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Britain and its Insane Immigration Policy
« on: 2013-02-24 11:08:31 »

See the thing is, all 3 main parties in Britain are left wing.  They did used to have an ideological difference, but not anymore. What happens now is every 4 years we have an election, and people vote for the same 3 parties who change nothing (to give you an idea of how retarded our country is at the moment, the so called right wing Conservative Party are in a coalition with the left wing Liberal Democrats).  These people were all born, educated and live in nice areas unaffected by crime, and are detached completely from reality.

On Question Time, Michael Heseltine told the British people we can't change it so  "we should live with it".  This is where he lives:

The media, especially the BBC (tax funded), is infested with liberal left socialist bias.  Democracy does not exist here.  The people vote, but they do so based on 1 side of the argument, with a socialist bias presented on every subject.  Nothing is properly debated, so in the end, most voters vote how they are TOLD to by the media and education system.

Labour decided to speed up immigration deliberately to rub the right's nose in it (as one of Blair's speech writers said).   Multiculturalism was a term made popular after it was clear certain sections of the community were not going to integrate. Instead of confronting a problem, it was just redefined as "Diversity" and "Multiculturalism".  Unfortunately, redefining a problem does not make it go away.  Crime, segregation and intolerance have greatly increased in London over the years, and now the white British people are leaving it. Why would they want to stay in a place they can no longer identify with?

The other reasons for mass immigration is that the "right" see it as a way to get money from big business hiring cheaper workers, and the left see it as a way to increase their votes at elections.   The ordinary man and woman on the street pay the price, not the bastards who orchestrated it all.

Anybody who wants to bring these issues up is slammed as a racist.  Whether it is being critical of the war-lord Muhammad and his crazy cult,

Qur’an:9:5 “Fight and kill the disbelievers wherever you find them, take them captive, harass them, lie in wait and ambush them using every stratagem of war.”

Qur'an (5:51) - "O you who believe! do not take the Jews and the Christians for friends; they are friends of each other; and whoever amongst you takes them for a friend, then surely he is one of them; surely Allah does not guide the unjust people."

(If I wrote a book with that, it would be banned, and I would be subject to arrest.)

 or whether it is being against an immigration policy that is brewing civil war, you are accused of being a racist nutter.  No one wants to deal with the real issues affecting Britain (and the same goes for places like Detroit in America).

The truth is, certain cultures, and one particular religion, are not suited to a western style democracy, and if you then allow a massive influx of those people and groups into your country, your own identity is lost.  The worst thing though, is that a flash point comes about, and this breeds war and destruction.  Already we have had suicide bombings and mass riots in london. This is just the beginning. 

If something isn't done, we are simply heading for a civil war. 

Tony Blair and the people involved with this socialist experiment should be in the dock for treason.
« Last Edit: 2013-02-24 12:30:51 by DLPB »


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Re: Britain and its Insane Immigration Policy
« Reply #1 on: 2013-02-24 15:38:47 »
See the thing is, all 3 main parties in Britain are left wing.  They did used to have an ideological difference, but not anymore.

And the left say they're all free-market capitalists. Most people firmly allied to one side or another will find populist parties too centrist. What's your point?

The media, especially the BBC (tax funded), is infested with liberal left socialist bias.

Populist != promoting the abolition of private property. You're acting like a paranoid extremist.

Democracy does not exist here.  The people vote, but they do so based on 1 side of the argument, with a socialist bias presented on every subject.  Nothing is properly debated, so in the end, most voters vote how they are TOLD to by the media and education system.

Actually, you'd probably have a lot in common with socialists - they think something fairly similar to yourself.

Anybody who wants to bring these issues up is slammed as a racist.

(If I wrote a book with that, it would be banned, and I would be subject to arrest.)

Again, you're being paranoid. The press has freely talked about migration and crime in the past, and the judiciary are more than happy to suppress migrant extremists.

Already we have had suicide bombings

By four guys from West Yorkshire.

and mass riots in london

By all races.

This is just the beginning.

So they've been saying for a while.

If something isn't done, we are simply heading for a civil war.

Come on, do you really believe that?


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Re: Britain and its Insane Immigration Policy
« Reply #2 on: 2013-02-24 15:50:06 »
I can't even begin to start about my great country of America lol guess we all have problems  ::)


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Re: Britain and its Insane Immigration Policy
« Reply #3 on: 2013-02-24 15:51:40 »
Yes I do believe it, because I am here looking at it with my own eyes, and I see what happened to other countries that allowed Islam to thrive.  Or am I imaging things in Egypt and Ivory Coast?  That's to name just that 1 religion in those 2 countries.  We have imported millions of immigrants, many with tribalist feuds.

I also love how you gloss over all my points as if they just don't exist :P  As for the riots, they were nearly entirely by the black community and were started when a known gang man from the black community was shot dead.  To say that these riots were the work of everyone generally, is a gross distortion of what occurred in London.  We have never had riots in London on that scale before (that is a FACT), and multiculturalism brought it here.  In the same way Detroit was never a complete shit hole until they decided diversity was key.

The bottom line is, the numbers don't lie.  The White British community has upped sticks in hundreds of thousands and moved elsewhere, and the indigenous population are now a minority in their own capital city.  There is no cohesion in this society anymore. Nobody mixes.  No one integrates.  That is a recipe for social unrest, and within time, war.

The BBC is supposed to be impartial, it is tax payer funded.

I prefer to live in a country that doesn't have a crazy religion starting wars, blowing people up (and many others have been foiled), and grooming children.

Had my country stayed like Japan (i.e. mainly one culture) this shit wouldn't be happening.  Why one earth would any country WANT to import trouble?  Well we have...

Japan doesn't have any of the major problems that a typical "western democracy" these days has.  The reason is, it wasn't stupid enough to hate its own culture and identity, and import a crazy religious cult that won't integrate, and tribal cultures from all and sundry.

I've said my piece on this, an I do not intend to spend the next week "debating" this.  The facts will speak for themselves in time.  More riots, more bombings, more unrest.  That's something that can't be swept under the rug.

« Last Edit: 2013-02-24 17:03:14 by DLPB »


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Re: Britain and its Insane Immigration Policy
« Reply #4 on: 2013-02-24 18:20:59 »
Yes I do believe it, because I am here looking at it with my own eyes, and I see what happened to other countries that allowed Islam to thrive.  Or am I imaging things in Egypt and Ivory Coast?  That's to name just that 1 religion in those 2 countries.  We have imported millions of immigrants, many with tribalist feuds.

Is this about Islam, race, or migration?

As for the riots, they were nearly entirely by the black community

No, they weren't. I know this, because I live in London. And most black people in London are UK-born, anyway, so even if this claim did stand up, it would say very little about migration.

We have never had riots in London on that scale before (that is a FACT), and multiculturalism brought it here.

We have not experienced the same scale of rioting, but we have had riots before, and big ones, too.

The bottom line is, the numbers don't lie.  The White British community has upped sticks in hundreds of thousands and moved elsewhere, and the indigenous population are now a minority in their own capital city.  There is no cohesion in this society anymore. Nobody mixes.  No one integrates.  That is a recipe for social unrest, and within time, war.

You sound like Charlie Manson. It's a pretty big step to go from 'there's not much cohesion in London these days' (as though there ever *were*) to 'there's going to be mass bloodshed'. I know that members of political cliques tend to forget how different their views are from the rest of the world, but surely even you have to acknowledge that's a pretty far out thing to predict.

I've said my piece on this, an I do not intend to spend the next week "debating" this.

We both know you're reading this reply, Dan. But if you don't want to engage with people, then I don't really see why you opened the thread in the first place.

Jenova's Witness

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« Reply #5 on: 2013-02-25 04:19:53 »
« Last Edit: 2015-11-16 07:56:20 by Jenova's Witness »


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Re: Britain and its Insane Immigration Policy
« Reply #6 on: 2013-02-25 21:51:23 »
“Still, if you will not fight for the right when you can easily win without bloodshed, if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not so costly, you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance for survival. There may be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no chance of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves.”

- Winston Churchill.


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Re: Britain and its Insane Immigration Policy
« Reply #7 on: 2013-02-26 16:02:37 »
Winston Churchill, who advocated a fight against the Wehrmacht in the middle of the Great Depression, when the RAF had 20 airplanes, and thought the UK could win a war against the Soviet Union in 1945.

Not the best of examples, Dan.


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Re: Britain and its Insane Immigration Policy
« Reply #8 on: 2013-02-26 16:16:39 »
Winston Churchill who understood the real world and would have prevented WWII if people like Neville had listened to him years earlier.  Instead, because no one listened (like they don't now), we got 50 million dead.  You can deny it all you like, but he was infinitely more intelligent than you or me.

There is no way he would have allowed Britain to become this lunatic asylum.


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Re: Britain and its Insane Immigration Policy
« Reply #9 on: 2013-02-26 20:02:17 »
Winston Churchill who understood the real world and would have prevented WWII if people like Neville had listened to him years earlier

Three points come to mind immediately:

* Chamberlain started rearmament (the architect of appeasement was actually David Lloyd George)
* Majority of Conservative MPs did not support military sanctions
* Pre-WW2 Britain didn't have the funds to fight a war in a context where WW1 naval disruption had destroyed Commonwealth-era trade arrangement

This is probably off-topic, anyway.
« Last Edit: 2013-02-26 20:06:46 by Bosola »

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« Reply #10 on: 2013-02-26 22:48:35 »
« Last Edit: 2015-11-16 07:56:02 by Jenova's Witness »

syntax error

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Re: Britain and its Insane Immigration Policy
« Reply #11 on: 2013-02-27 18:53:11 »
Look where the Churchill family lived, not to speak about questionable things in his career.

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Re: Britain and its Insane Immigration Policy
« Reply #12 on: 2013-03-08 15:55:05 »
Immigration has absolutely nothing to do with how shit this country is, it's the constant brow beating by the government, the cutting of funds in all public sectors, the widening of the class divide and the resultant apathy of all of its people. I don't think I know a single person that wants to live here anymore unless they're too old to emigrate themselves, and that viewpoint is nothing to do with where the person came from originally.


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Re: Britain and its Insane Immigration Policy
« Reply #13 on: 2013-03-08 16:19:41 »
Prince Lex... evidently you do not live in Barking?  Or many areas of London which are now a ghetto rife with drugs and crime.   :-D That certainly IS to do with immigration, past and present.  No offence, but the people who never see a problem with immigration and all other problems in this country, never actually seem to live in any of the areas affected by it.

“that successive UK governments have lost control over our borders during the past fifteen years, and this has resulted in immigration on a scale that is placing huge strain on our public services, housing, environment, society and quality of life”

Dr Phil Edwards, Migration Watch UK

He should know, he and his dept conducted the full study... but of course, we are all imagining it, so it's cool.  Immigration is no problem whatsoever.  We are all happy.  Think goooooooooooooooood thoughts.
« Last Edit: 2013-03-08 16:29:56 by DLPB »

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Re: Britain and its Insane Immigration Policy
« Reply #14 on: 2013-03-08 16:49:05 »
London has always been rife with crime. The rate of it isn't increasing. I live in Glasgow, which has been massively affected by immigration over the past 40 years. A huge Muslim influx from the 70's onwards and an increasing percentage of Polish, Romanian and all other manner of nationalities. This doesn't include the recent African and Middle Eastern Asylum seekers.

So yes, I live in an area that is one of the most affected areas in the whole country. I just think you're simplifying it far too much. The state of the country has nothing to do with immigration, it's to do with the state of the government. The simple fact is that we're not producing enough children so immigration is actually a necessary component. What you're failing to point out is that not all immigrants are poor and causing problems. Feel free to tar everyone with the same brush though, you do seem to like doing that. Note: that doesn't actually help anyone either.

I assume you vote BNP?


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Re: Britain and its Insane Immigration Policy
« Reply #15 on: 2013-03-08 17:06:24 »
My political persuasions have nothing to do with this argument, but since you ask, I vote BNP and UKIP, mainly as a protest vote. Who else am I going to vote for, when the main 3 defy the elecorate?

Glasgow isn't even close to what has happened to London (and many places in the North West such as Bradford), and you know it.  If you lived there, you'd soon change your tune, as would the others on this thread.  You also ignore Migrationwatch study, which has plainly said it IS a massive cause for concern.  I also live in a high immigration area and I can tell you what I see with my own eyes.  Child grooming scandals were just the tip of the iceberg here.

The White British have been ethnically cleansed from London.  My own capital city.  This, anywhere else, would be called genocide.  Genocide isn't just killing folk, it is the deliberate change of an ethnicity by any means (including mass immigration).  Tony Blair's own speech writer let loose the truth that Labour deliberately imported waves of immigrants.
"Many have long suspected that mass immigration under Labour was not just a cock up but also a conspiracy. They were right.

"This Government has admitted three million immigrants for cynical political reasons concealed by dodgy economic camouflage."

Are you really saying that none of this had any effect on crime?  on housing?  on infrastructure? on schools? on the welfare system? on the NHS? 

Of course it did. And does.
« Last Edit: 2013-03-08 17:17:13 by DLPB »

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Re: Britain and its Insane Immigration Policy
« Reply #16 on: 2013-03-08 17:37:34 »
No I don't "know it" Dan. You need to look at the whole thing objectively. London is the main hub of the UK. Like any capital city it's going to have a higher population of people that aren't from the UK for a multitude of reasons. I'm not denying that at all.

What you're doing is labelling all ethnic minorities as troublemakers and criminals. You're doing it wrong. The government might let them in, but the people in "ghettos" and other areas have to work twice as hard to get respect from people like you who automatically assume they're criminals. It just doesn't help the situation.

I grew up in Glasgow. I lived in London for a year back when I was working in a lab for my masters (London Institute). I don't like the place. But that's just a cultural difference between Scotland and London (not England as a whole) because the people in London are competitive, ignorant and jaded generally. Did you grow up in London? And if so, what was your experience of it like? Have you always held this view on immigration? Did your parents? These are the things I'm interested to know about right now. What specifically is it that caused you to have these viewpoints?

I could never vote for the BNP, but we'll abandon that discussion to avoid an argument. Suffice it to say they hate everything that isn't a straight white religious male.
« Last Edit: 2013-03-08 17:41:07 by Prince Lex »


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Re: Britain and its Insane Immigration Policy
« Reply #17 on: 2013-03-08 17:41:39 »
I said Britain has an insane immigration policy (agreed by Migrationwatch and others).  I did not brand "all" ethnic minorities trouble makers at all.  At no time did I do that.  Your position was that immigration has nothing to do with  the troubles facing this country, and the evidence, says otherwise.  It is also plainly common sense that allowing unchecked mass immigration is going to put massive strain on a country that is already overpopulated.  No study is even needed there.

Where I will say we have a massive issue, is Islam.  And yes, any other country with a large population of Muslims can attest to that.  As will this country, if it is allowed to continue. (Not that we don't already have massive issues with islam, and its adherents are less than 10% of the total.  God help us when it is 30-40).

Mass immigration made this problem alone, worse.

Japanese people don't get blown up by Muslims.  Guess why?  Because they don't have many there, or many of any other ethnicity there.

Japanese people don't get called racist even though they are 98.5% of their population. 

Japanese people don't allow anyone to arrive that hasn't been checked and is definitely in need of their skills.  Unlike this country.

Would it be too much to ask, for Britain to adopt this policy?  One it used to have?  I don't relish Sharia Law or being blown up, or having my children groomed by people who think because their prophet did it, it is ok.

Diversity also brought TB back.  What exactly do we get from mass immigration?  Seems like a bad deal to me,  ;D ;D
« Last Edit: 2013-03-08 17:48:40 by DLPB »

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Re: Britain and its Insane Immigration Policy
« Reply #18 on: 2013-03-08 17:46:51 »
You said the rise in immigration has led to blah blah blah etc and then mentioned child grooming scandals as being the tip of the iceberg. If that's not implying that the racial minorities are responsible for crime then I don't know what is.

And if you're not saying they're responsible for a rise in crime, why is having them in "your" city such a problem?

EDIT: I actually completely agree with the Islam part. It's pretty scary where that's attempting to go. Also can you not post if you're not finished saying something? I don't mind waiting for a reply, it's just replying to a one liner then posting only to find out you've added a paragraph is inconvenient. You used to do this a lot if I recall.

EDIT2: Again, please stop editing your posts to kingdom come. Pretty please?

EDIT3: This is a bit ridiculous now. Diversity didn't bring TB back. Travel to and from countries where TB is endemic brought it back, along with the fact that the government no longer administers the BCG to schools. I should mention that my degree is in Microbiology/ Infection biology, so don't say untrue things about the spread of disease and try to relate it to race or any other kind of human being unless you're willing to sit and listen to the truth.
« Last Edit: 2013-03-08 17:53:34 by Prince Lex »


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Re: Britain and its Insane Immigration Policy
« Reply #19 on: 2013-03-08 17:51:28 »
You agree we have a problem with Islam?  Yet how do you think it is thriving here?  Sure, the population growth is one thing, but mass immigration helped.

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Re: Britain and its Insane Immigration Policy
« Reply #20 on: 2013-03-08 18:08:33 »
It would be a problem to our way of life if they ever managed to push through Sharia law, but I don't see  that happening. And I would never dream of saying it wasn't caused by immigration in the first place. The population boom from the Muslim influx in the 70's and the subsequent baby boom certainly added to it. But as far as I know, you're talking about immigration on the whole and I don't think you can generalise like that. I've now said this 3 times.

You also didn't answer any of my previous questions. I'm generally interested to know the answers? Also, could you give me a brief description of what you'd do to solve this problem?

Also see my previous third edit about TB. I had to keep adding to my post because you kept editing it >_>. I'm not trying to rile you up here Dan, I just don't agree with the way you're going about what you're saying. And that editing posts thing is really annoying, I thought you had stopped doing that.
« Last Edit: 2013-03-08 18:30:30 by Prince Lex »


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Re: Britain and its Insane Immigration Policy
« Reply #21 on: 2013-03-08 18:45:00 »
You said the rise in immigration has led to blah blah blah etc and then mentioned child grooming scandals as being the tip of the iceberg. If that's not implying that the racial minorities are responsible for crime then I don't know what is.

The rise in immigration (uncontrolled mass immigration) has led to a rise in crime, and social unrest (London riots, Bradford riots, to name 2).  It isn't as if I am saying it is the only source of crime, but it is a problem that was not here until it was brought here.  I refer you again to Japan.

You used to do this a lot if I recall.

This is simply taking the argument to the person, albeit more subtly.  I ignore things which I have already answered in the thread.  What is the point of me repeating myself?

. Diversity didn't bring TB back.

Mass immigration made the problem far worse.

Travel to and from countries where TB is endemic brought it back,

Yes, and when you have a large Pakistani population, and African populations, with family in those areas, it stands to reason that TB will be brought  back a whole lot more.  Surely you can't be ignoring that logic?

It is an undeniable truth that mass immigration has made a small problem, and a largely extinct problem, a current and big problem.  Undeniable.

if they ever managed to push through Sharia law, but I don't see  that happening.

They will, when they make up enough of the population.  Mass immigration, and the fact they have a much higher birthrate, means it is INEVITABLE.  The question, is time.  Unless something is done about it, here and now, this country will be a Sharia country at some time in the future.

Did you grow up in London? And if so, what was your experience of it like?

I live close to Bradford, which has many of the same problems.  I have also visited the East End of London many times, and it is a hell hole.  I was warned in a local pub not to use ATM machines on my first visit.  I looked out of the window to see 5 black youths with a black bin liner waiting for someone who did.  That was one of many stories I have from London.  Parts of London are a complete ghetto.  I was on a bus heading to my hotel once, and not one person on it spoke English except for me.  They were all talking in different languages.  I asked a white lady for directions to my hotel, and she also did not know English.  It was a foreign land on and off the bus.  I know people who have moved out.  So yes, I know exactly what has happened in London.  First hand experience.  I also saw it get torched to the ground a few months back, when a black criminal was shot dead, and all the blacks rose up (as they do elsewhere when one of their "brothers" comes a cropper).  I also know that White Flight has happened in London.  Why would White British people be moving out if it were so great?  Answers on a postcard. Same with Detroit.

London has always been rife with crime.

We are talking increase in crime, and in ghettoisation (if there is such a word).  I know crime has always been everywhere.  The thing is, it was never mass riots, looting, torching, and severe social unrest, with hundreds of thousands LEAVING.

The simple fact is that we're not producing enough children so immigration is actually a necessary component.

Japan would like a word. So probably, would Australia and many other countries.  It is a complete myth that we need so much immigration.  We have always generally had 2.5 children and less...  and we didn't need mass immigration before, did we. This argument is a complete nonsense.

Also, could you give me a brief description of what you'd do to solve this problem?

All immigration needs to stop immediately until the problem is repaired.  Criminals can be made to do certain jobs in the community.  Those on the dole, or too lazy to work, can get trained and get a job.  Islam needs outlawing, as it is plainly against freedom, and the holy book is racist, against homosexuals, against women, incites hatred, murder, violence, and is antisemitic. (among a whole catalogue of problems).  Jails need to be jails. Capital punishment needs reinstating.  In time, we would have an immigration system like Japan, and our OWN HOME GROWN talent would be doing the vast bulk of jobs.

Unfortunately, this would require a lot of work, and for sure, outlawing Islam would result in riots.  But that's better than doing nothing and waiting for the inevitable.

We should also set up a repatriation fund, to aid in those that want to leave Britain, and this should be encouraged, especially for those from Muslim countries and Africa.  Treason should have the death penalty (all failed suicide bombers, for example, would be strung up and choked, as would those that preach death to British civilians, or incite death to Britain). 

The problems in Britain need a total overhaul in the system to combat them.  The government would have to be very strong.  In short, it isn't happening.  I can tell you what is though... severe economic and social problems, eventually leading to collapse and the election of a far right government.  This is also inevitable.  Because, like Germany in the 30s, when people have nowhere else to turn to, they have to vote for those that will listen.

Just like I do.

Of course, if the naive leftists hadn't brought this on us, there would be no problem.  See Japan (again).

I have answered your questions, and made my position on this clear.  I will not return to this thread.

« Last Edit: 2013-03-08 18:51:33 by DLPB »

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Re: Britain and its Insane Immigration Policy
« Reply #22 on: 2013-03-08 18:58:22 »
Japan has other severe problems, as pointed out above.

Thank you for the detailed response, you've just proven that you can't see beyond colour which was no less than I expected, but a bit disappointing. This is something we're just going to disagree on I'm afraid, but I wasn't exactly expecting to agree with any of it anyway.

And your TB "facts" are nonsense. It's not undeniable at all. That one time Tuberculosis outbreak was caused by what I mentioned - the population no longer being immunised against it (another thing our government has to answer for). It was never fully eradicated from the country, it just wasn't an epidemic anymore. There is no way you can make an argument that immigration has caused a rise in TB. That isolated outbreak of TB, and any others, could be attributed to anyone bringing it here on a day long visit; and actually has fuck all to do with immigration. That's just media sensationalism as usual.

It might well have been that an immigrant to the country brought TB with them, but the only reason they managed to develop the disease is because the government have stopped immunising. Cases like this would have happened and will continue to do so if you removed all immigrants from the country until they start administering the vaccine again, it's very simple.


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Re: Britain and its Insane Immigration Policy
« Reply #23 on: 2013-03-08 19:24:46 »
Let's not forget just how awful a fair percentage of the 'white British natives' are now, shall we not? Think of those who have no desire to work, vandalise public property and reproduce like there's no tomorrow, there's a growing number of them and they certainly aren't immigrants. That being said, I still think the system is messed up and agree with you on some of the points you have made.

The solution to all the problems in this country is simple, we need another war, or better yet, a plague!


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Re: Britain and its Insane Immigration Policy
« Reply #24 on: 2013-03-08 20:59:50 »
I vote BNP as a protest vote

What better way to protect British freedom from pushy religious types than voting for a neo-fascist party that wants to reinstate Christian theocracy?

I have also visited the East End of London many times, and it is a hell hole.

I live in Stratford. It's shitty, but it's shitty because it's poor, in the same way that parts of South Yorkshire were shitty because they were poor.

I also saw it get torched to the ground a few months back, when a black criminal was shot dead, and all the blacks rose up (as they do elsewhere when one of their "brothers" comes a cropper).

You keep repeating this idea that the London riots were black-led. You also have a bad habit of eliding the differences between race, nationality and religion. Those are things you should stop doing.

I will not return to this thread.

Seifer responding to dissent by promising to ignore the user / abandon the thread? That's a first.

I've said my piece on this, an I do not intend to spend the next week "debating" this.

Or perhaps not.
« Last Edit: 2013-03-08 21:05:25 by Bosola »