Author Topic: Programs required to begin modding FFX  (Read 1674 times)

Programs required to begin modding FFX
« on: 2020-02-03 14:47:38 »
Hello everyone!
I hope I've posted this topic in the correct section.
I'd like to begin creating a few mods for Final Fantasy X/X-2. For some years I've been hoping to see more content released but there never seems to be very much so I finally decided 'Hell, be the change you want to see.'
I've been doing my best to try to find relevant information but there just doesn't seem to be much available. The X/X-2 community doesn't seem to have many active members on other sites and most videos that are posted are oriented more towards installing mods rather than creating them.

In order for me to start I need to find the relevant programs necessary. I'm not going to be starting with anything overly ambitious like revamping the gameplay. In the beginning it's just going to be little things like changing the colours of certain character outfits or swapping some textures around.

As I understand it there are several steps to this process like extracting the relevant parts from the game, modifying them and then re-injecting them. My question is - what programs do I need to download and install to begin this process?
I'm not asking for a step-by-step guide or anything like that. It's going to take me some time to figure out how they work anyway.
If somebody could give me some names or point me in the right direction I'd be very grateful. And obviously I'd post any of my content here for feedback if there was any kind of demand.

Thanks very much for reading.