So I finally beat the mod, played it on normal mode since it's been years that I've played FF7 and wanted something new, while I pretty much forgot all the details of the game.
Man, it was quite the experience! Not too easy, not too hard, never unfair
except maybe Ozma, at first I thought FFX Nemesis was a bit unfair too but then I learned he was susceptible to frog (thank god for Hades)
I went into the mod blind, I did look up where I could find certain optional bosses since I didn't want to miss anything but I tried my best not to get spoilered on what the actual bosses do.
Just one little question, is Arrange mode wildly different (different treasure, new bosses, etc.), or is it just some minor difficulty tweaks to make the base mod harder?
I know I could easily google this, but once again in the case it is wildly different I don't want to spoil the changes for me