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Miscellaneous Forums => Graphical => Topic started by: Kuroda Masahiro on 2012-04-25 09:12:37

Title: Final Fantasy 7 LP
Post by: Kuroda Masahiro on 2012-04-25 09:12:37
Okay, me and a friend of mine are going to be making a Let's Play of Final Fantasy 7, and he wanted it to be 100% pure, but I personally find that... immensely boring and don't think anyone would want to see it, since there's already about a dozen other LP of FF7.

So, we came to a compromise in which I redesigned the human characters, changed the spells and only a handful of enemies (just the soldiers + MP variants) and now that I also sorted everything out properly into correct spell order and materia, we are actually ready to begin filming of it.

This is how the playable characters look.

This is how Sephiroth looks.

As for the spells, I changed the name for every single spell, and I created drain, wind and water materia, and changed about 80% of the spell animations/graphics.

If anyone wants anything from this, I don't mind releasing any of it.

Basic spell changelog, and I am willing to change the spells to more conventional names if anyone wants the one I did, especially considering I even make correct materia (including levels) and changed the spell order.
Also, there may be a spelling mistake or 2, I'm writing this from memory and I didn't sleep in 2 days.

old name - new name - animation
fire - agi - fireball
fira - agilao - northern cross
firaga - agidyne - Flare
blizzard - bufu - cold breath
blizzara - bufurama - cold snap
blizzaga - bufudyne - freeze
thunder - zio
thundara - zionga
thundaga - ziodyne
Cure - Dia
Cura - Diarama
Regen - Can't recall offhand
Curaga - Diarahan
Bio - Vishha
Bio 2 - Vishhala
Bio 3 - Vishhadyne
Quake - Tera - Rock toss
Quake 2 - Terazi - Stone Stare
Quake 3 - Teradyne - Falling Rocks
Poisona - Poisumdi
Esuna - Patra (Changed effect to be a lesser Esuna)
Resist - Amrita (changed effect to be super Esuna)
Life - Recarm
Life 2 - Samarecarm
Sleep - Dorminar
Silence - Mouna
Mini - Alpa
Toad - Ambu - Water spell, Bubble
Confuse - Ambulao - water spell, aqualung
Berserk - Ambudyne - Water spell, huge wave
Satvara - haste
Manda - slow
Shaamyati - stop
demi - Zan - Sandstorm
demi 2 - Zanma - Great Gale
demi 3 - Zandyne - Dragon Dance
Debarrier - Vibhid
Despell - Chhettum
death - Mudo
Protect - Tetrakarn
Veil - Makarakarn
Reflect - Manana
Wall - Rodhas
Life Drain - Drain
Soul Drain - Aspil
Comet - Nihi - Stardust March
Comet 2 - Nihilao - Atomic Ray
Full Cure - Salvation
Shield - Carma
Freeze - Avalanche
Break - Megalith
Flare - Dark Dragon Breath
Ultima - Megidolaon

Thats about it.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy 7 LP
Post by: LeonhartGR on 2012-04-25 17:56:35
That's cool! I would prefer to watch something more close to the realistic models though to match the technical demo experience. I'd love to watch a fan walkthrough where characters would upgrade their uniforms to match the AC's in the end. The first modded walkthough I watched was Final Fantasy VII Remastered - Playthrough by Saephiroth (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rEM3AAfZf1Q)

I support DLPB's retranslation too, hope it'll be finished soon :)
Title: Re: Final Fantasy 7 LP
Post by: dkma841 on 2012-04-25 19:22:53
cool can't wait to watch!  :D
That's cool! I would prefer to watch something more close to the realistic models though to match the technical demo experience. I'd love to watch a fan walkthrough where characters would upgrade their uniforms to match the AC's in the end.
not everyone is into realistic models some people just want random custom models just for the fun of it and also thereby making it unique as i have never seen these kind of models that Kuroda made which looks fantastic!, btw you thinking of doing a voiced commentary with it? makes things more interesting anyways good luck  ;)
Title: Re: Final Fantasy 7 LP
Post by: Kuroda Masahiro on 2012-04-25 20:05:46
@e1sunz - Of course, it wouldn't be a LP unless it has a commentary about it, although I myself won't actually be commenting, only my friend will.

He's a relatively new LPer, but he has ALOT of time on his hands to make LP videos and in about 4 weeks, he made over 140 episodes at anything between 20 and 40 minutes. (except for his Koudelka LP, which is roughly 15 mins per episodes  at 33 episodes)

And I agree about the models, the public ones I release (or consider to anyway) are entirely spliced because it means I have exactly the same resources as anyone else on Qhimm or the other modding forums, however, the only limitation is the modder's imagination.

As for the reason there's shared designs, we came up with a mini background story.

Sephiroth is a soldier that went mad (canon) and Barret is a former soldier that was betrayed by his unit, and his fiancee was murdered (she was part of his unit) and the other members of Avalanche are also injured, and Barret is now on the run, and trying to take Shinra down.

Cloud (or rather Malachi in the LP) is just a mercenary that left his hometown after it burnt down in search of work as a mercenary to raise money for Nibelheim's restoration, while a group stayed in town and actually made repairs.

Tifa went with Mal, and their newest job was to help Avalanche take Shinra down.

However, I'll talk with the LPer and see if I can persuade him to let me change SOME of the script. (it was a downhill battle to let me change ANYTHING.)

as for Yuffie, she's a loyal Shinra soldier 2nd class that was sent on a mission to hunt down Barret AND Sephiroth, she pretends to join the team, but if I can change the script, the Wutai sidequest is a trap Yuffie set up wit Shinra to take Barret and his accomplices down to get a reward, however, the Don managed to complicate things.

After the team saves her, she genuinely joins the team and never tries anything against the party again.

As for Cid and Aeris, they're siblings and Cid was responsible for the rocket crash in Sector 5, he was tried and found guilty of intoxication and overall incoptence and was removed permently from the space program, at which point, he moved away from Midgar and married a former crew member, while Aeris stayed in Midgar with her adoptive mother. (Cid is the adoptive older brother by several years)

However, Aeris' keepsake is Cid's specialized key he made when he was younger that would one day open the door to his cockpit on his rocket, which he gave to her the day he left Midgar.

As a result, Cid is particularly pained by her death.

as for Vincent, I personally like to think he's Sephiroth's father, and in terms of models, they're virtually the exact same build.

and since Tifa and Cloud came form the same place, I gave them 'matching' outfits.

@Leonhart, see, thats one of the reasons I told him to not do a FF7 LP, a bunch of people already did ones, and even some modded ones, and I wanted to make his LP even more unique because of the extent I changed the spells and adjusted the outfits, but everyone has different tastes for LPs and FF7, I personally enjoy playthroughs that have custom made models, but I usually reserve those for myself, but when I make them, I always make a certain theme.

Ie, I made a horror-esc theme in which the team were borderline Elderich abominations, and even gave them entirely new animations. (took almost a month to change the battle animations for everyone. -.-)

Cloud - his clothes were ripped, tattered and had the occasionally bloody splash, he had demonic claws with fresh blood on them, his hands and feet were wrapped in thick bandages, and his face was twisted with a metal lower jaw (complete with jagged teeth).
And for his animations, his magic casting animation has him stabbing his sword in the ground, and then he stabs his bloody hand into his chest (he then keeps it there for a little while) then he rips it out as he actually casts the spell.

hat was a fun mod to make. ^.^
Title: Re: Final Fantasy 7 LP
Post by: KaidenJames on 2012-04-25 22:18:00
I really like that Sephiroth model! It looks like he just got promoted to 1st Class, and isn't quite the bad ass we all know him as. Great job Kuroda!
Title: Re: Final Fantasy 7 LP
Post by: Covarr on 2012-04-26 00:30:32
there's already about a dozen other LP of FF7.
You spelled thousand wrong.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy 7 LP
Post by: BloodShot on 2012-04-26 05:29:33
Nicely done

Looking at the belt areas from far away it almost looked like they were missing and seph was showing bare skin there in the unzoomed pic :/