Hey Nesouk,
I have seen what happened and found why: it's because healing Berserk cancels all the commands of the character (Freya there), not only her attack command. So it did:
1) Inflicted Berserk
2) Triggered Trance -> healed Berserk instantatly -> canceled all her commands (auto-potion).
It's a bug that is actually already in vanilla. I've never seen it but I guess that Trolls can trigger it as well since they have an attack that both deals damage and inflict Berserk. The same would occur with Confuse by the way.
It's also similar (and a bit related) to another well-known bug that speedrunners use when fighting Black Waltz 2. In that fight, the Black Waltz counters with Fira once it gets under a HP limit. Also, it is scripted to never attack Garnet (in vanilla) so if ever his current target becomes invalid (KO), it cancels its commands to avoid redirecting the attack on Garnet by mistake. And it cancels all its commands as well, including its Fira counter (that would not be redirected anyway). So speedrunners purposely suicide Black Waltz's last target (that is kept in memory as its "current target" until a new ATB command is issued) right before putting it under the HP threshold and thus completly skip the Fira counter.
Also, final small detail: if any command is successfully canceled by healing Berserk (even if that's auto-potion), then the character's ATB is resetted to 0. So you could actually have had an even worse bug where Freya's ATB is half-filled when Photon hits and it gets empty for no apparent reason right after that.
You're progressing well so far. Sorry about Stiltzkin being fidgety in Oeilvert; that's also in vanilla ^^"
@setafd: Hi. No, you shouldn't do that.
This old patch should still work if it's used as a stand-alone or even with the Moguri mod. However, AF already changes that treasure there (it effectively removes the timer condition but also give another item than Excalibur II (because that sword can be given either by Gilgamesh or by Hades in the mod, never found next to Lich)).
If you simply want to have Excalibur II after defeating Lich and without getting it by collecting all the treasures of the game, you should rather use gjoerulv's
save editor to add the sword in your inventory.