Releases / [FFVII-Steam] Final Fantasy VII Italian ReTranslation - Last Details [1.0]
« on: 2020-05-01 21:16:15 »Final Fantasy VII - Italian ReTranslation - Last Details (ESUI compatibility and more.)
AKA: "Italian ESUI Addon"
(Scendi giĆ¹ per il post in Italiano)
WARNING: The image above is just to show a modded version of 7th Heaven running with this mod, ESUI and Caledor's Italian ReTranslation enabled together. This mod DOES NOT include neither translations, UI, Field Models nor Field Textures enhancements.
Download v1.0 HERE
(Last update: 08/June/2023. Reason: First release.)
This mod is a simple addon for Caledor's Italian ReTranslation mod (you can find it here). It provides compatibility with [Tsunamods] Enhanced Stock UI, other UIs and other mods (such as Kaldarasha's Resize Project).
- Any Final Fantasy VII installation compatible with 7th Heaven
- 7th Heaven
- Caledor's Italian ReTranslation
- [Tsunamods] Enhanced Stock UI (optional)
- Compatibility with [Tsunamods] Enhanced Stock UI
- Partial compatibility with other UIs
- Compatibility with Kaldarasha's Resize Project
How to Install:
- Follow the standard 7th Heaven installation process
- On 7th Heaven, install Caledor's Italian ReTranslation .iro file using the "Import" function
- Install the Last Details (this one!) .iro file
- Auto-sort the list: be sure to put the Italian ReTranslation AT THE TOP and then this mod ABOVE it.
- Check this mod configurations for more tuning (syncronize it with ESUI and more)
Known Issues:
- The "Buy Sell Exit" options with ESUI compatibility mode on are not translated.
- Some battle commands can go over the window in some specific situations
- Some options in the Options menu may look slightly decentered (they're still fully functional).
1.0 - First release.
Useful Links:
- Final Fantasy VII Steam Page: https://store.steampowered.com/app/39140/FINAL_FANTASY_VII - The original game on Steam.
- Final Fantasy VII Square Store Page: https://store.eu.square-enix-games.com/en_EU/product/603837/final-fantasy-vii - The original game on Square Store
- 7th Heaven: https://forums.qhimm.com/index.php?topic=19533.0 - Mod Manager for Final Fantasy VII.
- Final Fantasy VII Italian ReTranslation: http://forums.qhimm.com/index.php?topic=18903.0
- ESUI 2.32 Source Assets in GIMP format: http://forums.qhimm.com/index.php?topic=20349.0 - These have been partly used to make the ESUI Italian ReTranslation Addon.
- Caledor for:
The original Italian ReTranslation: http://forums.qhimm.com/index.php?topic=18903.0
This post aesthetic.
- Daniel Burke for:
Editing Tools: http://forums.qhimm.com/index.php?topic=13574.0
- The 7th Heaven Team for:
7th Heaven: https://forums.qhimm.com/index.php?topic=19533.0
- usb for:
This post aesthetic
- Chrysalis for:
Precious support
Enhanced Stock UI: http://forums.qhimm.com/index.php?topic=19120.0
- EQ2Alyza for:
Enhanced Stock UI: http://forums.qhimm.com/index.php?topic=19120.0
-The whole ESUI Team for:
[Tsunamods] Enhanced Stock UI and some screenshots I've used in the configurations.
- Kuraudo. for:
This post aesthetic. Support.
- L@Zar0 for:
ESUI 2.32 Source Assets in GIMP format: http://forums.qhimm.com/index.php?topic=20349.0
- Kaldarasha for.
The Resize Project
Original Post (for an entirely different mod):
Spoiler: show