Author Topic: [PC] Mod manager - 7thHeaven (v1.54)  (Read 523014 times)


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Re: 7thHeaven
« Reply #225 on: 2013-08-07 13:21:48 »
I'll do some testing on the magic.lgp. It may not work with everything in the lgp, but the summon models at least should work fine. Also I was wondering if 7thheaven can use the pngs in the mod folder, like the ones EQ2Alyza did, or do I need to use the lgp versions? If I add something like ff7\mods\battle and pack it into an .iro would that work?


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Re: 7thHeaven
« Reply #226 on: 2013-08-07 13:50:12 »
It will use PNGs fine if you use the correct folder names - the folder names need to match the folders Aali's driver looks in when loading PNGs - e.g. "menu" instead of "menu_us.lgp".

Also Aali's driver needs to be set up to use a mod folder, and 7thHeaven needs to be pointing at that folder in the settings, of course.


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Re: 7thHeaven
« Reply #227 on: 2013-08-07 14:14:32 »
Isn't Aali's driver already set that way? I install everything like that through bootleg so maybe that way it is I guess. Ok cool that's great. When I configure this does it need to have a mods folder like: MYMODFOLDER\mods\battle and MYMODFOLDER\mods\menu, or can I just use MYMODFOLDER\menu? I haven't done much with 7thheaven yet, so can it already be set to point at the mods folder in settings, or would that need to be added to another release?


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Re: 7thHeaven
« Reply #228 on: 2013-08-07 14:22:54 »
Isn't Aali's driver already set that way? I install everything like that through bootleg so maybe that way it is I guess. Ok cool that's great. When I configure this does it need to have a mods folder like: MYMODFOLDER\mods\battle and MYMODFOLDER\mods\menu, or can I just use MYMODFOLDER\menu?


I haven't done much with 7thheaven yet, so can it already be set to point at the mods folder in settings, or would that need to be added to another release?

That's already there. It will probably be set up correctly already - it fills in automatically if it's blank - and your mod folder in Aali's driver might also be set up correctly. Just worth mentioning as something to check if it doesn't work.


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Re: 7thHeaven
« Reply #229 on: 2013-08-07 14:26:00 »
Awesome thanks, I'll do some testing on that too than. I know the png versions of those mods are better than the lgps so it'll be cool to be able to use them in 7thheaven.

So I rewrapped my fmv iro using 10.6 and tried adding it again and got the same message. I also tried just putting it into the 7thheaven library file and it doesn't automatically add it either. Does that feature still work? I cant get it to do that with Kaldarashas mods either. Importing seems to work fine, except with mine, but than I have two copies of the .iro's.

Code: [Select]
ystem.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Non-negative number required.
Parameter name: value
   at System.IO.FileStream.set_Position(Int64 value)
   at _7thWrapperLib.IrosArc.GetBytes(String name) in C:\Iros\7thWrapperLib\IrosArc.cs:line 172
   at Iros._7th.Workshop.fImportMod.<>c__DisplayClassa.<ImportMod>b__6(String s) in C:\Iros\7thWorkshop\fImportMod.cs:line 77
   at Iros._7th.Workshop.fImportMod.ImportMod(String source, String name, Boolean iroMode) in C:\Iros\7thWorkshop\fImportMod.cs:line 85
   at Iros._7th.Workshop.fImportMod.bOK_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e) in C:\Iros\7thWorkshop\fImportMod.cs:line 109
   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.OnClick(EventArgs e)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Button.OnClick(EventArgs e)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Button.OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs mevent)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmMouseUp(Message& m, MouseButtons button, Int32 clicks)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m)
   at System.Windows.Forms.ButtonBase.WndProc(Message& m)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Button.WndProc(Message& m)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.OnMessage(Message& m)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m)
   at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)
« Last Edit: 2013-08-07 15:15:25 by cmh175 »


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Re: 7thHeaven
« Reply #230 on: 2013-08-07 15:21:15 »

That's already there. It will probably be set up correctly already - it fills in automatically if it's blank - and your mod folder in Aali's driver might also be set up correctly. Just worth mentioning as something to check if it doesn't work.
All that stuff already worked as far as a glance test, the kinks that were left have now been addressed, but I'm sure we will find a couple more. 1.06 looks like a winner. I'm going to start creating the iro files out of the 100 or so mods I have for hosting (does not include movie mods, I have not tested 7thHeaven with a movie iro yet, nor a foldered one) because the packaging system seems finished. I cannot thank you enough for all your hard work Iros. It is really a pleasure testing your program. Even if you suddenly stopped working on it I think it is pretty much a living breathing thing now. How's that for anthropomorphizing code??  :evil: :evil:

Honestly what we need now is a good playthrough test that uses a lot of mods in every part of the game through 7thHeaven. Try to make sure the program really is doing all the different (many) lgps and other system file injections correctly. I'm eager to see if it can do an .iro install of something super sophisticated like Ultima Espio's Aeris Revival without being adjusted. The structure is there, we just need to test it and get back to Iros. I cannot run all the tests I could think of and still get done what I need to do to build the catalog. 

If anyone following the thread and wanting to make iro packages is wondering about ff7 file structure: this is the best resource for that I know of.
« Last Edit: 2013-08-07 15:24:46 by Template »


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Re: 7thHeaven
« Reply #231 on: 2013-08-07 15:29:29 »
So I rewrapped my fmv iro using 10.6 and tried adding it again and got the same message. I also tried just putting it into the 7thheaven library file and it doesn't automatically add it either. Does that feature still work? I cant get it to do that with Kaldarashas mods either. Importing seems to work fine, except with mine, but than I have two copies of the .iro's.

Silly question, but ... are you sure you tried importing the new iro file (created with v1.06) not the older one?

If so, then I guess the iro code is still broken :/


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Re: 7thHeaven
« Reply #232 on: 2013-08-07 15:36:39 »
I'll do a fmv test with his files.


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Re: 7thHeaven
« Reply #233 on: 2013-08-07 15:38:05 »
No I understand, user error is always the first thing to check before digging into other possibilities. I actually deleted 1.05 first so I'm pretty sure. Although...I have been overwriting the iro, not making it from scratch each time. Could that be a factor?

I'm uploading the fmv pack and I'll send it to both of you so you guys can check this out too. May help troublehsooting the code of you have the mod causing the problem.

      ~Nope, erasing old iro and making a new one from scratch makes no difference. The pack is nearly uploaded, I'll pm it to you guys in a minute.
« Last Edit: 2013-08-07 15:45:08 by cmh175 »


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Re: 7thHeaven
« Reply #234 on: 2013-08-07 15:43:28 »
No, it's OK - I've had another look at the code, and I've screwed up the IRO creation code. You still can't create iro files >2GB correctly.

(The wrapper will read them fine now. Not much use when you still can't create them, though...)


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Re: 7thHeaven
« Reply #235 on: 2013-08-07 15:46:18 »
Oh, damn. Than the iro I just uploaded isn't any good lol.


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Re: 7thHeaven
« Reply #236 on: 2013-08-07 15:47:16 »
OK, no problem at all, I'm still working on smaller .iro files and there seems to be no issues with packaging <2GB.
Man, I wish I could upload files that fast. 3.2GB would take me many hours. I'm unlikely to be packing movie mods into iros and hosting them.
This whole >2GB thing is purely theoretical, though I can understand wanting to fix it just for completion sake. For the most part, we have no mods that need to be installed that are that large. It would allow for entire packages of mods to be installed from one .iro (like a Tifa's Bootleg lite option) that included every kind of mod(even movies) and was completely configurable, however. That was the far off plan I had. The xml file will be a nightmare... Like a real program almost.
« Last Edit: 2013-08-07 15:52:58 by Template »


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Re: 7thHeaven
« Reply #237 on: 2013-08-07 15:53:20 »
OK, no problem at all, I'm still working on smaller .iro files and there seems to be no issues with packaging <2GB.
Man, I wish I could upload files that fast. 3.2GB would take me many hours. I'm unlikely to be packing movie mods into iros and hosting them.

Well for one I'm at work with a 1gbps connection lol. I'm also using google drive which has pretty fast download speeds so getting your copy wont take too long. I'm also archiving the file with 7zip and dividing the file into smaller ones, so downloading will go even faster.

I'll upload the unwrapped version so Template can test 7thheaven with fmvs and you can test wrapping larger iro's.
« Last Edit: 2013-08-07 15:55:43 by cmh175 »


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Re: 7thHeaven
« Reply #238 on: 2013-08-07 16:11:00 »
Ah, good call, I can download fast, just upload is really sluggish. I'll make the .iro myself and test it once 1.07 is up.

I'd say if Iros fixes that today he deserves a Kiwi Parade!


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Re: 7thHeaven
« Reply #239 on: 2013-08-07 17:02:14 »
OK, no problem at all, I'm still working on smaller .iro files and there seems to be no issues with packaging <2GB.
Man, I wish I could upload files that fast. 3.2GB would take me many hours. I'm unlikely to be packing movie mods into iros and hosting them.
This whole >2GB thing is purely theoretical, though I can understand wanting to fix it just for completion sake. For the most part, we have no mods that need to be installed that are that large. It would allow for entire packages of mods to be installed from one .iro (like a Tifa's Bootleg lite option) that included every kind of mod(even movies) and was completely configurable, however. That was the far off plan I had. The xml file will be a nightmare... Like a real program almost.

With that idea in mind for down the line what's the limit we maybe looking at for iro's?


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Re: 7thHeaven
« Reply #240 on: 2013-08-07 18:21:15 »

-Fixed iro size limit ... again
-Fixed auto-import option

I really hope iro files >2GB work this time...

The auto import wasn't working (and even was it was working, it didn't bring in details like author/preview picture etc.) That should be fixed now - if you just drop a folder (or a iro file) into your library, next time you start 7thHeaven, it will automatically add them to the list.

You should remember that if you do use the 'uninstall' right click option that DOES delete the mod from the disk, though. 


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Re: 7thHeaven
« Reply #241 on: 2013-08-07 19:50:45 »
Works great so far. I cant test if it'll actually play the fmvs from the .iro till later, but it can pack and import large files just fine.

~Ok finally got to test 1.07 with Kaldarashas mod and my fmv iro and it works great. To ensure it really worked I deleted all of the videos in the movies folder. There is a bit of a lag when I launch the game, but it's probably only about 5 seconds. I'm not sure what that'll be like when paired with other large mods like Ozmys backgrounds though. Template mentioned more stress tests I think. Otherwise it's working great though.
« Last Edit: 2013-08-08 02:00:54 by cmh175 »


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Re: 7thHeaven
« Reply #242 on: 2013-08-08 07:05:07 »
Well, I can't find anything that doesn't work like it is supposed to on this program anymore--so I'm going off to Washington now with a suit and tie. Wish me luck! 


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Re: 7thHeaven
« Reply #243 on: 2013-08-08 13:53:42 »
when i try to run the game through 7th heaven, it tell's me to insert disc 1 :(


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Re: 7thHeaven
« Reply #244 on: 2013-08-08 14:13:12 »

I entered the first subscription posted on page 3, but it immediately closes and gives me this error every time now. I deleted the entire folder and extracted a new one, but I still get the same error, so somehow I'm stuck in this endless loop and unable to open the program to change the setting. I haven't tried rebooting yet, but I need to run out the door now.

Any ideas Iros?


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Re: 7thHeaven
« Reply #245 on: 2013-08-08 14:33:12 »
Clearly something isn't working right with the Mega code :/  Not quite sure exactly what the problem is yet, the error message doesn't seem to be exactly correct.

To reset your settings, if you go to C:\Users\<YOURUSERNAME>\AppData\Roaming\7thWorkshop then delete the 'settings.xml' file that will remove any subscriptions so you can at least run the program properly.


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Re: 7thHeaven
« Reply #246 on: 2013-08-08 16:13:31 »
when i try to run the game through 7th heaven, it tell's me to insert disc 1 :(

I wrote a quick tutorial on how to fix that.

I'll add to this since I had some trouble getting this to work.

I got errors if I launch the wrapper normally so you'll need to set it to run as administrator. Set up 7thwrapper as you see in Templates pictures. That parts pretty easy. Add FF7music.exe to Also Launch, it's in the ff7 music folder. Then just select what options you want. For this mod you'll need the first three options, the base models are optional and not necessary if you use bootleg. You can also add other mods by just adding an extra file in the wrapped folder, and putting in files with matching game file names. So like if you want to use different field animation files you'd put them in wrapper\extra folder\char.lgp. You'll do the same with Bloodshots new Motorball model, it's already set up this way so just drag in the file inside of the 7thwrapper folder. When you open 7thwrapper your extra folder will be listed, just check it too. 

The harder part can be making the game actually open when you hit launch. The game needs to mounted to the D\. So first go into the ff7 game file (games\final fantasy\ff7). Inside you'll see an ff7_cd.exe. Click that and you'll see a command prompt come up. This will allow you to tell bootloader where to mount the game. Type in D and hit enter. Now open bootloader and hit the mount button. If it says it went to the D\ then you're all set. If not you need to open windows Disk Manager. Hit start menu and type Disk Manager, you want the option that says create and edit hard drive partitions. When it opens see if anything else is listed as D. It may currently be your dvd drive. Right click it and select "change drive letter and paths". Hit "change" on the following window. In the drop down menu on the right it'll show the current drive letter. Change it to what ever you like. It'll show a warning when you hit ok. This is only important if you're changing a drive with drive path dependent programs installed. Hit ok and close it out. Now do the same for the games drive and change it to D. The game could work now, but restart your computer first. Now reopen bootloader. Set the drive so it says D. If it's not available hit mount, and check again. Sometimes it'll only show D as an option after it's mounted. Reset it to D and hit mount again. Now reopen 7thwrapper and hit launch. It should work now, if not you may have something else set up incorrectly. You'll need to post your settings in bootloader, and the error 7thwrapper gives you. Always check the drive the game's mounted to first though, if that's incorrect nothing else will help.

Also, you can change the games settings in bootloader. The only options I've found that don't seem to work with 7thwrapper is turning off "disable popup" and turning on "direct" mode. Also if you plug in a thumb drive or external hard drive that uses the D you'll need to change that too. 

This is the Facepalmer background option in Bootleg. I've tried all of them and this is the one I'd recommend. If you haven't used Bootleg yet I'd start there, it automatically installs several mods for you and allows you to select other game changing options. The Improved and Unshaded mod with 7thwrapper works outside of bootleg, so the models you select for the main characters in bootleg are irrelevant as they wont be used when you start the game.


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Re: 7thHeaven
« Reply #247 on: 2013-08-08 17:46:20 »
Edit: When you have a lot of active mods, organizing their priority order can be difficult. I'm not sure how to go about making that more user-friendly. Perhaps some way to change a mod's number in the list? Maybe cut/paste? Maybe we live with it and the big configurable iros I'm ripping out of bootleg installs will take care of having so many different mods. I'm going to put up simple versions of individual mods that will work fine whether you have bootleg installed or not up first. The configurable packages will come later. 

I actually did the first install without bootleg I've done in a long time last night. There's something fixed about the sound I can't quite put my finger on. 
« Last Edit: 2013-08-09 09:46:39 by Template »


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Re: 7thHeaven
« Reply #248 on: 2013-08-09 09:46:24 »
I have problems with my mods  packed to an iro.

Sorry, I couldn't resist...  :-P

My problem, is that the configurations I do aren't used in game. I have tried to use subfolders, I believe this is not compatible with an iro.  :?
Also my base mod isn't set correctly, the default value is normally '1', but it seems so, that it is '0' when it is first use as a packed iro.

For the next release, could you please make an expand and minimize mod info. It will getting hard to sort the mods to a correct load order, if there are used more then seven mods.


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Re: 7thHeaven
« Reply #249 on: 2013-08-09 09:51:50 »
He looks like maybe he's contemplating the Meaning of Life.

I have just tested your #3 Unshaded mod, I can change clouds sword style without issue. Which mod is not working correctly for you?

Edit: I was not precise. The changes to clouds field sword model work from your Unshaded Models. The battle change from the UM batlle Add-on config did not work.
« Last Edit: 2013-08-09 09:56:14 by Template »