I personally get no satisfaction out of either, so for me even 5 dollars wouldn't be worth it.
I also intensely dislike "added content". It's created a situation where laziness in design is fine - and it also creates inconsistencies. I want to play a completed game. They had 10 freakin years. I'm also not sure when it became acceptable to pay for bug fixes and "add ons" when you've already shelled out big money for the game (I am not sure FF15 does that, but many do). Modern gamers are, in my opinion, total mugs.
A slight addendum however, the main game isn't bad it's a bit tritely thought up but some parts I like.
The combat is annoying, the questing is more fun than the combat (by far) also the "FILLER" characters are more interesting than the 3 secondary characters (really), gladios is a bit of fun but a bit too stereotypical.
The story being the prime character and Luna's relationship could have been done a little less childishly not everyone is as immature (at that age) as the script writter thought, it's all relative.
However it's not bad really, some people go crazy with the combat, it was more challenging if I DIDn't follow the instructions but nigh unto impossible (I did try it anyhow).
So at level 50 I started over to see the difference, much easier, I've yet to exit the mainland on the boat.
Not sure I like the "added personal questlines" seems an attempt to be like Zenny Max's ESO (Elder Scrolls Online) which I looked at but said "wait let me check the reviews" good idea apparently. It's quite hated by most people they buy it and wonder why. Well I digress but that's how the "personal questline" thing comes across "pay more money for what should be part of the story". ESO copy cat work? (ESO = Elder Scrolls Online)
Considering how the current head of development at Squenix hates the FF series it's no surprise that it's kept devolving (why make something you hate good?) Was very outspoke when FF13-2 came out (quite frankly with 13 it's not a surprise he seemed to be trying to kill the franchise).
So yeah it's not great but it's not terrible parts of the story are down right good. Especially the parts that aren't the main questline (for some reason).