Hi all,
I'm just having a look at reconstructing fields on a layer by layer approach for something I'm doing and am adding some code to picklejars' kujata repo. Whilst I do have a few questions that I may post to this community to help me understand and I'm am constantly looking through the Makou Reactor source code for tips, there is something that I just want to run by you.
I've decoded all fields except these:
The reason being is that the palette lengths are '12' bits, headers something like:
length: 12,
palX: 0,
palY: 480,
colorsPerPage: 256,
pageCount: 0,
The thing here is pageCount = 0. So there are no palettes. None (other than the 6 colors on the flevel.background.palette object). So my question is, how do we overcome this? How do we get the rendered data? I've tried swapping calculating the colour from the texture value itself instead of accessing a palette, but no luck.
Any ideas? Apologies if I have missed something in Makou Reactor.