, 10% and then 20%)
Thunder spells have a chance to inflict Slow (base : 10%, 20% and then 40%)
Slow has been replaced by Annoy (80% of inflicting trouble)
Demi has been balanced from 30% of max HP with 40% accuracy to 25% of max HP for 80% accuracy
Death has been replaced by Gradual Petrify (75% accuracy)
Break is now an Earth elemental attack in addition to inflicting Petrify (30% accuracy)
Water sometimes inflict Shell to its targets
Meteor has been replaced by Waterga : Water damage plus Silence (50% accuracy)

White Magic
Panacea only cures Poison but is multi-targeting
Stona only cures Gradual Petrify but is multi-targeting
Confuse and Berserk are now magical attacks in addition to inflicting statuses
Most of status-inflicting spells have their accuracy upscaled
Holy sometimes inflict Regen to its target

The full powered Ark now deal damage twice, allowing to deal more than 9999

Fenril is a wind eidolon by default

LV5 Death has been replaced by LV5 Flare : inflict non-elemental damage to enemies with lvl multiple of 5
LV4 Holy has been replaced by LV4 Def-less : randomly decrease defence of enemies with lvl multiple of 4
LV3 Def-less has been replaced by LV3 Aerial Slash : inflict Wind damage to enemies with lvl multiple of 3
Doom has been replaced by Lightning : Thunder damage plus Silence to one target (50% accuracy)
Roulette has been replaced by Self-Destruct : convert Quina's current HP into damage on all the enemies
Aqua Breath has 75% accuracy instead of 50%
Matra Magic has been replaced by Zombie Breath : non-elemental damage plus Zombie on one target (20% accuracy)
Limit Glove has been replaced by HP Switching : switch Quina's current HP with an ally's ones
Twister has 50% to inflict Float in addition to its Wind damage
Earth Shake has 100% to inflict Slow in addition to its Earth damage
Frog Drop has been replaced by Devil's Snack : use a Dead Pepper on all enemies
Freeze has been replaced by Cocytos : Ice damage and inflict Slow on one target (100%)
Mustard Bomb has been replaced by Phlegethon : Fire damage and inflict Haste on one target (100%)

Lancer's damage are increased, as well as its MP cost
Dragon Breath has been replaced by Dragon Life : apply Auto-Life on Freya
Six Dragons has became single-targeting for 15 MP
Cherry Blossom is more powerful
Dragon's Crest has been replaced by Ikari : deal physical damage and Trouble to all the enemies (50%)

Aura has been replaced by Starburst : deal 60 times an enemy's level as damage
Demi Shock's accuracy has been upscaled from 50% to 80%
Countdown has been replaced by Concentrate : increase an ally's Magic by 33% for 28 MP

Iai Strike has been replaced by Quadraslash : a physical attack using the elemental power of Fire, Ice, Thunder and Water
The accuracy of the 4 break abilities have been upscaled
Thunder Slash now inflict 21% of target's max HP as thunder damage
Climhazzard has been replaced by a weaker Shock : deal 2 times the physical damage on one target
Shock has been replaced by Sword Dance : deal 2 times the physical damage on all enemies ; it's a magical attack

Added 2 abilities for the time he is with you on the disc 2 : Strong Hit (more damage but harm Marcus) and Contaminate (100% to inflict Poison)

Ragtime Mouses Quizz has been refreshed
The enemies are stronger and more resistant; many of their spells inflict statuses additionally to their damage
The most frustrating bug of the game has been corrected: the last Tetra Master rank displays properly
A couple of weapons can be used by several characters (for instance, Dagger can use the… dagger)
The ultimate weapons give a big boost to main characteristics (Strength, Magic, Speed and Spirit)
Phoenix Pinions now cure Doom; they also cost and sell cheaper
A mini-game has been re-added at the beginning of disc 3
Excalibur II can now be acquired by two different methods:
1) Reach and beat Hades in less than 14 hours,
2) Get all the treasures of the game (there are 3 little mistakes allowed) to obtain the higher treasure rank. Some particular cases don’t count (Stilzkin’s sells and Ragtime Mouses’s/Ozma/Hades rewards mainly). Kupo Nuts don’t count by themselves but all the one-time rewards count (roughly 1 per disc from disc 2). Similarly, Chocographs don’t count when you unearth them but the treasure themselves count. Also, Mimics count. In the end, that makes 404 unique treasures to find.

There are more, but I'll let you find it by yourself. Have fun!
Basically, the integration of Beatrix, the new optional bosses and the change of the battle core mechanics are completly missing from the PSX version. The other aspects are there although a bit different (there are fewer hidden scenes put back, some enemies are different, etc).

However, there is no italian translation for the PSX version, no.
I can make one, though, since I had to do a translation in italian for the PC version. Just give me a couple of days because I need to get the italian version and the process is not so straigtforward.


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Re: [PSX/PC] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v5.0)
« Reply #194 on: 2020-04-20 20:58:00 »
Hmm I have an issue with Ragtime Mouse, I'm on his sixteenth question and it doesn't to have a way, I hit the Circle he say I lost, I his the Cross he say I lost and I hit him he flee as usual, so is that a glitch or is there something I'm doing wrong ?


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Re: [PSX/PC] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v5.0)
« Reply #196 on: 2020-04-21 05:00:11 »
And the funny part is I thought about this solution, but thought it would be dumb and didn't do it, guess I should follow my instinct sometime :roll: .
Thanks for the reply


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Re: [PSX/PC] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v5.0)
« Reply #197 on: 2020-04-21 10:12:03 »
Hello Paky-outsider.
Indeed, the description of the v3.2 is gone here, although I could retrieve it from another website:Basically, the integration of Beatrix, the new optional bosses and the change of the battle core mechanics are completly missing from the PSX version. The other aspects are there although a bit different (there are fewer hidden scenes put back, some enemies are different, etc).

However, there is no italian translation for the PSX version, no.
I can make one, though, since I had to do a translation in italian for the PC version. Just give me a couple of days because I need to get the italian version and the process is not so straigtforward.

Thank you for the answer and the informations.
Oh, I really liked the idea of playble Beatrix on PSX. :(
However, with this features it's gonna be a new experience and if you can do the translation it would be really great, but take your time. I'm not in hurry and I am really grateful to you Tirlititi.


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Re: [PSX/PC] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v5.0)
« Reply #198 on: 2020-04-23 00:59:56 »
Thanks for this fantastic mod.

Just wondering, how can I merge your mod with the HD Battle Backgrounds mod made by snouz? It both use p0data2.bin. I’m really a noob when it comes to modding. Hoping you can help.
« Last Edit: 2020-04-23 01:04:06 by fenrrir18 »


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Re: [PSX/PC] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v5.0)
« Reply #199 on: 2020-04-23 16:04:08 »
@paky-outsider: Here is the italian version of the mod on PSX (v3.2).
Alternate Fantasy (italiano - PSX)
I didn't test. Tell me if there are bugs.

@fenrrir18: Not yet. Snouz is doing some more works, correcting a couple of bugs. Once he's done, I'll look at what needs to be done for a compatibility version.