Author Topic: Final Fantasy VII Remix - A compilation of FF7 Mods [1.0-2.5.1]  (Read 1279441 times)


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Long time no see titeguy3!

sorry to bother you but i have a question, i bought a new pc, and made a clean install, how do i install the luckytifa mod? if i doble click any of the 2 yamps (normal and hardcore) they say:

Final Fantasy VII Skerb's patches installer by dziugo ([email protected])

Access is denied.
Access is denied.
Access is denied.
Access is denied.
Applying patch: LuckyTifa
Access is denied.
Access is denied.
Access is denied.
Access is denied.
Could Not Find C:\Program Files (x86)\Square Soft, Inc\Final Fantasy VII\temp.bat
Could Not Find C:\Program Files (x86)\Square Soft, Inc\Final Fantasy VII\patches\LuckyTifa.bat
Access is denied.
Access is denied.
Something's gone wrong... dunno what...
Sorry, no patching today.
Press any key to continue . . .

but if i run it as administrator it says:

Final Fantasy VII Skerb's patches installer by dziugo ([email protected])

Missing file: ff7.exe
Sorry, no patching today.
Press any key to continue . . .

what do i do? thnx in advance

edit: oh yeah......IDIOT!! i forgot to mention my stuff xDDDD, its runing in Windows 7 ultimate 64 bits, core i7 950, GTX 460, 6GB of RAM

Make sure you're running the installer with admin privileges. That would be my best guess as to why you're getting that error.


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I also have a one question. Is there any possibility of you making options with this patcher? I like a lot of what's in this Remix, but I don't want everything. Any plans for a way to choose which patches to install?


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There is an edit button for a reason. Your previous post was 2 minutes earlier...


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Any plans for a way to choose which patches to install?
You do realize that everything included in Remix is available right here on the forum right?


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Hey anyone know how to solve my problem yet? I've seen many people have the same problem and they all got Win7 Ultimate,
again the problem is that when i install the remix patch and start the game , it crashes and says windows is trying to find a solution, please help me i'm very desperate here :((


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hey you! yeah you ^
read the post above you^


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who me ? xD


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haha yeah you!
anyway I was just saying, if the remix patch is working, then you might want t try installing all of these mods separately. Some of them have receive minor and major updates since they were included in remix anyway so it might just be a good idea to start from scratch. its what I do and I don't have any problems at all. Be sure that you use the latest version of Aali's custom driver as this is the most important.


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Ohh xD, yeah man i've installed everything separately and it worked fine, i just didn't want to do it because i could mess up something, but i found the finalfantasy7pc site and they have very good tutorials :)

Wutai Clan

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You do realize that everything included in Remix is available right here on the forum right?

Well, that's not totally true, a number of mods listed as being in this compilation are no longer available. (Though, that may not have been true when you posted.)

Regardless, many mods lack proper documentation, and telling what mods are outdated vs. new(and should be used instead), etc, is a pain sometimes, you have to basically move in, and live here for a few weeks to figure out what the current situation is, etc,.

That's why some ppl prefer a compilation pack, it's just easier, they just want to play the game, not get a degree in Qhimm forumology. ;)

This is coming from a fairly long time member(though not often poster.)..

So, please, continue this project, in fact, improve it, I recommend something like SVN\FTP, with nice ordered sections, and only referring to the most updated mods. (ie, no references to outdated stuff, for example Aali has outdated a ton YAMP patches(FPS fixes, possibly window transparency mods, etc,.), and other mods, so those are just confusing, and probably cause problems(weird crashes etc,.) when ppl don't realize they already have such options installed.)

(By ordered sections I mean something like this.)

Mods->Graphics->Current Graphics Mods
Mods->Sound->Current Sound Mods
Mods->Gameplay->Current Gameplay Mods

(ie, this would make it modular, and also much easier to maintain, it would work more like a database, than a mod, similar to having custom options in the installer, but more flexible. A simple C# application could be written, that has links to the current releases, things can be added\removed from a master list as necessary.. It could download, then install them properly, etc,. Even warn the user when compatibility may be an issue(ie, keep track of installed mods.).. (See: Better Oblivion Sorting Software, or my own tool FOLOT which is the same thing for Fallout3.. It's part of Fallout Mod Manager now..) Also: Wrye Bash\OBMM - with a little bit of download manager thrown in..)

Don't take my post as ungrateful, I certainly appreciate all the work modders do, it's a thankless task most the time, I've been modding for years, I know how it is. I'm extremely grateful for these forums, and for this community constantly bringing new content to these great classic games. :D

But I can also see how true noobs to the scene could be overwhelmed, and just want an easy solution. (I've done this several times myself due to HD failures, ie, had to rebuild my FF mod collections.)

Anyways, that's my thoughts on the subject, as I desperately search the forums trying to figure out what mods to use, and what mods not to use, what's new, what's old, etc, etc,..

Hope to see an update to this project, I used it the last time I rebuilt my collection, and aside from a few bugs, it worked quite well, and was much simpler than what I'm doing now. (In fact, I may use this as a base, and just patch it myself to fix the issues I had last time.)



I should add, the site has much improved, I like how you've simplified it, the projects\mods, vs, all the FFx tweaking sections, etc, is much easier to navigate, but, it's still a bit of maze sometimes. (The wiki also helps, but it was down earlier, as was the search function "due to high traffic".. Spurring this post, and re-sparking my interest in this mod.)
« Last Edit: 2011-04-10 14:23:02 by Wutai Clan »


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Regardless, many mods lack proper documentation, and telling what mods are outdated vs. new(and should be used instead), etc, is a pain sometimes, you have to basically move in, and live here for a few weeks to figure out what the current situation is, etc,.

There's a thread in Frequently Asked Questions that takes you through step-by-step on how to instal the Remix Patcher and tells you which mods are outdated. Plus it gives you links to the most recent ones.


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so ive read through about half of the posts on this thread and still havent found the problem im having... if its already been mentioned im sry but after an hour of reading im just tired of it... anyway the problem im havin is that when i go to run the installer it says that it is not a valid win32 application and wont let me run it... im currently redownloading hoping mab the dl just mest up.... im runnin windows 7 32 on an hp dv6000 with 2gb of ram any helps apreciated

so far it seems like my dl ust failed at the last few seconds damn firefox keeps crashin on me hopefully the installs gonna work

« Last Edit: 2011-04-10 18:48:38 by mojta »

Wutai Clan

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There's a thread in Frequently Asked Questions that takes you through step-by-step on how to instal the Remix Patcher and tells you which mods are outdated. Plus it gives you links to the most recent ones.

I don't recall saying I had trouble installing the remix patcher?

And the point of my post, was to explain why users might prefer using a pre-made package, rather than creating their own, which is mainly ease of use. (This was in response to the poster I quoted, who suggested just putting a package together ourselves rather than using this mod.)

Regardless, like I said, this is a great project, and it's a lot better than doing it all manually, I've done it both ways, and I prefer this way. I will have to check out the FAQ you mentioned, however, and again, not trying to be rude, but it just seems to defeat the purpose of this mod if ya ask me.

I suggested a good way of handling mods in general, but it could be easily condensed and re-worked a bit to handle this mod specifically, it could be done in such a way that the user could simply hit an update button, and get the latest updates to all the mods installed for them.

This would be much easier than having to re-pack this massive mod every time changes occur, or patches, etc, you could avoid it all, simply setup a web page(google code page), have a list of mods, and links, the program snags the list, downloads the mods, unpacks, and installs em'.. (This could allow for day by day updates for the newest and best mods.)

I might write it myself, and donate it, when I get some free time.


Edit: To the above poster, it may be a corrupt download, as far as I can remember I installed this mod on XP x64, which means it should be 32bit, and 64bit compatible, the only time you should see that message is with old 16bit applications. Though I've heard of malware, and other things causing this issue as well..

Try using a download manager that supports resuming failed downloads, I haven't used one in some time, so I can't suggest a safe app to use for this purpose, you'll just have to search for one. (There may be a firefox plugin for this.)
« Last Edit: 2011-04-10 19:42:25 by Wutai Clan »


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i got it figured out and running ok... the problem that i had was that firefox crashed towards the end of the dl i redownloaded and it now works fine


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And the point of my post, was to explain why users might prefer using a pre-made package, rather than creating their own, which is mainly ease of use. (This was in response to the poster I quoted, who suggested just putting a package together ourselves rather than using this mod.)

I definitely agree with you there and would like to see this project updated some time soon. However I was responding to someone who requested that you be able to pick and choose which components to use, obviously if you want this power you can simply do it yourself without much effort. I mean you say it takes a while, but honestly if you know how to navigate a forum properly you can find everything in it without much effort. I know I did when I first came here in the first day. I know not everyone is a comp expert but if you want the power to pick and choose then use the powerful resources (these forums and the internet in general0 you already have right in front of you to do so. That's the point I was trying to make. As for not everything being available that is in the remix pack yourself, your also right however the things I think are not included anymore are the apz cloud which is a wonder they didnt make him remove it from this pack, and the modifications that tight guy made himself which of course wouldn't be found anywhere else.

Wutai Clan

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I definitely agree with you there and would like to see this project updated some time soon. However I was responding to someone who requested that you be able to pick and choose which components to use, obviously if you want this power you can simply do it yourself without much effort. I mean you say it takes a while, but honestly if you know how to navigate a forum properly you can find everything in it without much effort. I know I did when I first came here in the first day. I know not everyone is a comp expert but if you want the power to pick and choose then use the powerful resources (these forums and the internet in general0 you already have right in front of you to do so. That's the point I was trying to make. As for not everything being available that is in the remix pack yourself, your also right however the things I think are not included anymore are the apz cloud which is a wonder they didnt make him remove it from this pack, and the modifications that tight guy made himself which of course wouldn't be found anywhere else.

I realize you were responding to the user about being able to pick and choose mods, but that was the other half of my point, about how this mod could easily be configurable. (I'm already working a universal mod format for the games based on these principals.)

But yeah, I get what you're saying, and apologize if you took it as an attack, it was just a good place to chime in with what I was already thinking. :)

As for the time it takes to install a bunch of mods, that depends on how thorough you are. I read readme's, I follow direction explicitly, I'm cautious about the order in which I install things(in order to achieve the desired results when mixing mods that overlap), I research mods, to insure they work together properly, and don't have issues(bugs, crashes, that are going to make the game unplayable\incomplete-able).

I'm quite capable of using Google\forum searches, not sure how to take your implications, I just don't work haphazardly, and it doesn't help that a lot of info around here is spread all over the place, no matter how good you are at finding things, it doesn't matter when the wiki is down(which it has been), the search function goes out every other search "due to traffic", and Google can be useless at finding vague terms within a specific forum.

Regardless, I'm not trying to fight with you on this, we obviously just see things differently, and do things differently, which is fine, I don't need any clones. :P

Anyways, we should probably take this to PM if you want to continue, it's starting to get off topic.
« Last Edit: 2011-04-12 02:43:47 by Wutai Clan »


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Hello guys :)

I've been playing FF7 with this compilation of mods for quite a while and got to say that I love new graphics models or new music. Ok let's go to the point of my post:
I'm at Shinra mansion and until now I haven't any problems with difficulty, but now the guy sitting on the blade/axe thingy one shots my characters. I'm a casual gamer and I like medium challenge, but this is too much for me :P I know some ppl love serious challenge, but I just want to beat this game once again without grinding hours to beat random no name mob.
My question: Is there a way to turn off hardcore mod? 


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well you obviously didn't read the conversation right above you, but I'll be nice and repeat myself. if you want more info about this just read the last few posts before this. There is no way to toggle the mods on and off from what I know, however you might be able to switch out your kernel.bin file with the original one and this should undo the hardcore mod for the most part, although there are probably some changes elsewhere, I am not positive on this because I have yet to try the hardcore mod myself. Other way would be to just download and install all the mods separately excluding the hardcore mod.


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yarLson I did read them ;) Thanks for answer anyway.
I thought maybe there's a option for this or something(like transparent dialog windows). I tried to switch kernels, but with no success... my enemy is still too strong. I once again tried to get out of the mansion and when I'm near the exit axe dude appears and wipes my party T.T Bah! No luck and this isn't fun.
Ahh bugger... I think I'll just install them separately as you said.


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I also have a one question. Is there any possibility of you making options with this patcher? I like a lot of what's in this Remix, but I don't want everything. Any plans for a way to choose which patches to install?
You do realize that everything included in Remix is available right here on the forum right?
did you read that? Anyway its not hard to install them separately, just be sure you read instructions carefully and be patient.


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1 - The Hardcore Mod is obsolete now. Download the newer one in the Projects forums. I'm too lazy to give a link.
2 - Click on "Run FF7-Remix" and you should undo the Hardcore Mod.


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•Your Operating System (and whether or not UAC is turned off, if applicable)
•The console debug info provided by the FF7Music Console (you can see the FF7Music console by alt+tabbing while running the game) and/or the contents of "app.log" (use the "code" tags)
•The directory your game is installed into.

Operating System is Windows 7, UAC is currently off, I turned it back on after it didn't work.

I got my game installed in the normal directory.

I have a feeling this is because I never made the FF 7 1.02 replacement...


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Windows 7 Ultimate, 64-bit
UAC off
Specs are not an issue (read: plays new games on high settings)
Installed to the default directory.

I run the ff7music.exe and then execute ff7.exe, the screen goes black, it then returns to the desktop with an appcrash type error. Here is a sample of the output of ff7music console:

Code: [Select]
    441.926 |    ERROR: [UXDriver.ApiX.Engine] 365@Nvidia::UXDriver::ApiX::CNvApixEngine::EnsureDesktop::InputDesktop::SetThread : Could not set thread desktop to input desktop due to the following error 170.

    442.063 |    ERROR: [UXDriver.ApiX.Engine] 365@Nvidia::UXDriver::ApiX::CNvApixEngine::EnsureDesktop::InputDesktop::SetThread : Could not set thread desktop to input desktop due to the following error 170.

Edit: Something new has appeared, this message now spams the ff7music console
Code: [Select]

0524-13:32:46.706[W]Couldn't connect to socket: Socket operation on non-socket (10038)

This is my app.log
Code: [Select]

TOTAL 519634944 FREE 512578944
DD MODE: W 640 H 480 P 640 RGB 1 BPP 8
DD MODE: W 720 H 480 P 720 RGB 1 BPP 8
DD MODE: W 720 H 576 P 720 RGB 1 BPP 8
DD MODE: W 800 H 600 P 800 RGB 1 BPP 8
DD MODE: W 1024 H 768 P 1024 RGB 1 BPP 8
DD MODE: W 1152 H 864 P 1152 RGB 1 BPP 8
DD MODE: W 1280 H 720 P 1280 RGB 1 BPP 8
DD MODE: W 1280 H 768 P 1280 RGB 1 BPP 8
DD MODE: W 1280 H 800 P 1280 RGB 1 BPP 8
DD MODE: W 1280 H 960 P 1280 RGB 1 BPP 8
DD MODE: W 1280 H 1024 P 1280 RGB 1 BPP 8
DD MODE: W 640 H 480 P 1280 RGB 1 BPP 16
DD MODE: W 720 H 480 P 1440 RGB 1 BPP 16
DD MODE: W 720 H 576 P 1440 RGB 1 BPP 16
DD MODE: W 800 H 600 P 1600 RGB 1 BPP 16
DD MODE: W 1024 H 768 P 2048 RGB 1 BPP 16
DD MODE: W 1152 H 864 P 2304 RGB 1 BPP 16
DD MODE: W 1280 H 720 P 2560 RGB 1 BPP 16
DD MODE: W 1280 H 768 P 2560 RGB 1 BPP 16
DD MODE: W 1280 H 800 P 2560 RGB 1 BPP 16
DD MODE: W 1280 H 960 P 2560 RGB 1 BPP 16
DD MODE: W 1280 H 1024 P 2560 RGB 1 BPP 16
DD MODE: W 640 H 480 P 2560 RGB 1 BPP 32
DD MODE: W 720 H 480 P 2880 RGB 1 BPP 32
DD MODE: W 720 H 576 P 2880 RGB 1 BPP 32
DD MODE: W 800 H 600 P 3200 RGB 1 BPP 32
DD MODE: W 1024 H 768 P 4096 RGB 1 BPP 32
DD MODE: W 1152 H 864 P 4608 RGB 1 BPP 32
DD MODE: W 1280 H 720 P 5120 RGB 1 BPP 32
DD MODE: W 1280 H 768 P 5120 RGB 1 BPP 32
DD MODE: W 1280 H 800 P 5120 RGB 1 BPP 32
DD MODE: W 1280 H 960 P 5120 RGB 1 BPP 32
DD MODE: W 1280 H 1024 P 5120 RGB 1 BPP 32
Ramp Emulation
  Microsoft Direct3D Mono(Ramp) Software Emulation
RGB Emulation
  Microsoft Direct3D RGB Software Emulation
Direct3D HAL
  Microsoft Direct3D Hardware acceleration through Direct3D HAL
  PALETTE 0 BITS 16 RGBA 5:6:5:0
  PALETTE 0 BITS 16 RGBA 5:5:5:0
  PALETTE 0 BITS 16 RGBA 5:5:5:1
  PALETTE 0 BITS 16 RGBA 4:4:4:4
  PALETTE 0 BITS 32 RGBA 8:8:8:0
  PALETTE 0 BITS 32 RGBA 8:8:8:8
ERROR: COULD NOT OPEN FILE C:\Program Files (x86)\Square Soft, Inc.\Final Fantasy VII\ff7input.cfg
initializing sound...
creating dsound primary buffer
reading audio file
loading static sounds
sound initialized
selecting device 0:Microsoft GS Wavetable Synth, mid=1, pid=27,
midi data type: GENERAL MIDI
using midi data file: C:\Program Files (x86)\Square Soft, Inc.\Final Fantasy VII\Data\midi\midi.lgp
midiOutGetVolume returned: ffffffff
set music volume: 127
MIDI set volume: 127
10036743060f 127 = 127
set music volume: 127
MIDI set master volume: 100
MIDI set volume: 127
10036743060f 127 = 127
Entering MAIN
Exiting MAIN
« Last Edit: 2011-05-24 11:36:41 by Lordspon »


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I need Original Quality Vids (320x224) because the Higher Quality Videos run very slow (about 3 fps). All link provided in are dead. Can anyone send me a link to get it, thx people for helping  :)


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You have asked this question a few times, and the answer is they are on your disc... if you have one.  Which I am thinking you don't.