Author Topic: [WIP] Vgr new mod for FF7 (Remade Mods)  (Read 11047 times)


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[WIP] Vgr new mod for FF7 (Remade Mods)
« on: 2011-01-30 16:49:59 »
After reading the AV Mod topic and the Rebirth one (Lost Wings' too), I came to the idea of making one, too. I plan on doing some tweaking like this :

- Some curatives items inflicts statues;

- Some items can be reflected;

- There is armor/accessory proper to each character;

- There will be some enemies change;

- New enemy skills;

- Some new magics;

- Unseen materias that add new features;

- Some tweaking in AI;

- Deleting useless materias/items/magics and replace them;

- Modification in game script (thanks to myst6re with Makou Reactor) :

           - Modifying events so there will be new events and some things never seen;

           - Removing events that lots of FF7 players are tired of;

- Modification in World Map (thanks to Aali with map2obj / obj2map) :

           - Add some new cities (yes, new cities, but from existing map/models)
(Not AS easy AS I thought)

- Battle scenes modification (thanks to NFITC1 with Proud Clod and Squall78 with Hojo) :

            - Tweak battle scenes to replace them by other ones;

            - Change enemies locations and formations;

- Modification of some limits;

- Modification of the shops

This is all for now, if you have any ideas, just tell me. I will post videos and some screens when I will be ready to. I am familiar enough with Wall Market and Hojo but not with Proud Clod. Of course, I'll have to. If you are interested, tell me, this will motive me to advance in this :)

Oh, and yeah, like Armorvil, I take my username, but if you have any suggestion, feel free to propose. Please keep in mind that nothing here is in stone, everything can change.

*** EDIT ***

I plan on remaking the Rebirth/Lost Wings/AV Mods (maybe Gjoerulv "hardcore" mod too) to my likings, with more materias, new items...
(Maybe just ONE big mod by all of them...)
« Last Edit: 2011-02-11 20:34:58 by Vgr255 »


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Re: [WIP] Vgr new mod for FF7 (Remade Mods)
« Reply #1 on: 2011-02-02 23:18:06 »
Little question for my mod : Will the X-3 and 4-2 limits works in-game?


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Re: [WIP] Vgr new mod for FF7 (Remade Mods)
« Reply #2 on: 2011-02-03 15:30:35 »
I'd be surprised if you got the interface to show them. If you did? Not sure. Probably get a 'Not enough MP' message, whatever Cait's MP, which seems to be the game's default response to trying to use certain types of 'invalid' attack.

Otherwise I'd expect a data error.


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Re: [WIP] Vgr new mod for FF7 (Remade Mods)
« Reply #3 on: 2011-02-11 20:32:28 »
Good to know. Otherwise :

Do you guys want to see the Kalm Flashback (aka Boredom World 1) completely deleted? I could do it, but I won't if this isn't necessary. Other events like Turks meeting in Sector 8 at the end of Disc 2 is by all means easy to get rid of. Any suggestions?

Edited first post.
« Last Edit: 2011-02-11 20:35:39 by Vgr255 »


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Re: [WIP] Vgr new mod for FF7 (Remade Mods)
« Reply #4 on: 2011-02-11 22:04:59 »
Do you guys want to see the Kalm Flashback (aka Boredom World 1) completely deleted? I could do it, but I won't if this isn't

What purpose are you trying to achieve by deleting material?  If you delete too much or the wrong things then you'll end up with a world map and some empty dungeons that you can play through in a few hours.  This may be your intent.  Otherwise, I wouldn't delete any optional battles.  The Turks fights and other optional bosses are some of my favorite battles.  For events like the Kalm Flashback, I think adding battles or allowing player control of Sephiroth (I think gjoe's mod does this) would be more fun.

I guess a VII with only essential story would make the game a giant grinding and treasure hunting mission which could be fun if you do something interesting with the weapons/armor/accessories.


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Re: [WIP] Vgr new mod for FF7 (Remade Mods)
« Reply #5 on: 2011-02-11 23:15:39 »
Could make sort of a "hard" mod then these deletes won't be much losing time. Got to see that.