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Messages - gigaherz

Pages: 1 2 3 4 [5]
Q-Gears / Re: Visual studio 2005 project
« on: 2006-07-30 18:39:34 »
a dif ffile is a file with the line differences between 2 files, usually the version in the svn vs a modified version. I used tortoiseSVN to make the patch but it should be compatible with any diff patcher.

The game can be compiled (and it does in vs2003) with JUST A FEW changes in the code (few=add 3 or 4 #defines arround), other than that, if you have SDL correctly installed and configured into the ide, then it should work.

Q-Gears / Re: Visual studio 2005 project
« on: 2006-07-29 14:40:42 »
I don't know if that will help you, but I made a .diff patch with the changes I needed to compile it in vs2003, I'm not sure but the project files, converted to vs2005 format, should work fine without code changes (I hope).

If you want, take a look at it here

Ah well not sure, I used the "create patch" option in TortoiseSVN. I used the code from svn, so I suppose it was the latest.
Maybe the patch tools can't handle file creation (the "last" patch is supopsed to create two new files) so you can try with the first one.

16 min wait at rapidshare? weird, it's usually up to 40secs.
There probably is a better option, but I don't know any... wait I do, I will upload it to

Try this one, maybe it works better.

I can zip the modified files without a patch if you want them.

Q-Gears / Re: FIeldscript syntax.
« on: 2006-07-24 01:44:45 »
My thoughts (assuming this syntax would be used to define a script [de]compiler):
1. If comments are #, then #define is a comment, so at least make comments be ##.
2. In my opinion, #directives aren't "clean" and they get confusing sometimes. My opinion would be to use either
Code: [Select]
define dic=Entity[0]; or
Code: [Select]
alias dic=Entity[0]; or
Code: [Select]
const dic=Entity[0];
3. <bank>[address] structure is compact, but might get really confusing, why not make it bank[3], bank[3] or bank<3>

4. To keep a common syntax style, and given C's [] means "subscript", it would be good to keep all of them in a similar way, like Entity[0], Script[0], Bank[3], Address[32], etc... Also with some (possible) compact forms like Bank[3][32] maning Bank[3], Address[32]

5. If you want to do entity enumerations, you could just do some simplified syntax like entities { dic, cloud } (with optional =number if they weren't sequential)

Now, one alternative syntax that looks funny but might be harder to code in:

Code: [Select]
# comment

# <> defines a subscript, {} defines a namespace, everything inside {} refers to whatever preceeded it

alias init=0; #integer alias
alias dic=entity<0>; #entity alias

<dic>script<init>{#define init and base scripts for 'entity<0>script<0>'
  init {...}

entity<2>script<1>init { ... } #defines just the init part

entity<2>{script<3>=script<1>} # copy script<1> to script<3>

#also you could do <> ranges, might go like <4..20> or <4->20>, and if you wanted to make it even more complex: <1..3,5..12,15,18>

...  bank<3>address<32> ...

Yes, I like <> more than [], maybe because it's easier to access them in my spanish kbd.

Q-Gears / Some VisualC++ 2003 Project files and Diff patch
« on: 2006-07-24 00:38:07 »
Hi, I jsut foudn this project a few days ago, and thought it was really interesting, but I came up with a tiny problem: I don't like Dev-Cpp.
Also I'm used to VC2003, so I decided to try to get it to build correctly from inside vc2003, with the less changes possible, and trying not to break any other build platform in the process.

I'm not sure if this has been made before, or if you don't want it for some weird reason, but I'm posting it in case anyone else finds it interesting.

The zip includes a .diff patch and the two vc2003 project files. Uploaded to rapidshare because it seems there is no option to attach files in here.

EDIT: Made a new .diff patch that includes the project files (so it's now a single .diff for all)

So choose the one you like more.

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