oh come one isn't the answer obvious? whoever published that mod just suddenly decided to remove it out of some damn spoil without give any explanation or any other alternative source to download it, and how we are in this situation -.-
I don't know what your'e on about. Explanations have been made clear and DLPB's new source was made public in the Discord. I'm sure he has links there for all his stuff. If not, I'm sure you can just ask for one. His discord is
https://discord.gg/PGKWK6Q... Having said that, you may be banned from it for no reason before you ever type anything like I was. His rules section says he's a big proponent of freedom of speech and accepting of personal views-- unless you used your freedom of speech here to give your personal view that you agree with his ban, then "nah dawg."
Zara/Golf, I told you the options for getting it the other day. I actually sent you a copy. The other option was to wait for him to set up shop somewhere else. Since he has done that, go get it. But good luck. In the short time I was in there I saw that he said if you in particular ever came to his Discord, he'd immediately ban you. You might be able to click some links before he catches you though.