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Messages - Fischkopf

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Team Avalanche / Re: [HD Remake] WIP Sector 5 slums
« on: 2015-02-06 17:37:01 »
So how much of the backgrounds are already finished? I would really like to see all those beautiful renders in the game, even if it's just the first few screens of the game. :)

Team Avalanche / Re: [HD Remake] Sector 6 Slums
« on: 2015-02-02 08:46:43 »
I think in the future you should probably start asking people for the original model file (or at least a .psd file with all the layers), even if it's just a WIP version, because WAY too often works just gets lost. Hell, even make it obligatory...

Some people come here, start one scene, maybe leaving some finished rendered images without layers (which are usable but a pain in the ass to edit), or renders of unfinished work with great potential, but never come back to the forums to finish it, and didn't leave the model file for someone else to finish it...

Graphical / Re: [WIP] Goblins Bar (FMV Project)
« on: 2015-01-27 18:01:52 »
Awesome, can't wait for the whole pack. :)

Catalogs / Re: 7th Heaven Mod Requests - To Do List
« on: 2015-01-25 21:53:45 »
"AC Style Yuffie" (by Grimmy) should be included as well i think, I always liked that one in Bootleg. And the option to use all battle models as field models (and vice versa) and select them individually would be nice of course.

Releases / Re: [FF7PC] German FFVII Reworked (BETA 0.4)
« on: 2015-01-25 21:41:25 »
Any news on the 7th heaven version? I'd like to use this with all the other mods.^^

Yeah, it was the backslash. Works now, thanks a lot :D

I didn't realize a minor detail such as a missing backslash can make such a huge impact...

Yeah it is activated and I've chosen DLPBs movies. The other mods do seem to work, such as the enhanced backgrounds, models, animations, battle backgrounds, etc. only the movies won't work. Even if I disable and then re-enable the movies it won't work.

here is the new log file:

Code: [Select]
[00000000] INFO: FFMpeg movie player plugin loaded
[00000000] INFO: FFMpeg version SVN-r25886, Copyright (c) 2000-2010 Fabrice Bellard, et al.
[00000000] INFO: VGMStream music plugin loaded
[00000000] INFO: Loading external library Multi.dll
[00000001] initializing sound...
[00000001] creating dsound primary buffer
[00000001] reading audio file
[00000001] loading static sounds
[00000001] sound initialized
[00000001] set music volume: 127
[00000001] set music volume: 127
[00000001] Entering MAIN
[00000001] Exiting MAIN
[00000001] START OF CREDITS!!!
[00000001] ERROR: couldn't open movie file: C:\spiele\Final Fantasy VII\data\movieseidoslogo.avi
[00000001] ERROR: couldn't open movie file: C:\spiele\Final Fantasy VII\data\moviessqlogo.avi
[00000002] set music volume: 127
[00000117] set music volume trans: 127->0, step=60
[00000182] END OF CREDITS!!!
[00000182] Entering MAIN
[00000182] set music volume: 127
[00000182] Exiting MAIN
[00000182] START OF MENU SYSTEM!!!
[00000468] END OF MENU SYSTEM!!!
[00000468] Entering MAIN
[00000472] Exiting MAIN
[00000472] Field Start
[00000473] ERROR: couldn't open movie file: C:\spiele\Final Fantasy VII\data\moviesopening.avi
[00001314] Entering MAIN
[00001316] Exiting MAIN
[00001316] START OF MENU SYSTEM!!!
[00001678] END OF MENU SYSTEM!!!
[00001678] Entering MAIN
[00001680] Exiting MAIN
[00001680] Field Start
[00003156] Field Quit
[00003156] Entering MAIN
[00003156] Exiting MAIN
[00003156] Entering FRAME_INITIALIZE SWIRL
[00003156] Exitting FRAME_INITIALIZE SWIRL

I have now changed the registry key, and the game has applied the new path but movies still won't play. Could it have something to do with he fact that the movie folder is empty? There is a 4GB sized "c6530ff8-dc04-4e5e-9908-4a0590f5e2f1_Media___Movies_1.0.iro" in my mods\7th Heaven folder though.  I don't know what to do now... I pretty much have done everything according to the tutorial.

Alright that doesn't sound too hard, where do I find that config file, or the registry key respectively?

Unfortunately I have a bug which prevents movies from being played...

When I start a new game it just skips the movies, goes to a black screen and shows error message  "d:/FF7/Movies/ not found" or something like that, although that's NOT the path I have specified. In fact I specified "C:\spiele\Final Fantasy VII\data\movies"... Do you know what could have caused this and how to fix it? Here is my log file:

Code: [Select]
[00000000] INFO: FF7/FF8 OpenGL driver version 0.8.1b
[00000000] INFO: Auto-detected version: FF7 1.02 US English
[00000000] INFO: NVIDIA Corporation GeForce GTX 970/PCIe/SSE2 4.5.0 NVIDIA 347.09
[00000000] INFO: OpenGL 2.0 support detected
[00000000] INFO: Using PBO
[00000000] INFO: Found swap_control extension
[00000000] INFO: Max texture size: 16384x16384
[00000000] INFO: Original resolution 640x480, window size 1920x1080, output resolution 1920x1080, internal resolution 3840x2160
[00000000] INFO: Shader limits: varying 124, vert uniform 4096, frag uniform 2048
[00000000] INFO: FFMpeg movie player plugin loaded
[00000000] INFO: FFMpeg version SVN-r25886, Copyright (c) 2000-2010 Fabrice Bellard, et al.
[00000000] INFO: VGMStream music plugin loaded
[00000000] INFO: Loading external library Multi.dll
[00000001] initializing sound...
[00000001] creating dsound primary buffer
[00000001] reading audio file
[00000001] loading static sounds
[00000001] sound initialized
[00000001] set music volume: 127
[00000001] set music volume: 127
[00000001] Entering MAIN
[00000001] Exiting MAIN
[00000001] START OF CREDITS!!!
[00000001] ERROR: couldn't open movie file: D:\FF7\Movies\eidoslogo.avi
[00000001] ERROR: couldn't open movie file: D:\FF7\Movies\sqlogo.avi
[00000002] set music volume: 127
[00001049] set music volume trans: 127->0, step=60
[00001114] END OF CREDITS!!!
[00001114] Entering MAIN
[00001114] set music volume: 127
[00001114] Exiting MAIN
[00001114] START OF MENU SYSTEM!!!
[00001482] END OF MENU SYSTEM!!!
[00001482] Entering MAIN
[00001486] Exiting MAIN
[00001486] Field Start
[00001487] ERROR: couldn't open movie file: D:\FF7\Movies\opening.avi
[00001587] WM_CLOSE
[00001587] Field Quit

Since Bootleg hasn't been updated in a very long time, I'm wondering:

Does 7th Heaven include everything that Bootleg Configurator 0.40 included, if not even more? Secondly, does it work on a pre-modded Bootleg installation?
Reposting in case this has been overlooked...

Since Bootleg hasn't been updated in a very long time, I'm wondering:

Does 7th Heaven include everything that Bootleg Configurator 0.40 included, if not even more? Secondly, does it work on a pre-modded Bootleg installation?

Graphical / Re: [FF8-steam] Character texture replacement
« on: 2014-10-28 17:00:15 »
This looks awesome, great to finally see some actual FF8 modding going on.

I guess the era of FF8 modding has begun just NOW.  :-D

I guess you will include all the latest Team Avalanche releases, like Guard Scorpion, Sweper, etc...?

Releases / Re: [Project] FF7 Re-animated
« on: 2014-07-12 13:32:58 » this still a thing?
Seconded. This mod had so much potential with the breathing animations and all, but it wasn't in perfect playable condition yet. What thas happened???

Releases / Re: [REL] No Chibis in FMVs
« on: 2014-07-12 13:28:29 »
This is a good start, you still have to make them look less like you inserted some flat  jpegs or so, just animate the characters a little more.  :)

Q-Gears / Re: Current state.
« on: 2014-07-12 13:24:02 »
Hello, long time no see  :)

How is q-gears progress going. Din you manage add something new features?

B... but the whole time, I thought YOU were the developer.... :o

Graphical / Re: New HQ Barret Project
« on: 2014-05-07 19:05:55 »
Sorry, the links were an accident. They didn't had to do something with this project.
Your phone doesn't run PSX emus???

I've been wondering, when there will be a new version of bootleg? Many great mods have come out since the last version. :)

The "remake" is not a remake but a lazy excuse and a disgrace to the original. They're not even financing remakes like this because that's how much of a sh*t they give about what they're making these days. And they're newer games I don't even want to talk about.

You know what? Turn based combat rules. Random combats rule.

There, I said it. I love to stay in one area for hours and keep grinding. Because it always feels like I have accomplished something. A feeling which the series didn't provide since FF XII. Maybe I'm the only one who thinks like this... That's why I don't give a f*ck about what they're making now.

Those look amazing, anyone wanna make a video and show them how they look in-game?

Q-Gears / Re: Current state.
« on: 2013-09-07 11:27:04 »
So how far is the game playable now, with this implementation? I already dream of play FFVII withs all the graphics enhancement mods like on pc, on a tablet.

Here's what i have to say: Do it yourself. Seriously. Anyone can have ideas, does neither mean yours is either more amazing nor does it mean it's more important. And it doesn't mean other people have implement them for you. People have to do sh*t. Before you have a big mouth, think about doing it yourself. Nobody here is your caregiver.

Instead of begging for realization, what about doing it yourself, smarty pants? ;)

Anyone here has great ideas, myself included, doesn't mean anyone other than you will put them to reality. Also there are more efficient upscaling methods, see:

There has to be a way... we need those models. they are the only well designed high definition characters for ff8...

He's using the standard models.^^

The great textures make them look more "highres".

Hey PitBrad i noticed some problems with the german text, most of the text in the menu options is displayed wrong. For instance, when i start the game it shows:

Load Game

Or in a shop dialog it says "Chocobo Treffen" (meet chocobo)

But the german dialogue text seems correct, only some menu options are wrong.

My BratCode is: 01010601010100000010111131111002212111221121151200112

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