Author Topic: Why was my bug report deleted?  (Read 2108 times)


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Why was my bug report deleted?
« on: 2019-12-16 23:09:21 »
Hi, I posted in the Reunion R06 thread with a pretty thorough bug report, it was held for moderation and approved this morning, but when I refreshed about an hour ago it had been deleted. I don't see any obvious rule I violated (I looked beforehand) so I'm curious why it was removed. Did it look like spam? I did use what looked like a standard form that could look bot generated, but that was just to make it easier for the team to read and reproduce.

Is there any way it can be restored assuming it was in error?

I was going to do this in PMs with the admins/mods, but since you need 5 posts to PM I'm putting it here since it seems to be the proper forum.


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Re: Why was my bug report deleted?
« Reply #1 on: 2019-12-19 01:40:26 »
I did read the bug report document but

1. I have a disability that prevents me from comprehending large blocks of text, I legitimately glaze over and entire pages of text will go through me, even if I think I'm reading them.
2. It's very difficult to sift hundreds of bugs spread across multiple tabs just to cherry pick a single one, especially closed issues such as this one, especially since this is my first time ever playing FF7 so I don't have context for most of the bugs and can't easily parse when something is relevant.
3. Having finally found it after an hour of trying to read it over and over, eventually getting two friends to help me search and finding it, I will note that unless hotfix 2 isn't R06b, it was still occurring for me after patching with the hotfix, which I noted.
4. Given that I was on the latest update posted in the thread (the hotfix), I really did not expect it to be marked under "fixed."

Is there any reason you haven't migrated to a dedicated bug tracker like Github or Gitlab? Even if you don't post the code there and just add a or or something, it seems like having a searchable issue tracker would cut down on repeat bugs and thread pollution. The vast majority of the bugs in the google spreadsheet are marked fixed, so it shouldn't take too long to migrate the several that still exist to an issue tracker, I'd even help. I understand if you want the doc around to keep notes on legacy bugs, but an easily searchable issue tracker would really benefit end users, especially those with disabilities like mine that make it difficult to parse large amounts of text. It would've been rather easy to just search something like "honeybee jitter in:issues" and click on open/closed to see the bug. You can even set it so users who open an issue are given an autogenerated template to fill out.