2.0 is delayed, will make a post about it in more detail.
What were you using to play the game (1998, Steam, R06, 7h 1.0, 7h 2.0) and are there other mods in play? It's likely some issue with memory or the driver.
Regarding 2.0, there's too much been going on the last couple of weeks and I decided to delay it rather than continue rushing it. To make up for it, I've put some stuff together for a 1.5 patch that has some additional features/content to go along with bugfixes. That'll be going out tonight or tomorrow.
Ah, that's a bummer. But it's understandable of course; you need to progress at your own pace. Lots of bad stuff is happening in the world right now. Take your time. We all have our priorities.
I have a suggestion that could go into 2.0. It's a small thing but I think it's important. My friend was playing New Threat the other day, and he was having a blast as it was his first time playing FF7 at all. His enjoyment ran into a hiccup when he got to the end of the first disc though. When it came time for Cloud to swing his sword at Aerith, my friend made the wrong choice. The dialogue choices are "go ahead" and "wait". My friend, having not played the game before but knowing that Aerith died, thought that this dialogue choice was in the original vanilla game and that it was a typical JRPG dialogue choice that had zero effect on story. So he chose "wait", which lead to Cloud using a phoenix down on Aerith after the boss. My friend thought that the mod was going to ask the player directly if they wanted to keep Aerith alive, so when the game asked him to save his progress, he did, and of course he only had one save slot used because this is Final Fantasy and not Mass Effect (I told him to lose this habit).
When he realized his mistake, he was upset because he wanted to experience the true storyline as he was really liking the story so far. Since he didn't know that Aerith could be reverted back to being dead once the player reaches the Highwind, he downloaded a save file from the Internet and picked the game back up where he was, but sans New Threat. While he is still very much enjoying the story, he misses New Threat a lot because he finds the vanilla combat really brain-dead and unchallenging. I knew he'd find it that way, which is why I suggested New Threat to him in the first place.
So with the context out of the way, could I suggest an alteration to the text of the dialogue choices that are offered to the player when they reach that part of the game? It would make it clearer for everyone what the effect of the choices are. The thing is, even for players who know going in that New Threat allows them to keep Aerith alive, the dialogue choices are not crystal clear as to how they are going to play out. They don't need to be brash or crude like "kill aerith" or "save aerith"; I was thinking more of something more descriptive along the lines of
"Proceed with the canonical storyline" and
"Diverge from the canonical storyline". I think it's fine, and preferable, if the text isn't diegetic, since it really only exists for the benefit of the player.
What do you all think?