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Messages - chrome99001

Pages: [1]
Releases / Re: [FF7PC] [7H] Enhanced Stock UI (2.0)
« on: 2022-09-15 10:01:29 »
any updates on ESUI Lite? Being able to play with stock fonts coupled with controller icons would be so nice.

Edit: The author of this mod released a fix for this. You can dl it here:


I found a bug. During the opening intro, there is a texture that appears off to the side. Here's a screenshot:

How can I fix this?

Where do you place this file?

I'm a bit confused on how to use the 'FF8 Buttons config tool'. Can someone kindly explain to me?
It says to change the value on the right to change the icon. So according to the list below, 84 is equals to Triangle. Then what does 39A +1 mean?
39A +1   =   84   
3A4 +1   =   85      
3AE +1   =   86      
3B8 +1   =   87      
3C2 +1   =   80      
3CC +1   =   81      
3D6 +1   =   82      
3E0 +1   =   83      
3EA +1   =   88      
3F4 +1   =   8B      
3FE +1   =   89      
408 +1   =   8A

#For information:
###Standard configuration(xbox360 plug and play controller)
{   PSX icon   |   Code 
{   Cross   =   86
{   Circle     =   85
{   Square   =   87
{   Triangle   =   84
{   L1      =   82
{   R1      =   83
{   Select   =   88
{   Start      =   8B
{   L3      =   89
{   R3      =   8A
{   L2      =   80
{   R2      =   81


Any ideas? I've already installed the required DirectX 9.0C, VC++ 2010 Redistributable (x86), VC++ 2010 Redistributable (x64), VC++ 2013 Redistributable (x86), VC++ 2013 Redistributable (x64).

This screen pops up for a second then disappears.

Game works perfectly fine if Tonberry is not installed.
Currently on Windows 11.

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-Switch] Beacause LayeredFS
« on: 2021-06-04 11:18:00 »
Not without permission from DLPB, also please check the date before you post. This was an old post I only allowed it so hopefully you know for the future :)
Thanks for notifying. I posted because I couldn't find any info regarding it anywhere else. Anyways, after some trial and error, I managed to port it over myself.  ;)

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-Switch] Beacause LayeredFS
« on: 2021-05-31 06:34:52 »
Any chance of using the Canon Addendum from R06G?

Pages: [1]