I have tried in Bootleg 040 numerous times to get the Aeris Revival patch to work and it simply refuses. I don't know if it's conflicting with any of my other selected mods, but the only one I've read about that it ever did conflict with was the Remix mod and I don't use that. The Bootleg configurator always says it installed correctly but she's never in my PHS after her death scenes, and adding her via Black Chocobo does put her in the party, but I can't remove her in-game after that. I was directed by someone on the forum to try Bootleg 039 rather than 040 but now I can't seem to find 039 anywhere. Failing that, he said to try just the Revival patch and nothing else, but I'm not sure -when- the patch should be applied. I've finished Disc 1, which Ultima Espio has explicitly stated is too late, but in that older thread he said we could just add her manually with Black Chocobo and the Revival patch would go on as intended. Doesn't work for me at all, so I've messed something up and I'd like to try again with 039. If that doesn't work then I'm out of ideas again.
Thanks in advance for any advice.