Author Topic: [FF7PC-98/Steam] FF7 Randomiser - Godo  (Read 86997 times)


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] FF7 Randomiser - Godo
« Reply #75 on: 2020-04-01 11:13:45 »
One more thing I noticed it during my latest full-game playthrough of the Randomiser (I am currently up to just before the Temple of the Ancients):
No single enemy has dropped any item yet (no enemy seems to hold an item to steal either) even though checking via ProudClod tells me both the Steal and Drop Rates should be at 63/63, which is also what I chose in the Randomiser settings (Max Drop/Steal).
EDIT1: One more thing I noticed: The Balance Auto Tuning Option "Stronger Enemies" seems broken. Every enemy appears to have slightly less than 50% of their HP in vanilla when I set it to 50% stronger enemies.
« Last Edit: 2020-04-01 11:27:12 by NxK »

Sega Chief

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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] FF7 Randomiser - Godo
« Reply #76 on: 2020-04-01 12:36:00 »
One more thing I noticed it during my latest full-game playthrough of the Randomiser (I am currently up to just before the Temple of the Ancients):
No single enemy has dropped any item yet (no enemy seems to hold an item to steal either) even though checking via ProudClod tells me both the Steal and Drop Rates should be at 63/63, which is also what I chose in the Randomiser settings (Max Drop/Steal).
EDIT1: One more thing I noticed: The Balance Auto Tuning Option "Stronger Enemies" seems broken. Every enemy appears to have slightly less than 50% of their HP in vanilla when I set it to 50% stronger enemies.

I'll have a look at it today.


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] FF7 Randomiser - Godo
« Reply #77 on: 2020-04-03 03:07:19 »
So I'm loving this randomizer but I've noticed that I get absolutely zero enemy drops or steals if I modify any enemy data at all. Have you/has anyone encountered this?

EDIT: Okay, the person above me literally just said the same thing so I feel silly.

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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] FF7 Randomiser - Godo
« Reply #78 on: 2020-04-04 23:57:13 »
So I'm loving this randomizer but I've noticed that I get absolutely zero enemy drops or steals if I modify any enemy data at all. Have you/has anyone encountered this?

EDIT: Okay, the person above me literally just said the same thing so I feel silly.

I've updated the tool with what should be a fix to drops/steals; I assumed that the byte used the full range of the value but it actually caps within a certain threshold. So in a tool like WM it looks correct (maxed) but when the engine reads it, nothing gets done. There was also a few other problems which I've hopefully got sorted now; I'm doing a test run of it at the moment.


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] FF7 Randomiser - Godo
« Reply #79 on: 2020-04-06 21:48:05 »
Just a quick question, is level 70 the cut of level still for version 1.5. Thank you.


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] FF7 Randomiser - Godo
« Reply #80 on: 2020-04-06 23:01:39 »
thats in New Threat. Not Godo. But no the cap was removed around the start of 1.4 release i think


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] FF7 Randomiser - Godo
« Reply #81 on: 2020-04-07 07:05:11 »
Does the flevel randomizer work for PSX as well?

Sega Chief

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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] FF7 Randomiser - Godo
« Reply #82 on: 2020-04-07 16:21:33 »
Does the flevel randomizer work for PSX as well?

Not yet, but I do have the field files for PSX decoding then re-encoding. Two challenges are how the models are stored and then the size of the fields themselves (but I'm thinking the size will be the same after item/materia reallocation due to how I've implemented it).


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] FF7 Randomiser - Godo
« Reply #83 on: 2020-04-07 19:59:37 »
Cool. I'm really just looking for field item randomization (the model randomization is too much for me lol).

Trying to do a nice little field item + stronger enemies rando, sorta like how randos are in Dark Souls.


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] FF7 Randomiser - Godo
« Reply #84 on: 2020-04-08 02:14:13 »
Some more things I noticed (I am using the latest version of Godo v0.4.4):
-giving all enemies a speed of 10 gives them too few turns (I assume this comes from the Enemy swarm but it's a bit too pronounced if you ask me)
-I am not entirely sure how HP for enemies is calculated using the Stronger Enemies option but HP seems still a bit unbalanced (some early enemies suddenly have 10,000HP wheres some bosses don't see their HP increased much, if not even decreased (Jenova-Life has 1032 HP)
-still no drops/steals when using the max drops/steal option, even though checking via PrCloud says 63/63
-using the enemy and boss swarm option checked for 6 still does not spawn some bosses in quantities higher than 1 (Demons Gate, for instance)
-I use the field randomizer as well and some Materia, when picked up, says I get one thing in the text window but I still actually get the default Materia (for instance Steal in the Sewers and Kujata in the Sleeping Forest)
-the elevator screen in the beginning of the game (on the way to Guard Scorpion and back, as well as used again before Air Buster) gave me softlocks for every field models/animations other than the standard ones


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] FF7 Randomiser - Godo
« Reply #85 on: 2020-04-19 13:52:38 »
Found an application crash: Godo 0.4.4, no flevel-randomizer, no other mods should be present. Enemy model is Lab-coat-green-skin hojo (Hojo fight first phase). Randomization option is the "Moderate" preset, nothing else. Seed is 201359140. No visible animation plays before the crash, but I assume it's when they try to take an action. Windows popup message is "An unknown exception has occured", I don't know further detail. If I kill them off quick enough I can get through a fight without a crash.

Also, I got a few questions about the program:
1) Do detailed randomization configurations combine with quick-settings. So, can I tick the quick-setting "Enemy attacks" and then also configure some of the detailed options from the top-bar? What if I tick "Enemy Attacks" quick option and ALSO set some detailed settings in the topbar, how do they combine?
2) When randomizing elements on attacks, weapons or armor, the presence of the "invisible" elements (physical & hidden) makes it quite difficult to determine what resistances are on your characters actually, since you don't know enemies' attack elements, or your own (Physical elements are not listed in menu), and so you can't test which types your equipment makes you resistant against. Are there any plans to alleviate this problem? Options I can think of from the top of my head: Somehow list elements in generated tooltips (probably rather tricky), an options to determine how elements are randomized: Fully random, physical <-> physical and visible <-> visible, but no mixing inbetween, no physical elements in random pool at all. There are probably other options
3) It seems to me that most enemy attacks are not affected by back-row damage reduction. Can you give any estimation of the odds that back row actually protects against a random enemy attack? I'm aware that it needs to use physical damage calculation and be flagged as short range, but I might miss something and I don't know which of those flags are touched by the randomizer & under which settings.


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] FF7 Randomiser - Godo
« Reply #86 on: 2020-04-25 13:50:58 »
Heyo, me again, with 2 more reports for Godo 0.4.4, no flevel randomizer, no other mods present:

I found both a crash and a softlock in the same seed. The settings are rather complex individual settings which I don't remember 100%, but I wrote down these notes about it: "Animations for everything are random, Model swaps, Player's arsenal same functionality (items & equip unchanged), character stats random except level & exp curve, limits random, enemy attacks random, mild status (no damage formula), enemies are random except names, enemy rewards random, rng table normal". Some of those are most likely not relevant to the reported errors, but I included it all for completeness' sake. The seed is 291709046.

Report #1: Crash on "Sword Dance" in Shinra Bld. 65f. I've never seen them do an attack successfully, it always crashes when any of them take an action. killing them all in a first strike ends the fight normally.

Report #2: Softlock on Boss: Sample: H0512. Attack: "Shady Breath". Attack plays animation and applies effect (poison chance to all characters) normally, then ATB stays locked in 'wait' if ATB is set to wait. Regardless of ATB setting, no further actions can be taken since the Shady Breath animation seems to never end fully. Camera is positioned behind the group, when you try to target any attack by having a character ready, the camera switches to the default side-view while the target cursor is out, and switches back if targeting is completed/cancelled. The fight cannot be continued in any way I've seen.

Sega Chief

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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] FF7 Randomiser - Godo
« Reply #87 on: 2020-04-25 22:38:59 »
Some more things I noticed (I am using the latest version of Godo v0.4.4):
-giving all enemies a speed of 10 gives them too few turns (I assume this comes from the Enemy swarm but it's a bit too pronounced if you ask me)
-I am not entirely sure how HP for enemies is calculated using the Stronger Enemies option but HP seems still a bit unbalanced (some early enemies suddenly have 10,000HP wheres some bosses don't see their HP increased much, if not even decreased (Jenova-Life has 1032 HP)
-still no drops/steals when using the max drops/steal option, even though checking via PrCloud says 63/63
-using the enemy and boss swarm option checked for 6 still does not spawn some bosses in quantities higher than 1 (Demons Gate, for instance)
-I use the field randomizer as well and some Materia, when picked up, says I get one thing in the text window but I still actually get the default Materia (for instance Steal in the Sewers and Kujata in the Sleeping Forest)
-the elevator screen in the beginning of the game (on the way to Guard Scorpion and back, as well as used again before Air Buster) gave me softlocks for every field models/animations other than the standard ones

Found an application crash: Godo 0.4.4, no flevel-randomizer, no other mods should be present. Enemy model is Lab-coat-green-skin hojo (Hojo fight first phase). Randomization option is the "Moderate" preset, nothing else. Seed is 201359140. No visible animation plays before the crash, but I assume it's when they try to take an action. Windows popup message is "An unknown exception has occured", I don't know further detail. If I kill them off quick enough I can get through a fight without a crash.

Also, I got a few questions about the program:
1) Do detailed randomization configurations combine with quick-settings. So, can I tick the quick-setting "Enemy attacks" and then also configure some of the detailed options from the top-bar? What if I tick "Enemy Attacks" quick option and ALSO set some detailed settings in the topbar, how do they combine?
2) When randomizing elements on attacks, weapons or armor, the presence of the "invisible" elements (physical & hidden) makes it quite difficult to determine what resistances are on your characters actually, since you don't know enemies' attack elements, or your own (Physical elements are not listed in menu), and so you can't test which types your equipment makes you resistant against. Are there any plans to alleviate this problem? Options I can think of from the top of my head: Somehow list elements in generated tooltips (probably rather tricky), an options to determine how elements are randomized: Fully random, physical <-> physical and visible <-> visible, but no mixing inbetween, no physical elements in random pool at all. There are probably other options
3) It seems to me that most enemy attacks are not affected by back-row damage reduction. Can you give any estimation of the odds that back row actually protects against a random enemy attack? I'm aware that it needs to use physical damage calculation and be flagged as short range, but I might miss something and I don't know which of those flags are touched by the randomizer & under which settings.

Heyo, me again, with 2 more reports for Godo 0.4.4, no flevel randomizer, no other mods present:

I found both a crash and a softlock in the same seed. The settings are rather complex individual settings which I don't remember 100%, but I wrote down these notes about it: "Animations for everything are random, Model swaps, Player's arsenal same functionality (items & equip unchanged), character stats random except level & exp curve, limits random, enemy attacks random, mild status (no damage formula), enemies are random except names, enemy rewards random, rng table normal". Some of those are most likely not relevant to the reported errors, but I included it all for completeness' sake. The seed is 291709046.

Report #1: Crash on "Sword Dance" in Shinra Bld. 65f. I've never seen them do an attack successfully, it always crashes when any of them take an action. killing them all in a first strike ends the fight normally.

Report #2: Softlock on Boss: Sample: H0512. Attack: "Shady Breath". Attack plays animation and applies effect (poison chance to all characters) normally, then ATB stays locked in 'wait' if ATB is set to wait. Regardless of ATB setting, no further actions can be taken since the Shady Breath animation seems to never end fully. Camera is positioned behind the group, when you try to target any attack by having a character ready, the camera switches to the default side-view while the target cursor is out, and switches back if targeting is completed/cancelled. The fight cannot be continued in any way I've seen.

I think given the state it's in, and how each update to fix bugs seems to introduce new ones (or old ones, like that sword dance issue), I'll need to re-do the tool. The individual functions are tripping over each other and it's a bit of a nightmare to debug currently. When I've got FF7 NT 2.0 out, I'll have a look at possible approaches while I work on FF8 NT. The interface for how randomisations are specified needs to be changed and how data passes through the application along with it.


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] FF7 Randomiser - Godo
« Reply #88 on: 2020-05-07 21:29:51 »
Would it be possible to create a setting where:
-The characters all start the game at level 1 and basic equipment, start out normally, but..
-Drops are randomized (Loot tables however can be modified to prevent excessive power creep too early based on the field data or something like that)
-Enemies are randomized (With options such as lightly vs heavily where bosses can show up early and stuff)
-Items/materia on the field are randomized (except for those necessary to progress)
-Stores are randomized
-Characters cant start with beyond level 1 limit breaks (but still randomized)

Basically I am trying to kind of make this more of a rogue-like style run, where everyone starts normally but can wind up with wildly different builds. A lot of the time I start a run at level 30 with like, a Rune Blade and Bahamut Zero or something with a level 4 limit break, and it just makes things way too easy.

What settings could accomplish this?

Is there a way to achieve this?

Sega Chief

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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] FF7 Randomiser - Godo
« Reply #89 on: 2020-05-08 03:53:08 »
Would it be possible to create a setting where:
-The characters all start the game at level 1 and basic equipment, start out normally, but..
-Drops are randomized (Loot tables however can be modified to prevent excessive power creep too early based on the field data or something like that)
-Enemies are randomized (With options such as lightly vs heavily where bosses can show up early and stuff)
-Items/materia on the field are randomized (except for those necessary to progress)
-Stores are randomized
-Characters cant start with beyond level 1 limit breaks (but still randomized)

Basically I am trying to kind of make this more of a rogue-like style run, where everyone starts normally but can wind up with wildly different builds. A lot of the time I start a run at level 30 with like, a Rune Blade and Bahamut Zero or something with a level 4 limit break, and it just makes things way too easy.

What settings could accomplish this?

Is there a way to achieve this?

I'm afraid the tool is in fairly bad shape, so getting it to produce desirable results is very difficult currently. I also think the item drop/steal assignments are broken, among other things. It'll be fixed up at some stage but it'll take a while.


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] FF7 Randomiser - Godo
« Reply #90 on: 2020-05-16 13:15:40 »

will this ff7 randomizer work on the 7th heaven 2.0 using the NT mod at all
« Last Edit: 2020-05-16 13:45:11 by Zara9 »

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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] FF7 Randomiser - Godo
« Reply #91 on: 2020-05-16 14:05:33 »
Don't know yet.


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] FF7 Randomiser - Godo
« Reply #92 on: 2020-05-19 17:42:48 »
hey sega chief

is the files spose to get applyed automaully on your ff7 randomizer program

like are the kernal.bin and scean.bin files spose to get added automaully on your ff7 randomizer program

this is no longer happening on your ff7 randomizer program

No longer required to move files from Default Files to Target Files for a fresh randomisation; this is now done automatically. Default Files are used on every run and randomised files are written to the Output Files folder, overwriting any previous files inside.
« Last Edit: 2020-05-19 17:58:05 by Zara9 »

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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] FF7 Randomiser - Godo
« Reply #93 on: 2020-05-20 17:47:34 »
Yeah but you still need to move the files from Output to the game folders. Just means you don't need to refresh the input files after each print.


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] FF7 Randomiser - Godo
« Reply #94 on: 2020-06-01 18:29:50 »
Hey Sega,

this mod looks awesome and I want to stream it. I'm wondering if I can do an item and materia only randomizer with it. Basically I want the game to remain the same, but with chest rewards and field materia randomized. Is that an option?


Cat :D

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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] FF7 Randomiser - Godo
« Reply #95 on: 2020-06-02 20:26:39 »
Hey Sega,

this mod looks awesome and I want to stream it. I'm wondering if I can do an item and materia only randomizer with it. Basically I want the game to remain the same, but with chest rewards and field materia randomized. Is that an option?


Cat :D

Download the auxiliary part for the flevel, and use that by itself. That one does item/materia. Note that some things won't be changed on certain fields due to some exceptions that need to be added in.


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] FF7 Randomiser - Godo
« Reply #96 on: 2020-06-11 00:39:05 »
First and foremost, thank you to everyone who is working on the randomizer!  You're breathing new life into a game that already had tremendous replay value.  Your efforts are greatly appreciated!!

I've been trying various options with this randomizer.  Love the flevel editor so far, adding some notes here about my experience with it:

-In my seed, potions on the overworld were replaced with the Organics sword - I think this item probably has a unique identifier, because if I pick up any other potions with an Oragnics in my inventory, they revert to potions.

-For some reason, mixing flevel randomization doesn't seem to work with armor randomization.  I attempted to randomize number of slots, materia growth, defense, and magic defense of armors, but they all contain their vanilla values when used with the flevel randomizer.  I used a similar randomization pattern with weapons, and found that those ARE correctly randomized, whether given as initial equipment, or found later in the seed via chest/stealing/shop.  I haven't tried accessories, since it sounds like I'd have a tough time testing their functionality.

-I'd love to see shops randomized!  Could this happen with the flevel randomizer?


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] FF7 Randomiser - Godo
« Reply #97 on: 2020-06-12 11:13:29 »
My apologies - I wanted to to edit and expand my first post, but I can't find the edit command on the forums (if it exists).

I wanted to add that during the Wutai sidequest with the flevel shuffle on, and odd glitch occurred.  When I opened the chest that is normally an MP absorb (the one in the materia shop), I received a notice that I was given a "Gil Plus" materia.  Yuffie immediately appears to steal, but instead of getting the stolen dialogue, it tells me I've received the "Odin" materia.  Neither was in my inventory after the "theft" event (as expected), but also neither was found after completing the remainder of the sidequest.

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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] FF7 Randomiser - Godo
« Reply #98 on: 2020-06-13 01:29:16 »
First and foremost, thank you to everyone who is working on the randomizer!  You're breathing new life into a game that already had tremendous replay value.  Your efforts are greatly appreciated!!

I've been trying various options with this randomizer.  Love the flevel editor so far, adding some notes here about my experience with it:

-In my seed, potions on the overworld were replaced with the Organics sword - I think this item probably has a unique identifier, because if I pick up any other potions with an Oragnics in my inventory, they revert to potions.

-For some reason, mixing flevel randomization doesn't seem to work with armor randomization.  I attempted to randomize number of slots, materia growth, defense, and magic defense of armors, but they all contain their vanilla values when used with the flevel randomizer.  I used a similar randomization pattern with weapons, and found that those ARE correctly randomized, whether given as initial equipment, or found later in the seed via chest/stealing/shop.  I haven't tried accessories, since it sounds like I'd have a tough time testing their functionality.

-I'd love to see shops randomized!  Could this happen with the flevel randomizer?

The randomiser (both parts) are dodgy at the moment so there's plenty of bugs, some due to oversights and others due to the way it was implemented to begin with.

I'm not sure what you mean by Potions on the overworld, I'm guessing field screens? Some items are hard-coded to be usable from the menu like Potions.

The two randomisers handle separate files and don't interact with each other in any way, so it's unlikely that the flevel rando is causing armour randomisations to be vanilla instead; more likely that the fault is in the Godo randomiser itself, the function handling armour being overriden or not firing by something within itself. It's quite messy in there so it trips itself up a lot.

Shop randomisations I think are doable, but I'd need to make the tool a bit more sophisticated. It doesn't parse the actual opcodes currently, and it changes items/materia based on hext strings for text. That's why it doesn't change 100% of the items/materia in the game (or makes erroneous changes, such as the Wutai event where the Absorb materia is stolen; because it has the same text, the rando tries to make a change there but no Materia actually gets put in the inventory to be changed).

Development on the randomisers are currently inactive at the moment; they need to be started over I think with a different approach.


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] FF7 Randomiser - Godo
« Reply #99 on: 2020-06-13 07:50:33 »

Development on the randomisers are currently inactive at the moment; they need to be started over I think with a different approach.

That's a shame - I still really enjoy it as is!  I plan on keeping on with this seed and at least one more in the near future - would it help to have a tracked list of events where the text change option doesn't work, or are they pretty obvious already (or pointless because the randomiser is being reworked anyway)?  I'd offer to help on the randomiser, but I'm afraid bug/error hunting might be the limit of my usefulness =(.

In the interim, I'm still having tons of fun.  Thanks again for your reply and your hard work!