Author Topic: "Something went wrong while downloading the 7thHeaven update"  (Read 737 times)


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My current version of 7th Heaven is Stable v2.3.1.0

7th Heaven always has had problems installing Canary versions. It would download them, install them, 7th Heaven would restart, and it would still show I have the stable version So I gave up.

But now the autoupdater is popping up to tell me there is a new stable version: v2.3.3

"Release Notes: Auto Updater removed, installer added
installer uses fixed version of the codebases to prevent problem with new stuff not being tested."

Well, now I'm stuck in a new, and altogether ironic predicament, for the autoupdate that is meant to remove the broken autoupdater, you guessed it, doesn't work! I try to update my stable version and everytime it says "Something went wrong while downloading the 7thHeaven update. Please try again later." So I guess I'm stuck with waiting to try again later...

Or... is there another way to update 7th Heaven, while not breaking my game & mods or forcing me to download everything again?
« Last Edit: 2021-10-29 22:34:48 by hampon_avezado »