Author Topic: [FF8R-PC/Steam] FF8 Remastered (Lunatic Pandora) Mods Progress  (Read 530256 times)


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Hey @Mcindus
Accidentally bought the installer for the normal version, and only then realized it's not for the remaster.
Should I play the normal version for now, or just wait for your amazing remaster mod pack (in other words, will it be out soon :) ? )

Loved your first pack for ff8 and did actually wind up accidentally buying it a second time. I am not worried nor care though about that but I can't wait for the remastered one to be released. I just got it on sale today for under 10 dollars and was like def could use it.

I do hope the translation and story thing I have for ff8 gets sometime ported over or maybe I can figure out how to use the better story script someone made on the game. I was using the Succession mod for it.


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Mcindus, i would like to get a FF8 mod installer, and i'm very confused.

how do i download it, and where do i download it ??


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@EliteOne Please join qhimm Discord and ask there to get a quick response and see many more mods for the FF games gathered in one place. Follow this link


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@EliteOne Please join qhimm Discord and ask there to get a quick response and see many more mods for the FF games gathered in one place. Follow this link

This invite link has expired, can you link another?


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Hi all,
I have an issue and don't know if this the right place to ask it, but I'll give it a shot here ;-)

After installing the mods, my Steam FF8 game doen't start anymore!
I've noticed that this happens the moment I install the Demastered 128. I get an 'unknown exception has occurred' Error!
After this I can't do much. I've reinstalled the game (game runs perfectly), but as soon as I install the ff8_demaster_128a, I get the same error!
What am I doing wrong? Please advice.  :-(
Thank you!


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No one??!


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The game has been updated and we have to wait for MaKiPL to release a new Demaster update
Sorry my level of english


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Back in May I read that this mod (Angelwing: Ultima - Remastered), When released for Alpha testing Exclusively for Patreon and VIP users, would be for one or two months max. Afterwards we'd get a free public release of it. It's November now...
Keep up the good work I guess.
« Last Edit: 2021-11-08 10:35:22 by ArhumMK »


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Hello there,

It seems like demastered finally got updated today to support the latest FF8: Remastered patch of 1.0.2.

Figured I'd make a mention of this because of the big red notice about this in the main post.

Kind regards,


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Hi people! I'm looking for some help on how to use the Demaster program, with the Remaster version.

So far I have DL'd the latest version of the program, went through the installation instructions where it creates the DEMASTER_EXP folder, and stuck all mod 'texture' folders inside the DEMASTER_EXP folder.

Is there anything else I should be doing? Because (so far) nothing seems to have changed? I even have the SeeDRemaster UI mod (Demaster version) with the new colour icons, gradients, etc. but nothing has changed at all?

I have a feeling the Demaster program (when running) that the black box shouldn't be blank/black? Or is that normal?

Many thanks :)


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Hi people! I'm looking for some help on how to use the Demaster program, with the Remaster version.

So far I have DL'd the latest version of the program, went through the installation instructions where it creates the DEMASTER_EXP folder, and stuck all mod 'texture' folders inside the DEMASTER_EXP folder.

Is there anything else I should be doing? Because (so far) nothing seems to have changed? I even have the SeeDRemaster UI mod (Demaster version) with the new colour icons, gradients, etc. but nothing has changed at all?

I have a feeling the Demaster program (when running) that the black box shouldn't be blank/black? Or is that normal?

Many thanks :)

This tut on YT should help.


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i signed up to ask what i wrong exactly with my setup, i followed the YT video (35minutes long) but it seems outdated since i have the FF8Remastered 1.0.3 which means the demaster mod isn't working with however i did get the menus Tech font/style working other than that everything looks the same !!!


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i signed up to ask what i wrong exactly with my setup, i followed the YT video (35minutes long) but it seems outdated since i have the FF8Remastered 1.0.3 which means the demaster mod isn't working with however i did get the menus Tech font/style working other than that everything looks the same !!!

Demaster is not working again after a really short time the 1.0.2 update has been patched by it. It seems we need to wait until Maki finds some time and releases another patch. Seriously, this guy is awesome with everything he's done for the community so far!


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just signed up to mcindus patreon, is this the latest version you can download? Angelwing: Ultima - Remastered v1.0.a, whats the point in an alpha test if it hasn't been updated in 9 months? if mcindus is here can you tell me if there are newer files please?


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just signed up to mcindus patreon, is this the latest version you can download? Angelwing: Ultima - Remastered v1.0.a, whats the point in an alpha test if it hasn't been updated in 9 months? if mcindus is here can you tell me if there are newer files please?
fated posted a new video on youtube recently , he's had alot going on but said he was getting back into the project.


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So close to the end. I hope it will be released soon. Waiting for this to replay  ;D


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Hello, I have problems using all the improvement patches, I have ff8 remastered steam version 1.0.3.
  install everything, I put the main.zzz patch with the gradient interface and letters for the Spanish version. use demaster 13.00 and patch for 13.03 for game version 1.0.3.
the game runs well I get the new letters, but the gradient and icons in menus are not shown, and the textures of scenes do not see the improvement either. I do not know what is the problem.

say that I followed the youtube video tutorial that is in the thread to install everything. Are these mods compatible with version 1.0.3 in Spanish? Thank you.


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When I install FieldModelTextures and RebirthFlame the characters don't blink, its any way to fix this?


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the angelwing mod for the remastered version comes out when? I wait after this mod to buy it. a while ago you said he was going out public ^^


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Does anyone know whether this project's been abandoned? It's been over a year since the original post was updated and went onto state they were putting the final touches toward getting a version compatible with the remaster released...

I live in hope!  ???


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Does anyone know whether this project's been abandoned? It's been over a year since the original post was updated and went onto state they were putting the final touches toward getting a version compatible with the remaster released...

I live in hope!  ???

You have to look at the last edit time from the bottom of the first post rather then the "last updated" text at the top of post, which was updated much more recently. He updated his patron very recently, and the project is very much still active.


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You have to look at the last edit time from the bottom of the first post rather then the "last updated" text at the top of post, which was updated much more recently. He updated his patron very recently, and the project is very much still active.

Well spotted, Sir!

I feared it had fell away into development limbo tbh...

After playing FFVII with the beautiful upscale mod on offer by Satsuki, I'm eager to follow up with VIII sooner rather than later! Props to McIndus/Fated Courage and all those involved for their time and effort in preserving what so many consider to be the holy grail of timeless video game entertainment.  8-)


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I'm playing with the Anglewing mod, without FFVIII isn't really remastered. The mod is awesome!

There is a bug, during the prison break sequence, right after you rescued Zell after being chased. Irvine's head is missing and the first time Squalls textures were a mess then the game crashed. Second time, the game crashed right after Irvine appears and saves the day.

Another bug is, when you open your workstation in the Garden. the menu screen is all messed up.