I have an issue when I play after I used Hyne.
I'm in the second dream of Laguna, at the first fight with Estharian soldier, the ennemy appears, but my characters (Laguna, Kyros and Ward) don't. I tried to play a fight before the dream with Squall's team and it worked. I think it's because of the save because when I check Ward's weapon, it says 'e' instead of his weapon 'Harpoon'
Any ideas ? Or do I have to restart, nota long time lost but still.
Edit: Don't bother, I fixed it. I remember I changed the Unknow 2 field in the Unknow region in 'Miscellenous' ? (between CHocobo World and configuration, sorry I use the french version), I put the 32 like I see in an other save and it was back to normal.