So, for me the aesthetics of the forum in general lack of color, it looks a bit dead ... It should give it a really specific style and pertaining to final fantasy, kind of small moogle in notification for messages unread.
I have considered this in the past, but making a decent theme is time-consuming and complicated. Moreso for SMF than for other boards. Between my day job, acting, and planning a wedding, I barely have any free time as it is, and I don't think any of the other site staff are interested in doing this.
Maybe also separate the mods from different games, I remember that to modder FF8 not speaking very well the language I look for more than 3 days to have everything and I still do not have what I really want.
I thought about this, but decided not to for a few reasons:
- Some things, such as Aali's driver, support multiple games. Where would they be sorted?
- We've got a lot of subforums already. Too many more would really overwhelm the site.
One idea I had was to add icons for the various games to the forums' thread icon set. You would tag each thread with what game it's for that way. But I gave up on this idea because I kept running into permissions errors on the forum upload. This is something that would need changed in the server, which I can't do myself.
Embed an IRC Chat directly on the main page
Not going to happen, too much work, and potentially annoying for people who aren't interested in it. We have a link to our IRC right in our forum list; that should be enough for anyone interested in it.
and maybe an audio player to make you bored a little less by reading.
Not going to happen, bad idea. If people want music, they can use their own audio players or open YouTube in another tab. For most people it would just make the site load slower, and waste our bandwidth.
EDIT: And banners
I'm not sure what kind of banners you mean. Like a site logo? That's something I would like to put on the forums, but simply haven't done.