Yeah, I noticed this on my initial setup of 7th Heaven (which was with version 1.56). By default it had all those extra slashes (some slashes were even backwards "/" and on one of the lines it had it listed something like "Final\/Fantasy\VII"). I know I did not enter those, because it was the very first time I went into the config. Before doing anything else I made sure to set it up properly and it has worked fine.
Recently though, I've been having one issue where the "direct" and "music" folders in "Extra Folders" keep getting duplicated every time I launch the game with the 7th Heaven launcher. It got to a point where my game was lagging very badly, and I went to check the config and noticed 100+ instances of these folders listed. After deleting them to just the 2, the game was smooth as could be, but launching the game again added 2 more instances of those folders. Does anyone have any idea why it would keep making those folders each time I launch the game?
Also, is there a way to add an image to a post or does it have to be an online image only? Was going to post an image of my General Settings in 7th Heaven to show more clearly what I mean about the "direct" and "music" folders.