I'm trying the game over again, hoping this time my experience will be different/better than several months ago. Back then, I installed Bootleg on the 039 version, over my FF7 original disc install. The mods all worked, but Aeris Revival didn't kick in once I got there. I had no idea what to do as re-running Bootleg didn't work and putting her back in with Black Chocobo had less than desirable results (impossible to remove her from party.)
I've bought the Steam version now, and I'm giving it a go with Bootleg 040 this time. Again, things are generally working, though I'm only quite early on in Disc 1 so I can't see if Revival will work this time. I could use Black Chocobo to edit in max levels and stats and all the materia and items I typically spend hours getting, but part of me wonders if Black Chocobo abuse contributed to the Revival mod not working last time, so I have only used BC to give myself a lot of gil and to correct party member names which are somehow not entering correctly in-game (no matter what letters I select, the game automatically adds a lowercase 'c' to the end, for some reason.) I do realise that Chocobo -shouldn't- affect the mods at all, but that if it somehow does, I may have altered my chances having used it at -all.-
I understand the Revival patch has some incompatibilities with certain other mods, so for help's sake I will mention that I have selected the Scene Redux option in the interest of 'better steals from enemies,' though so far it has only affected the Striking Staff steal from Eligor (the monster now only carries Echo Screens) so if I'm directed to do so I will gladly re-run Bootleg without this. I am also using Menu Overhaul, but this post will be even longer if I describe every option I have ticked so I will do so only upon request.
The last thing I will mention is that I have 'New Spell Names' ticked and it is not affecting my game, at least in the materia menus; Fire, for example, still lists Fire2 and Fire3 as future levels. The new-names mod -did- work properly for me back on Bootleg 039, so it's possible I've done something differently this time and it's bumping up against some other selection it doesn't like.
Anyway, here's hoping Revival works this time, or that someone can direct me to a series of mod selections where it -definitely- works. And again, I really hope I haven't posted this in the wrong section again.