Author Topic: [In Development] FF8 Voiceover Project  (Read 127876 times)


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Re: [In Development] FF8 Voiceover Project
« Reply #75 on: 2015-05-03 03:40:41 »
on the music volume side of things, I was thinking it would be like kingdom hearts, where when the voice acting happens the music drops in volume, and when there is no voice acting it will return to its original volume, but it seems after seeing your Squall's Speech during the Garden Battle video that the music will always be at a lower than normal volume.
Actually, the mod already does this on a by-cutscene basis. Your game music while exploring will be normal, and will only be reduced during cutscenes.

If you have a few hours free, you can go to my twitch archive and watch me play through most of the game with partial voices. I give a lot of developer commentary on various things, some of which you've talked about here.


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Re: [In Development] FF8 Voiceover Project
« Reply #76 on: 2015-05-03 04:31:52 »
okay I watched that video.

Squall, Rinoa, Zell and Quistis sound really good

Seifer sounds not like what I expected, he's sounds okay-ish to me, sorry if that offends the voice actor, but not everyone can like everyone's voice.

Headmaster cid sounds a bit too young, I envisioned a different voice.

everything flows so much better as well, there are real pauses in speech that match what would be spoken by someone, I don't know why the game doesn't represent that correctly with the game's text.

I noticed that you fixed some of the dialog as well, like when quistis says you need to pass 'this prerequisite', you changed it to pass 'the prerequisite', which makes sense, since there is only one prerequisite.

it's cool that you allow skipping the texts and the voice skips it.

The echoes in the cavern do sound cool, I never took that into account when reading it without voice.

The music volume works really well, I can still appreciate the music while also hearing the voices.

I think the whole Guardian Forces thing being abbreviated to GF won't flow very well during speech at all, so I think it would be a good idea to consider changing the speech to say Guardian Force instead of GF, I mean honestly who would say that in real life?

I don't know what effect you're going to put on squalls voice when he's 'in thought', but I think it will have to be something different to normal speech, things like that have been done a lot in TV and movies, but I can't recall a specific case to link to you.
« Last Edit: 2015-05-03 04:57:35 by Rufus »


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Re: [In Development] FF8 Voiceover Project
« Reply #77 on: 2015-05-03 14:36:01 »
Wow, this project looks awesome  :o Im looking forward to the release! I'll definetely play FF8 again with this mod!  :mrgreen: Keep up the good work^^ If you need some voice acting i could help if needed. I have a professional Microphone and stuff. Just PM me  ;)


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Re: [In Development] FF8 Voiceover Project
« Reply #78 on: 2015-07-04 03:51:29 »
Is there any openings? What voices have no been done? if so, here is what i sound like. This is a video that i made a few years ago. I do know how to make quite a few accents too. So, if there is any NPC, main character, secondaries... I'm in.

Thank You,

The Video -


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Re: [In Development] FF8 Voiceover Project
« Reply #79 on: 2015-07-04 04:53:04 »
Oh yeah, Why not use a computer voice for all the voices that hasn't been done yet to kind of complete it, and as you get the real voices, replaces it? Just a suggestion?


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Re: [In Development] FF8 Voiceover Project
« Reply #80 on: 2015-07-04 07:07:09 »
Oh yeah, Why not use a computer voice for all the voices that hasn't been done yet to kind of complete it, and as you get the real voices, replaces it? Just a suggestion?
I have a program which lets me know which files haven't been made yet, and if I have temporary files there, I won't know when the project is done.

The project will likely have two releases. One will release when the voices are all there. The second will be a more polished version where the voices pan based on character location, and probably with more environmental effects for realism.


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Re: [In Development] FF8 Voiceover Project
« Reply #81 on: 2015-07-17 05:43:17 »
Watched all 5-6ish hours of your Disc 1 testing on Twitch.  Adrian (your Quistis VA) is freaking amazing!  I've listened to tons of her audition samples while lurking on BTVA, though this is the first project I've seen her talent in performance.



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Re: [In Development] FF8 Voiceover Project
« Reply #82 on: 2015-08-01 17:05:17 »
Hi, there! How the project is going? Do you need Xu's voice?


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Re: [In Development] FF8 Voiceover Project
« Reply #83 on: 2015-08-02 04:59:09 »
Hi, there! How the project is going? Do you need Xu's voice?
project has been a little slow the past few weeks, but i try to do a little evey day. I do still need a xu, however i am very busy at the moment. Send an audition and/or demo reel to [email protected]. i will check it in about two weeks when real life settles down.

You guys (people excited about the project) are the reason i do this. All the feedback i get is hughly valued.

Another Cloud

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Re: [In Development] FF8 Voiceover Project
« Reply #84 on: 2015-08-06 19:09:15 »
Awesome work Shard and everyone else involved.

Thank you so much for doing this.  I really like the voice acting and the added touch of filters (e.g. when Squall is talking over the PA).  Waiting on the mod to replay for a 4th time with my GF (the other kind of GF) as she has not played it.

I have been watching this project since its inception and realised that the progression (percentage complete) has not gone up in a while, was wondering if there is a revised release, if so, when?

Don't mean to pressure you in any way as this is a massive project that takes a lot of time, effort and co-ordination.

Also side point: It would be awesome if you made a bloopers reel when you have finished the project, both for us on the forums but also for you and the voice actors to look back on fondly.

Once again, keep up the awesome work!


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Re: [In Development] FF8 Voiceover Project
« Reply #85 on: 2015-08-07 22:15:29 »
I have been watching this project since its inception and realised that the progression (percentage complete) has not gone up in a while, was wondering if there is a revised release, if so, when?
The progress has gone up a bit, I just haven't updated the post. Off the top of my head, there are 2200 lines done. Most of what's  missing is squall, selphie, and various minor characters that are a low priority.

I've had severe scheduling problems the past few months, which is why progress has been so slow recently.  I still hope to release it this year, but not everything about the progress is under my control. None of the actors (nor myself) are being paid for this, and many of us have lives and jobs that prioritize this project, and we should all respect that.

The good news is that pretty much all the scripting is done (that was far more tedious than editing sound files), so the only thing left to do is to record the actors and edit their recordings.
Also side point: It would be awesome if you made a bloopers reel when you have finished the project, both for us on the forums but also for you and the voice actors to look back on fondly.
This is doable, but I think I'd rather let aussieroth handle the blooper reel. He loves making those. I plan to give him the raw files for his enjoyment when it's all done.
« Last Edit: 2015-08-07 22:18:06 by Shard »


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Re: [In Development] FF8 Voiceover Project
« Reply #86 on: 2015-09-29 02:07:00 »
From one audio modder to another, keep it up! I'm rooting for you and for this awesome project. This will definitely give me a reason to replay FF8 when it's done.


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Winter Update
« Reply #87 on: 2015-11-15 23:30:02 »
Hey guys. I know the project must look dead or dying, so I wanted to give you all an update and let you know where we are right now.

Over 1/3 of the lines are finalized and are working in the game. Many of the talented actors that signed up for this project have finished all or most of their lines. All of the technical work is done (with the exception of the Zell minigame I'm adding, which is still in progress). Every time I have to playtest the mod, I end up playing way longer than I have to because everything sounds so good.

Things have slowed down recently because a few of the actors have dropped from the project over the last year without finishing their lines (luckily some of them didn't even start their lines so I lost nothing). In the next few months I will be looking for people to replace them, as well as try to cast the remaining parts that weren't cast previously (a few of the minor roles are still up for grabs).

The project will kick back into full gear once I get those roles sorted out and those actors begin recording. Thank you all for being so patient and supportive. I can't wait to get this out to all of you.
« Last Edit: 2015-11-15 23:53:21 by Shard »


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Re: [In Development] FF8 Voiceover Project
« Reply #88 on: 2015-11-17 15:18:25 »
Hi Shard. Hope you are doing great. I only registered on this website to reply to you. I want to say that the work you and your team are doing is ABOLUTELY FABULOUS, MARVELOUS AND FANTASTIC. Those voiceovers took the game to a whole new level! I absolutely love it and am dying to play it!! You guys are putting Squarenix to shame with the amount of quality and hard work you are putting into this. I wonder why the actual developers who have millions of dollars at their disposal do not put such passionate effort into the game. I want to wish you good luck on endeavor and you have my well wishes. Please keep up the awesome work and see this project to its completion. You will immortalize FF8 if you finish this. Love you guys. Take care and godspeed!  :)


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Re: [In Development] FF8 Voiceover Project
« Reply #89 on: 2015-11-17 19:13:05 »
Hey guys. I know the project must look dead or dying, so I wanted to give you all an update and let you know where we are right now.

Over 1/3 of the lines are finalized and are working in the game. Many of the talented actors that signed up for this project have finished all or most of their lines. All of the technical work is done (with the exception of the Zell minigame I'm adding, which is still in progress). Every time I have to playtest the mod, I end up playing way longer than I have to because everything sounds so good.

Things have slowed down recently because a few of the actors have dropped from the project over the last year without finishing their lines (luckily some of them didn't even start their lines so I lost nothing). In the next few months I will be looking for people to replace them, as well as try to cast the remaining parts that weren't cast previously (a few of the minor roles are still up for grabs).

The project will kick back into full gear once I get those roles sorted out and those actors begin recording. Thank you all for being so patient and supportive. I can't wait to get this out to all of you.

Hey Shard - I'm always going to be around, seeing as I'm so deeply rooted into the FF8 mods side of things, so I would absolutely love to be a part of this project.  I'm a multi-faceted voice actor who can fill whatever male role you need.  I guess I should make a demo reel or something for you, but I do have some FF8 let's play videos where you can hear my 'true' voice here:
And here's something I created and voiced for fun - testing out some animation ideas.

I can do a lot of voices and have a lot of experience in dramatic and theater acting, along with an extensive choral background.  Just let me know if you need any help!  At least you know I'll stick around ;)

Another Cloud

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Re: [In Development] FF8 Voiceover Project
« Reply #90 on: 2015-11-18 21:11:27 »
Thanks for the update Shard!

It is great to see you so optimistic about powering through this set back - I really feel for you, having to organise this and then having people drop out wasting time and the momentum you built up.

I have a few questions:

Did the Squall Voice Actor finish his lines?

Will there be some sort of effect over Squalls voice acting in regards to his internal thoughts? I.e will we be able to "hear" that they are thoughts?

I don't mean to tell you how to do your "job" but maybe it would be worth recruiting a single voice actor at a time and doing all their lines in isolation? Just so you can compartmentalize progress - which should prevent/limit any future waste and also make things easier for you to organise.  This would likely mean the whole process takes longer but would decrease the stress on you.
E.g. hiring an actor for Squall - recording all his lines intensively for 3 months and integrating into the game.

Finally, if things did, unfortunately, go wrong and the mod could not be finished - is it in such a state that everything you have done thus far could be released?

Anyhow - thanks for reading, I really appreciate your work on this and your positivity in not letting this set back defeat you - when I replay the game with your mod in it I will have to honour your efforts and rename one of the characters Shard (maybe Selphie? She is the optimistic one after all...).



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Re: [In Development] FF8 Voiceover Project
« Reply #91 on: 2015-11-19 15:34:16 »
Did the Squall Voice Actor finish his lines?
No. In fact, he has the most lines left to do.

Will there be some sort of effect over Squalls voice acting in regards to his internal thoughts? I.e will we be able to "hear" that they are thoughts?
Yes. His inner dialogue will be echo-ey.

I don't mean to tell you how to do your "job" but maybe it would be worth recruiting a single voice actor at a time and doing all their lines in isolation?
My free time isn't an issue. Every actor who has finished recording (or at least gotten to the 99% point) did it in just a few months, I was working with all of them concurrently. The problem is that sometimes it's hard for the actors to find a time that's convenient for them. (Also, now that I'm employed, I'm unavailable for 9 hours each weekday).
E.g. hiring an actor for Squall - recording all his lines intensively for 3 months and integrating into the game.
Nobody is making any money off this. I intend to keep it that way.

Finally, if things did, unfortunately, go wrong and the mod could not be finished - is it in such a state that everything you have done thus far could be released?
As far as the scripting, yes. Check the Hacktuar thread for details on that. As far as voices go, since only about 1/3 of the voices are working, I feel it would detract from your play experience, rather than enhance it. You would be playing what clearly feels like an unfinished project. I won't release any voice files until the project is at least 95% voiced, and that would only be for prerelease testing.

when I replay the game with your mod in it I will have to honour your efforts and rename one of the characters Shard (maybe Selphie? She is the optimistic one after all...).
In FF8 you can only name Squall, Rinoa, the dog, and the GFs. Unfortunately this is not a feature I can change (I tried :P).

When this releases, you can show your support by having Square hire me and my actors to voice the English FF8 remake that, if trends continue, they will make for 2019.


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Re: [In Development] FF8 Voiceover Project
« Reply #92 on: 2015-12-07 08:05:06 »
I really hope this mod actually finishes. I also wish I could be involved but it looks like everything is mostly sorted at this moment. Ill have to keep an eye on this squall situation though...


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Re: [In Development] FF8 Voiceover Project
« Reply #93 on: 2015-12-09 01:25:25 »
I only made this account to say what mostly for sure say already, keep up this amazing project.
I'm so excited to get this mod finished.  T_T


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Re: [In Development] FF8 Voiceover Project
« Reply #94 on: 2015-12-09 02:51:34 »
Hey, if you need my voice for FF8 or FF7, just ask. My voice, from what i was told, calm, medium pitched voice. doesn't have a booming voice, never got that when usually people get that in upper 20s, i didn't. i posted a youtube a few months back but wanted to let you know i'm still here. :)


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Re: [In Development] FF8 Voiceover Project
« Reply #95 on: 2015-12-10 07:31:38 »
really look forward to this, i will play through the game again when this gets finished.


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Re: [In Development] FF8 Voiceover Project
« Reply #96 on: 2015-12-21 04:09:44 »
Have considered auditioning for Irvine but I've got next to no voice acting experience.


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Re: [In Development] FF8 Voiceover Project
« Reply #97 on: 2016-03-18 00:50:29 »
its been awhile can we get an update on progress please really looking forward to completion


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Re: [In Development] FF8 Voiceover Project
« Reply #98 on: 2016-03-18 04:19:48 »
Within the next few weeks, I'm going to post a re-cast thread for the roles that weren't originally cast and for the roles that have become available due to some actors not being able to finish the project. Most of the characters that have been recorded have been completed, it's just a matter of recording for characters that don't have actors yet. The percentage posted is still fairly accurate.


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Re: [In Development] FF8 Voiceover Project
« Reply #99 on: 2016-04-19 00:47:16 »
For those who missed auditions the first time around and want to be a part of the project, your chance is here!