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Messages - ChaosFenrir

Pages: [1]
If you are using the world map squall replacement, you might see more lag than if you're just using the world texture replacement, but there is some lag on the world map.  It might help if your processor is nice, but if I were you, I would try to set the processor affinity for FF8 to CPU 0 in the task manager - it might clear up a few things.
Thanks for the really fast reply. I figured out the problem, my pc was just strained from the modding and after i defraged a bit and restarted it works really well now, even with the character mod. Great job on this and thanks again for your reply.

Used the mod and went to balamb wm and works great! Good job on this . But it slowdowns a little bit for me, is that a general problem of mod compatibillity or it slows because the rescale needs a good machine to take it ? I have tripod, seed reborn, pj eden, RaW and the Character Txt replacement . Is any of those not compatible?

Graphical / Re: [FF8-steam] Character texture replacement
« on: 2014-10-24 18:14:47 »
I tried every area in Balamb Garden and Balamb town but still doesnt show up for me. I don't understand whats the problem , do i need to add support for these textures to tonberry or something?
Thx also for the fast replys.

Graphical / Re: [FF8-steam] Character texture replacement
« on: 2014-10-23 22:02:16 »
I probably have it correct , maybe i just haven't run across the specific parts you speak of. Can you give me a place to test that you know works for sure?

Graphical / Re: [FF8-steam] Character texture replacement
« on: 2014-10-23 16:28:04 »
And one more thing, i change the "objfile" to "objmap" and he says to copy the text on it at the end , but for me the file doesn't have anything when i first open it. Is it supposed to be like that?

Graphical / Re: [FF8-steam] Character texture replacement
« on: 2014-10-23 16:13:43 »
Do you have the Steam version of FF8? Omzy's mod only works for the Steam version.

Yes i have the steam version and have others mods installed as well. This just doesn't seem to work. You put the textures in the texture folder in tonberry right?

Graphical / Re: [FF8-steam] Character texture replacement
« on: 2014-10-23 04:23:19 »
Seems great but i can't get it to working. Did everything you say , but still doesn't work. Someone reply and help please!!

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