I'm trying to update my FF8 randomizer project to work with the Remastered edition and it's been mostly straightforward but the one thing I can't figure out is draw points. In the regular Steam version of the game, the contents of every draw point were stored in a nice tidy block in the main exe file:
eg. the first byte is 0x55 = 0 1 010101
= 0 (normal yield) 1 (renewable) 010101 (spell 21 = cure)
= the cure draw point outside Balamb Garden
Now when I play the remaster, the same data is in memory & it's used the same way...
...But I can't find where that came from on disk. I suspect it's being reconstructed from "ff8_en.exe.dat" in the main zzz archive, just based on the name, but it doesn't resemble the original file at all. Does anyone know how this works?
I do have a backup plan if I can't find it - just going through the field archive changing all the drawpoint calls - but then I'd be limited to the existing set of spells (no Apocalypse, Rapture, etc.) & the patching would take a bit longer. So if this sounds like a pain to deal with don't worry about it, but I would be super grateful for any help. Thanks!