I kind of dislike that the mod is placed in the WIP-section. It does have a release (V. 0.5) and it's not certain it will be finished. I believe more people can find it in the "Releases"-section.
I've now also uploaded the FMV-Aerith character that i rigged based on the battle-model made by Kaldarasha from 2013. I rigged it on july 30/31 2018 but never uploaded it - because I had thoughts about finishing more characters first. But I don't know about that. My FF7-modding should have been done back in 2006/2007 and it was only due to the Kimera program not working after a while that I couldn't mod FF7 models back then.
So today I believe FF7 is not as popular as it used to be.. And also I'm 30 years old so I'll need to focus on finding a job and all other real-life issues. My adoptive Father passed away on june 11th this year in an elderly home, as he had been demented in alzheimers for a while. I got rid of what i regard as ten years of discrimination on may 12th. I've had way too much free time due to my special circumstances the last ten years. But now I need to get back on track so I won't probably have time to mod FF7 in a while.
So I'd regard this mod as "released" even though it could be continued if I feel like it at a later date.
"Battle-model of Aerith MADE BY KALDARASHA over at the Qhimm Forums.
Rigging of the model into a field model, for both the normal field model and the flower model, by Mr_Nygren.
I did do this character when I were in the process of updating my Scarlet character and the Aerith NPC - which is using this model as well.
I did this work on july 30-31 2018, and had thoughts about doing it to the rest of the main characters because I really loved Kaldarasha's models from back then - that look exactly like in the FMV-movies.
I did always want to have the characters look like that in the past. However, Aerith was the only one finished.
Kaldarasha decided for some reason to only do the battle-models like this, while the field-models are cell-shaded and less good looking.
The reason he explained, was that he didn't think they would fit with the lower resolution models - but I respectfully disagree.
I had done a field model out of his Barret-model for the Dyne-npc as well - but I never did normal Barret.
I've also used his Cloud-model to replace battle-model Rufus, but never did the actual Cloud in this style.
Modder NinoStyle has made awesome models based on the art-style of FF7 - that he has painted himself. I like that style even more.
But this FMV-style is still very good and much better than the original models.
Kaldarasha for the original battle-models.
Mr_Nygren for the Field versions."

Link to Nexus mods with the new download:
https://www.nexusmods.com/finalfantasy7/mods/8?tab=filesLink to MODDB: