Author Topic: Weapons mod not showing the correct bustersword.  (Read 3563 times)


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Weapons mod not showing the correct bustersword.
« on: 2018-09-14 22:24:09 »
When i select the crisis core buster sword with the Battle Models - Weapons mod, i get the classic buster sword made by Millenia instead of the crisis core one made by Mike.

Any idea? Im pretty sure i followed correctly all the mod order stuff and everything else.


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Re: Weapons mod not showing the correct bustersword.
« Reply #1 on: 2018-09-14 22:58:28 »
post your profile details.


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Re: Weapons mod not showing the correct bustersword.
« Reply #2 on: 2018-09-14 23:20:39 »
i have tried using the mod on its own and it will still do this but ok

This is the profile with all my other mods
Spoiler: show
Miscellaneous - Dynamic Cloud Weapons
   ID: 5d6a46f7-b0b0-43b1-88cb-f54de763c5b1
   Version: 2.33
   CloudSword = 1
   Sword = 4
   Dynamic = 1
Miscellaneous - Team Avalanche Fields
   ID: 72152e09-7b5c-4942-8465-afa154e20b08
   Version: 2.0
   field_ta = 1
Battle Models - Weapons
   ID: fe92e17c-f60d-4cf5-9c79-889f93d1edcb
   Version: 2.1
   weapons_aerith = 3
   weapons_caitsith = 1
   weapons_cloud = 2
   weapons_sephiroth = 1
   weapons_yuffie = 1
Field Models - Objects
   ID: 7f1274cf-3bf8-4ae6-a722-d2f374c902fc
   Version: 2.1
   huge_materia = 1
   materia = 2
   potions = 2
   save_point = 2
   ID: 653bb2b6-3999-4bb0-bc21-2ae299bb7b87
   Version: 2.1
   f_animation = 1
   w_animation = 1
   60fps = 0
   fba = 0
   fbn = 0
   fed = 0
   fs = 0
CharArt Battle Model TifaV2
   ID: 7dac22ad-dcd7-4dd7-874e-5625b15c1b0c
   Version: 2.00
CharArt Battle Model Barret
   ID: 52dfbb5a-49af-4ecf-9c5b-9c2dbaf463d2
   Version: 1.00
CharArt Battle Model Cid
   ID: 0611cc6f-48c2-4673-b617-c80c9b072411
   Version: 1.00
CharArt Battle Model Red XIII
   ID: b1dcd76e-0938-4d77-ac10-11e5f162d969
   Version: 1.00
CharArt Battle Model VincentValentine
   ID: ed5ba46e-1b48-46f7-a6f3-ee96390d6c7b
   Version: 1.00
CharArt Battle Model AerisV2
   ID: 59feba18-e68a-4267-a3d7-efdfc92999ea
   Version: 2.00
CharArt Battle Model YuffieV2
   ID: b13c5334-af98-4e26-974c-befd74a6adea
   Version: 2.00
CharArt Battle Model Sephiroth
   ID: 32ce2b9a-54b8-4393-8d26-9f77e9d26c3b
   Version: 1.00
CharArt Shinra Pack Compilation
   ID: c7048a1d-91fa-4b3c-877d-2bb450f3f80e
   Version: 1.00
Battle Models - Enemies
   ID: 267ef1d2-599c-4f4d-860c-b838f402c587
   Version: 2.1
   models_diamond = 0
   models_frogs = 2
   models_scorpion = 1
   models_jenova = 1
   models_joker = 1
   models_life_form = 1
   models_motorball = 1
   models_ruby = 0
   models_soldiers = 1
   models_sweeper = 1
Battle Textures
   ID: ad83c8b5-249d-41f9-84a4-cd35200da6af
   Version: 2.0
   battle_bg = 2
Field Models - Main Characters
   ID: efe1b0ec-6ce3-43f7-9659-f1bc9d36f60c
   Version: 2.2
   models_aerith = 2
   models_barret = 6
   models_caitsith = 1
   models_cid = 2
   models_cloud = 0
   models_redxiii = 3
   models_sephiroth = 1
   models_tifa = 4
   models_vincent = 2
   models_yuffie = 1
Field Models - Non-Player Characters
   ID: d329bc05-3dc0-4f35-94aa-632986f47194
   Version: 2.34
   models_base = 1
   models_biggs = 1
   models_jessie = 1
   models_wedge = 1
Field Textures - Omzy
   ID: 5ee78f47-6a2d-4981-8be5-c9afa763b965
   Version: 2.3
   field_bg = 1
Gameplay - Tweaks and Cheats
   ID: 3dbdfa3b-d97f-4cfc-9db8-223dbe0152bc
   Version: 2.2
   ar = 0
   cf = 1
   dm = 0
   isl = 0
   i = 0
   li = 0
   lcs = 0
   lt = 0
   nrb = 0
   spa = 0
   sc = 1
   sbo = 1
Media - Movies
   ID: 4f61f4cf-6733-4503-93f4-ed7fdfee21a6
   Version: 2.1
   movie = 2
Media - Music and Sound
   ID: 2bdd4a94-4b06-46ca-af0a-37b9dfef25aa
   Version: 2.1
   music = 5
   sound = 3
Menu - Avatars and Backdrops
   ID: aec06415-0f12-410b-ac43-f4e89e363729
   Version: 2.1
   avatars_aerith = 2
   avatars_barret = 2
   avatars_cait_sith = 2
   avatars_chocobo = 2
   avatars_cid = 2
   avatars_cloud = 2
   avatars_cloud_young = 2
   avatars_red_xiii = 2
   avatars_sephiroth = 2
   avatars_tifa = 2
   avatars_vincent = 2
   avatars_yuffie = 2
   game_over = 1
   prelude = 2
   start_menu = 7
Minigames Collection
   ID: ee718ab3-0aa5-43b2-b7bc-82c69fcd19d0
   Version: 2.31
   chocobo_models = 1
   condor_models = 1
   motorbike_models = 3
   chocobo_textures = 1
   coaster_textures = 1
   condor_textures = 1
   motorbike_textures = 1
   snowboard_textures = 1
   wonder_square = 1
Spell Textures
   ID: b97373a2-aa9f-40e3-9a3d-aeaa846391d4
   Version: 2.1
   magic = 2
   coin = 1
   limit = 1
The Reunion - Beacause and Menu Overhaul
   ID: 3ee8d570-ac8b-471e-ad3f-53de21248652
   Version: 2.1
   beacause = 1
   menu = 1
   break = 0
   hand = 0
   nbb = 0
   ncb = 0
World Models - Characters
   ID: a5b9a2f3-c9e3-4cbb-947a-1489ebeeb921
   Version: 2.1
   cid_world = 2
   cloud_world = 5
   tifa_world = 4
World Models - Enemies
   ID: 0d0cc481-4cc3-4e7e-9529-fa7077b38615
   Version: 2.0
   diamond = 2
   emerald = 1
   ruby = 1
   ultima = 1
World Models - Vehicles
   ID: 0e056cf4-7b37-49e1-aa9e-c57bc73db954
   Version: 2.0
   buggy = 1
   chocobo = 1
   highwind = 1
   submarine = 1
   tiny_bronco = 1
World Textures
   ID: 35e0906d-7da4-4da2-b10d-87149d291a38
   Version: 2.0
   world_bg = 3

This is the profile with just the mod installed

Battle Models - Weapons
   ID: fe92e17c-f60d-4cf5-9c79-889f93d1edcb
   Version: 2.1
   weapons_aerith = 3
   weapons_caitsith = 1
   weapons_cloud = 2
   weapons_sephiroth = 1
   weapons_yuffie = 1

In both cases it shows the Classic Buster sword instead of the Crisis Core one even when the mod's used on its own
« Last Edit: 2018-09-16 01:55:02 by EQ2Alyza »


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Re: Weapons mod not showing the correct bustersword.
« Reply #3 on: 2018-09-15 13:39:44 »
It's probably your Dynamic weapons mod, that mod changes your Buster style as well.
It's also at the top of your load order so whatever has been chosen in there is taking main priority

Oh okay, didn't see the bottom profile section, that eliminates that possibility.
It would have been my main guess though


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Re: Weapons mod not showing the correct bustersword.
« Reply #4 on: 2018-09-15 13:44:28 »
in your ff7 main folder open up ff7opengl.cfg and near the bottom there will be a line that says direct mode = . Make sure that says direct mode = on


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Re: Weapons mod not showing the correct bustersword.
« Reply #5 on: 2018-09-15 14:08:36 »
Direct mode is already set on on  :-\

## These options are mostly useful to modders and should not be enabled during normal play.

# read files directly instead of using LGP archives
# for example; if FF7 is looking for aaab.rsd in char.lgp, this option will make it open direct/char/aaab.rsd first,
# if this file doesn't exist it will look for the original in the LGP archive
direct_mode = on

# show every failed attempt at loading a .png texture
show_missing_textures = off

# extern additional library
load_library = Multi.dll

Funnily enough with the dynamic weapons mod on, on the field it shows the correct sword, only in battle it shows the wrong one.
« Last Edit: 2018-09-15 14:11:46 by KohryuZX »


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Re: Weapons mod not showing the correct bustersword.
« Reply #6 on: 2018-09-16 01:18:48 »
I didn't test most of the mods beyond starting a new game, jumping off the train, and initiating the first Shinra solder battle. There's too many mods to spend that much time testing deep gameplay, and I rely on users to report anything they see wrong. I think this is probably a mistake I made when compiling the files. I'll test it myself and try to fix it.

FYI though, I am finding it really difficult to release the next 7H update because...well, I've spent so many years on this project basically alone and I'm burnt out :(


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Re: Weapons mod not showing the correct bustersword.
« Reply #7 on: 2018-09-16 07:41:42 »
I can see how that would burn someone out that way so just take your time, i'll just use the classic buster sword while i wait, in the end its not that big a deal.

There is one thing i've got to ask, what happened to the old v1 catalog? A lot of mods seem to have been lost in the process to v2


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Re: Weapons mod not showing the correct bustersword.
« Reply #8 on: 2018-09-17 00:44:06 »
Someone give this girl and assist you are all talented people don't be shy.